sing || intro


Dec 30, 2022
⚘ he returns to camp with blue eyes wide and alert, two plump fish caught in his jaws. stepping through the entrance, merlintongue lifts a silvery-white head to take stock of the scene: it's a quiet morning, most cats resting in the sun, the sound of kits splashing not far off. this has been a very successful hunt — the rest of his patrol have brought back catches of their own, and he lets slip a proud purr as he drops his catch on the pile.

"what a lovely morning," the tom says to no one in particular, shaking stray droplets from silver tabby fur. he'd taken a dip to cool off once the fishing was done. "it's been awhile since we've brought so much home so early! the fish just waltzed right into our paws, didn't they...?"

merlintongue laughs, then turns a soft smile toward the clanmate nearest him, leaning to bump his shoulder against theirs. "i'm going to take a good, long rest and eat — care to join me?"

  • • MERLINTONGUE, HE/HIM • 48 moons • marshborn riverclan warrior • silver ticked tabby with sky-blue eyes and a soft white mane • tall, graceful, and strong • charismatic and kind, seeks out friendships • peaceful powerplay welcome •
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Tension and release- a long stretch meant to wake tired bones - jaws part wide in a mid-day yawn before a few satisfied licks move over their teeth. It is the wafting scent of food that catches the point's attention. A hunting patrol had returned with plenty to feast upon signaling the warm and forgiving nature of the change in season, no fear of starvation lingered... RiverClan, like the flowers in the fields, was blooming. They danced in the river's ripples like petals on its surface, gliding and following the current with harmless idleness.

Sizing up some of the fish with scrutinizing eyes, it was Merlintongue's joyful boasting and a well-intentioned shoulder bump that pulled their gaze away. Eyes widened slightly at the invitation, not having expected to be the victim of conversation this afternoon. Flicking an uncertain glance around the camp, Lichentail was unsure she felt she deserved a rest- she'd been expressly avoided as a member of the patrols for the sake of 'focusing on recovery' (whatever the hell that meant).

"I can't say I'll take a warm nap in the sun with you but I can help dry you off," a steady voice that contrasted their awkward nature.​

don’t fear your life boy—————————————————————————
While Prairiepaw hadn't been on patrol or anything like that he had been working hard in camp, cleaning out old nesting, pulling out thorny weeds that took root in the sand, he even had held the attention of some kits while a queen needed a break. The creamy tabby hadn't really stopped moving since he woke up. He was herding some moss balls back into the nursey when the hunting patrol triumphantly returned to camp, the smell of fish reaching his nose before anything else. His stomach growled and the thought dawned on him that he hadn't eaten at all yet. Technically he could probably find more work to do before taking a break... BUT he was really hungry. So, quickly he finished his moss ball return and in an ungraceful fashion scrambled up to the freshkill pile.

Taking note of Merlintongue and Lichentail he nodded a greeting as he sunk his fangs into a rather large catch. Just grabbing the food made him drool with anticipation. His excitement at a meal was only interrupted by Merlintongue inviting Lichentail for a rest, he overheard the offer, and although not extended to him he surely wouldn't turn it down, "i'd be a fool nont to join youu." he managed to say around the fish he held. Quickly he saddled up next to the warriors and followed to wherever they were going to sit.

grow and change————————————————penned by WriteAboutRadish
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Snakeblink hasn’t been hunting today yet — through no fault of his own, he’d like to say. It’s only that he keeps getting waylaid: here a gap in the nursery that could use reinforcing, there an elder struggling to refresh the moss in their nest. He set out to leave for patrol at dawn and now that the sun is higher in the sky, hunger gnaws at his stomach and he’s no closer to actually slipping out of camp.

Merlintongue’s patrol returns just as he manages to peel away from the pair of warriors that needed a referee for their argument. Glancing at their bounty, his steps slow to a stop. Perhaps a little snack before he leaves, so he won’t be so distracted while fishing… He can even eat it on the go. Now that would be efficient.

”Well done,” he tells the patrol. ”You’ve well deserved your rest. You too,” he tells Lichentail with a slight frown. ”Do not strain yourself before returning to active duty.”

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 42 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo