pafp SINGING IN THE RAIN // playing in puddles


Sep 24, 2022
) Wet. Wet. Wet!
"Bleh! What a change in the weather! We're not gonna be catching anything when things are like this." Bearheart huffed as he plodded along through the mushy, unpleasant undergrowth. The leaves and mud on the ground almost seemed to gleefully squelch under his hefty paws, mocking his weight and predicament. Well, maybe he didn't need to feel so disheartened. The hunting plans for the day might have been ruined but that didn't mean that they had to lose the joy from their lives.

His eyes picked out the shimmering surfaces of various puddles as they passed them, and it drew a wicked grin to his face. "Hey Pricklepaw, did I ever tell you about the time I got in puddle with Blazestar for puddle crossing him?" The puns were back, but they were just a distraction from his actual mischievous plan. The round tom made a sudden sprint forward and he took a flying leap at the puddle nearest to his apprentice, aiming to splash them with the water. "The drizzly bear strikes again!"

// @Pricklefern.
pricklepaw | 05 months | demi-girl | she/they | physically easy | mentally medium | attack in bold #4f7942
Pricklepaw, as much as she was skeptical at first, is glad bearheart is her mentor. It's quite fitting, she thinks, watching the cheerful tom prance about, splashing in the puddles from the recent storms. They have a lot in common - such as an endless suppl of silly puns always ready on their tongue at seemingly all times. Mud squelching underpaw, where pricklepaws face is ever unchanging the older toms stretches into a grin that can only spell trouble. The pun catches her off guard, though she is certainly uneasy - is that really all he's grinning for?

"Oh really? Whatever did he pun-ish you with?" she says, words drawled out and lilting, only the glitter in her eyes and the unnecessary emphasis giving away the fact she's joking back - before she's caught off guard exactly as planned, the wave of mud and slush and water crashing down upon her pale pelt. It is only by the grace of starclan none of it gets in her mouth. Head snaps to the side in a moment, her tail tip twitching just so... and then without warning she's 'digging' at the water like a frantic squirrel, sending crashing waves of water platter in her mentors direction, aiming to do the same thing back to him.

Among the patrol pad Cedarsway and Sweetpaw, quiet-pawed in comparison to the rambunctious Bearheart and sceptical Pricklepaw, but Sweetpaw watches the duo curiously as they make the trek towards camp. They make a good pair, the 'paw decides, but makes a panicked noise at the massive splash of water that drenches Pricklepaw and washes over Sweetpaw's lower legs. After a moment their mouth feels less dry and they unfreeze, detaching from Cedarsway's side (her mentor rolls his eyes, not at their behaviour but that of his fellow warrior). And, replacing the chilling fear of moments before, comes light-winged joy. A rare confession, not rare in sentiment but in confidence, bursts out before Sweetpaw can stop it:

"I really like your puns, Bearheart. You do them the best." Sweetpaw purrs, eyes squinting with the sheer force of their joy.

  • valentine's prompt #7

  • sweetpaw, apprentice of skyclan
    — apprentice to cedarsway (npc)
    ✦ 7 moons, they/she
    ✦ extremely fluffy lilac mink.
    ✦ bi, single. @ on discord for plots.
    "speech" — attack in #FFA7E9



Spring is an uncomfortable time for Quill. It's bittersweet in it's offerings, brings with it warmer days, fuller stomachs, and clearer skies, but not without the price of rain. Rain to melt the snow. Rain to bring the flowers back. Rain to make his skin crawl. He hates the wet, hates the way dew clings to his legs in the morning when he stalks through the undergrowth for his breakfast, hates the way it soaks into his paws when he isn't quick enough to swerve around a puddle, hates how it drenches his body during a brief shower of rain.

And so when Pricklepaws frantic splashing happens to hit him as he's passing by, his reaction is more of a trigger response than anything truly meant. He hadn't been expecting it, hadn't been paying enough attention to the noise around him because he never does, and so it catches him fully off guard as a bunch of water is suddenly being shot at him from out of nowhere. The fur along his neck and spine spike up as a hiss escapes him, mismatched eyes blazing for the briefest of moments with anger and panic as he practically jumps back from the onslought of water being flung about.

He quick to school himself, jaws clamping shut as the emotion in his eyes dwindles down to a cold glare set in the shecats direction. The towering apprentice looks far from happy as he radiates agitation, but he's in control again, knows it was just an accident. So he mutters a monotonous, "Watch what your doing..." before stalking off to sit a safe distance away, anxious to groom away the liquid clinging to his side.

skyclan - male - 10 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders

Perchpaw stood at the sidelines too, eyes slightly wide as his head raced with million of things that could go wrong!. What if Bearheart hit Pricklepaw's eyes and blinded them?. What if Pricklepaw or Bearheart slipped into the puddle and cracked their heads open or...or they drowned in the puddle!. Th-that was possible...So many ways for what looked to be a innocent game that could go horrible wrong!. Perchpaw got anxious just looking at them. He couldn't stand still and started to shift on his paws, eyes small and nervous looking. " B-Be...careful..." he whined so quietly that it really would put a cat's hearing on the test.

) A roar of laughter erupted from the tom as his little plan worked, though he was soon on the receiving end and was made to recoil with a gleeful splutter as his apprentice returned the soaking. "Ack! You're raining enough of a punishment down on me! Haha!" He responded as he closed his eyes and cowered away from the water and mud being sent his way. During all the merriment he had honestly forgotten about the others on the patrol until they spoke up.

"Heh, thanks Sweetpaw." He purrs, the compliment only serving to egg him on all the more. "Aw, come on Quillpaw, don't be such a stick in the mud. Nobody likes a downpour." He was nearly wheezing from his own laughter, in fact he actually did choke. The large warrior spluttered helplessly for a moment until it cleared away with a raspy exhale. "Er... point taken." He concluded as he glanced Perchpaw's way.