private sink into the floor .. sunnyday

can we leave it behind? The spring morning was crisp with a frail breeze filtering between the brush. Morning dew caught on the toms whiskers as he weaved between the shrubs that bundled between the oak trunks. The Thunderpath was hardly a strange place for him and his Clanmates, though they often traversed the tunnels instead of roaming above. Sabletuft wasn't quite here for patrolling purposes, though.

The monsters that tumbled and roared down the path were loud, which is just what Sabletuft sought for. In the midst of the waking sun, his mind had not been kind to him. At once his nightmares had followed him into the lucid world, leaving him thrashing in his nest until his denmates shook him from his internal throttling. At the advice of his peers he took time for himself to walk it off and clear his mind. His paws instinctually led him where he knew one thing for sure would overpower the overwhelming thoughts being hurled at him.

Sabletuft sat himself between two blooming bushes to obscure himself frmo the monsters, gazing out toward the other side- ThunderClan's territory. Amber eyes squinted as a monster raced by. A ThunderClanner now appeared. He wasn't sure if the warrior had noticed him yet, but he might as well make himself seen to prevent any escalation. "I'll keep my claws to myself if you do the same." He mused loud enough for the other to hear, emerging only halfway out of the shrubs. — tags

-- @Sunnyday

Fortune had spared him from being dragged out on the dawn patrol that day, so he made the swift decision to seize the opportunity for some alone time to help clear his mind. Though more than anything he simply craved a chance to be far away from his clanmates, and to free of his apprentices for a little while. Normally he would stroll along the borders connecting to SkyClan or RiverClan, but given recent affairs he opted to give both of those borders a miss, at least when he was going solo anyway. That left him with the option of ShadowClan's border. At one point he might have snuffed the idea of being anywhere near their markers, but these days he viewed them in a purely neutral light.

The thunderpath's stench ran thick in his nose but he urged himself to keep close to the verge with the black expanse held firmly in his sights. Maybe if he was lucky one of the monsters would have left behind an easy kill to pillage. Once again lady luck seemed to be on his side as a monster shot past with a violent thud echoing from it. A fat pigeon hit the tarmac not far from him and he could hardly contain himself as he strayed from the safety of the bushes with the sole intention of retrieving the fresh corpse before anymore monsters could come rushing past.

"I'll keep my claws to myself if you do the same."

The voice caught him entirely off-guard and he snapped his focus to that of the ShadowClanner on the the opposite side of the road. His mouth hung agape as he gawked in a helpless manner for a few moments before he wrestled back some semblance of mental awareness. "Sounds fair. I'm not looking for trouble, in case you were wondering. Just out on a stroll and looking for some prime pickings like that one." He replied whilst gesturing with a toss of his nose in the direction of the dead pigeon.

If it had been leafbare he would have grabbed the bird and scampered away without sparing another word, but it wasn't like ThunderClan was sat starving these days during newleaf. Especially not with the latest acquisition of new land. But what of ShadowClan, were they recovering in terms of prey level? He still remembered encountering Roosterstrut's patrol on ThunderClan territory and sounding the alarm. They had fought desperately over a few meagre mice. It almost felt like a bad dream now as he reflected on it.

"Do... do you want to split it? It's technically a monster's kill, so it doesn't rightfully belong to either clan." It wasn't like he wanted all of it anyway, he still couldn't eat in abundance, and any that was brought back would surely just get wasted amongst the laden freshkill pile.
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can we leave it behind? With his sights focused on Sunnyday, Sabletuft had hardly noticed the impact from the pigeon. His eyes were fixated like an adder on its prey, anticipating the ThunderClanner to not be friendly. Poor habits had him always on edge, preparing for the need to defend himself. Obviously his tact at hiding himself had been successful as Sunnyday hadn't had the slightest clue there was anyone around until he spoke. For a brief moment the corner of his mouth turned upward in a cocky smile.

Of course he was still cautious even with Sunnyday's reassurance that no fight would be necessary, but he figured he could follow along for now. Still keeping himself on guard of course. His gaze flickered between the pigeon and Sunnyday and the tip of his tail began twitching in a newfound interest. It was true... he hadn't eaten since the night before. Truthfully, Sabletuft had forgotten to get a meal for himself with all the chaos from this morning. Typically he didn't mind waiting until the afternoon or even later to have his first meal when his mind was so preoccupied with himself or other responsibilities, but the attention of free food has his stomach growling it's protest already.

No. Was his immediate thought. He had served beneath Briarstar for so long, from how vocally she despised anything that could undermine ShadowClan's strengths it was practically engrained to never proceed any positive interaction with an outsider. Maybe it was something within the haze of his current state of mind, but Sabletuft was actually contemplating sharing this meal with a ThunderClanner.

He frowned at the temptation.

"It wasn't my intention coming here to look for food." He began, hesitance clear in his voice. There was another pause as he pulled himself out of the shrubs completely. "But you are right- it's not any Clan's claim." In quick succession Sabletuft darted out to swipe up the pigeon and join Sunnyday on his side of the path. He dropped the bird where he stood a few paces away and shoved it toward him. "Does ThunderClan often share food with their neighbors?" — tags

The beginnings of concern flashed across his features when he saw the ShadowClanner dart out towards the prey, partly because a slither of his mind feared that the other tom would bolt back into the shrubs with the whole pigeon in tow, and also he feared the notion of witnessing a cat get flattened beneath massive rubbery paws if a monster came by.

Neither of those outcomes came to be, thank StarClan! Instead the other tom was there on his side of the thunderpath offering up the pigeon, which left Sunnyday staring with a dumbfounded expression. Though a smile soon enough began to warm his features as he took a few cautious steps towards the pigeon. With a flick of his paw he nudged it over so it was splayed out on its back with the chest exposed, and from there he began the tedious effort of plucking the feathers out in large clumsy mouthfuls. That was certainly one downside to pigeons; too much feathers.

Though he did stiffen when Sabletuft questioned him, admittedly his mind dipping into the grim reality of recent events. "No, ThunderClan does not share. They're more likely to steal land in order to get food." The bitterness was thick in his voice and it gave some clue as to where he stood in relation to what had occurred at Sunningrocks. No doubt most knew about that by now thanks to the recent Gathering. Cycling a few even breaths to steady himself he then finished defeathering the majority of the pigeon before pushing it towards Sabletuft before stepping back a few paces. "But I'm not your usual ThunderClanner. Here, you got it off the thunderpath, you can have the first bite." It seemed fair in his view, plus he was cheekily hoping to wait for the other tom to open the pigeon so he could get at the heart with as little effort on his part once his turn came back around. "The name's Sunnyday."
can we leave it behind? His heart was still slowing from the pounding adrenaline in his chest. The Thunderpath was always a gamble to cross even for those like himself who had years of experience navigating it. The risk was lesser, but never cleared entirely. Sabletuft's nerves steeled in the face of the ThunderClanner, keeping his eyes away from meeting Sunnyday's. Had Sunnyday voiced his annoyance about the feathers he would have agreed, perhaps even noted the lack of avians in the swamp made him even far less likely to endure through the chore.

Yet despite his cool exterior, beyond the rushing intensity of danger by crossing the path, something within him was absolutely tearing at him to leave. Chilledstar had been very clear that friendliness with non-ShadowClanners was tolerated even less than before. There was more at risk solely for bringing Sunnyday a loose pigeon, but sharing on top of that, speaking anything beyond a threat to defend the border? Smogmaw would be the first at his hide.

But Sabletuft found an enjoyable opportunity in this. His peers in ShadowClan- they knew him too well. Some had been with him from the beginning, and more were there to witness his mental state degrade with each and every battle. Even more were there to watch him grieve Rye after that horrid curse of a kitten put her in harms way. Sunnyday didn't know a lick of Sabletuft's past, didn't have the same preemptive judgement as his Clanmates. He was judged only from his environment. The same way he only viewed the fellow tom.

"There was some news that returned to camp after the last Gathering. I didn't think ThunderClan was that desperate." He paused for a brief moment before tucking another comment. "You don't sound a fan of your Leader's choices. " An unusual ThunderClanner for sure. It made him think, was he a typical ShadowClanner? Did he fit all the checkboxes outsiders had for him?

The dark tom blinked at the bird, weighing the risk of Sunnyday's offer. He felt like one of his Clanmates would peer out to check on him at any moment in an irrational train of thoughts. It took a forceful decision to derail his hesitation, forcing him to really think. Who would be checking for him, truly? And how often are his Clanmates coming to the Thunderpath, not as often as himself.

Finally Sabletuft accepted the offer, though his acceptance was quick and meager. Just taking a small mouthful. "...Thank you. It's been a while since I've had the chance to share with pleasant company. I guess that's what really makes you unusual from the rest." He teased while cleaning his muzzle and whiskers.— tags

"I suppose not. I got along better with Emberstar, if I'm entirely honest. She was lost to us far too soon." Should he really be talking about his feelings and views like this? Well, who was Sabletuft going to rat him out to, Howlingstar? Unlikely. It actually felt somewhat liberating to have an opportunity to open up to someone. It wasn't like he could do such a thing with his clanmates, not without the added risk of them going to the leader and it resulting in further trouble for him. He had already done enough to leave his reputation in tatters and he knew that if anything else occurred it would likely be the tipping point into something far more dire.

What the other tom said next actually caught him off-guard and added to the growing level of surprises. Did a ShadowClanner just thank him for being pleasant company? Sunnyday felt his ears grow hot in response and he lowered his head a little as a smile warmed his features. "Y-you're welcome. It's... it's been quite nice to talk to someone new, and to share a meal." Someone who wasn't judging him based off of rumours and gossip, which ran thick and fast back home. He couldn't help but dread the idea of trying to make any new friends in his own clan, not when some of the others were so swift to share his past. How long would it be until even Crowflower refused to look his way? It also didn't help when he got riled up and ended up making stupid remarks that he couldn't take back. He had many regrets in that regard.

Leaning forward he then took a few bites of the pigeon and worked his way into the chest in order to retrieve the main part that he craved; the heart. Once he had it he shuffled back so he could feast on it at his leisure, smacking his lips with his tongue afterwards. Though he couldn't help but prick up with his ears as he took a moment to check that a patrol wasn't heading their way. Though all seemed to be quiet thus far. With luck they wouldn't be disturbed for a while. "You know, I don't think I've ever quite met a ShadowClanner like yourself. Then again borders do funny things to us." He had grown far too accustomed to the usual remarks spat by excitable apprentices when they goaded for trouble, and of course the prejudices that influenced their actions and beliefs. "So, how are things under Chilledstar these days? Are they settling into their new role?"
can we leave it behind? Sabletuft felt his curiosity grew with each response and statement Sunnyday gave. He wondered, just briefly, if there was a different type of potential here with this warrior. Not a great fan of his current leader at all, stuck on the days of a much more honorable leadership. The tom knew himself many felt similar to the golden tom when Pitchstar still reigned ShadowClan. He wasn't exactly the most favorable in personality... though the two didn't share many interactions, and his leadership was so brief he practically blinked through it as he endured his own personal troubles. The golden furred tom was absolutely right though- Sabletuft would hardly slip word of this. He wasn't the sociable type in the first place, and who would really care if Howlingstar had doubt among one warrior when so much focus was set on Sootstar now?

A fluttering thought passed to offer Sunnyday a spot in ShadowClan, even as a joke, but bit it back. ThunderClanners were genuinely known for their fierce loyalty and determination. He knew plenty, including himself that would still remain in their home even when in serious doubt of leadership, it simply came with the lifestyle they lived. Leaderships came and went, legacies remembered and forgotten.

"It's certainly harmless." He agreed in attempt to convince himself he was innocent of the social crime he was committing. "Spring thaws whatever bitter attitudes we had in leaf-bare. Though I'm still waiting for my warmth to come." Sabletuft's musings were mostly to himself. Sunnyday may even notice the small, short rises of his shoulders as he silently chuckled at his own words, amusing himself.

"That isn't... entirely untrue. A lot of ShadowClan's ranks are taken by young, hungry warriors. There aren't enough cats with grey hairs to keep them in check. We lost a lot of honorable friends in the Great Battle." Sabletuft's tail flicked over his paws tightly, his gaze now set on the Thunderpath. He suddenly couldn't stomach another bite- why had he done that to himself?

"They certainly have time to grow into the role, but no complaints. They made a great choice of a Deputy. Smogmaw has experience. He's quick, sees every situation like a puzzle and he's set on finding a missing piece. I think they'll do well for ShadowClan's future- an unfortunate for duo for WindClan though."

The mention brings him to another question. "I don't attend Gatherings, but is it true StarClan struck Sootstar's place on the Highstones? They... thoroughly confuse me. This sudden change in the stars we're meant to follow... if they don't approve of something, why don't they just tell us how to fix it?"— tags

Of course, the Great Battle. His own memories of that horrifying time was enough to make his gut grow tight with unease. It was enough to make the large sun-shaped scar on his left side throb uncomfortably, reminding him of darker times. Such times had not helped any of the clans, and he imagined that the recent leafbare must have been hardest on ShadowClan especially. As much as he wishes to inquire about the hardship that the other clan had seen he decides not to as to avoid causing any sudden offense. He didn't want to cause Sabletuft to leave. "I see. And... I'm sorry for your losses." Ultimately he decides to keep it short and respectful.

"Well, I hope Chilledstar and Smogmaw continue to serve ShadowClan well. I must admit I haven't had the opportunity to meet Smogmaw, though from what you say it sounds like he has a good head on him. And I suppose it's not really any of my business but I really must say that I am relieved that ShadowClan no longer sides with that crazed bitch on the moors." It was rare to hear Sunnyday swear but when it came to Sootstar he only had colourful language to give. He truly did worry about WindClan's sanity, maybe the lack of trees left them frazzled by the sun and unable to act normal.

"Unfortunately I wasn't present at that particular meeting, but I heard much chatter about it. But I think StarClan is saying that those who stray from the path will be judged, but I believe ultimately it is up to the clans to bring about change. They can't give us all the answers as it's still our purpose to discover the right path forward on our own, much like how the leaders have begun to form laws. We can't see what we need unless we understand what we don't need." He did have faith in StarClan and he truly held the belief that they worked in strange ways. It was like how he believed that Cinderfrost's actions revealed the truth behind the multiple lives gifted to the clan leaders when Emberstar died and came back for the first time.

"Sorry, I must be rambling a fair bit. It's one of my bad habits." Inwardly he scolded himself for prattling on like he had. Surely by now the ShadowClanner must have tuned him out. Feeling the heat of embarrassment prickling through him he opted to duck his head down in order to take one final bite from the neglected pigeon, though he knew he wouldn't be capable of eating any more. Not unless he wanted to agitate his scar and gut. "I'm full. If you're not wanting more perhaps you could take it home for another. It would only be wasted if I took it, and I hate wasted food."
can we leave it behind? Sabletuft's heads dips quickly in a silent acceptance of Sunnyday's condolences. He would rather the subject be moved on from as quick as possible, internally clawing his thoughts for bringing it up at all. He wondered if Sunnyday had been there, what their conversation would look like if they knew each other on a battlefield first. After so many moons passed would it be enough to talk this normally? Hmm... No. Sabletuft knew himself and the grudges he carried; he might have gone to his grave before ever stepping down from his pride to remain neutral. Sometimes he felt more like an unsocialized dog than a warrior.

A sudden snort bursts from the ShadowClanners maw. He hadn't expected such genuine strong dsdain against the WindClan leader, he wondered how far Sootstar's reputation spread across the forest. He only knew she attacked their deputy and trespassed, and claimed paranoid schemes of another war. Was her reach to her other neighbors really that poor? He didn't give a verbal response other than his surprise, not even wanting to know the full extent the rabbit-eaters had done. He had enough to worry about with the events in ShadowClan alone.

"I suppose it's the behavior of an old stubborn tom in me." Change was often difficult for him to adapt in right away. "Before they came down to guide us away from fighting, I believed differently. I was taught our physical lives are lessons to the earth, and once we're done we're gifted a new life in nature. The sunlight through the trees, the rain that feeds the ground. Clouds to protect you from the sun." StarClan brought about his version of the afterlife a different way. Using the dead for lessons learned. Communicating in warnings and not alleviation. At least as far as he had seen and heard. "No need to apologize. I haven't been known best for talking much."

He eyed the pigeon like it was patch of brambles ready to snag him down. It wasn't like there was much left, but he hated forcing himself to eat. A paw reached forward to hug around the bird and bring it closer to him, but he didn't make any movement to eat quite yet. "I don't think that would be a problem. Some of these apprentices act like they'll eat anything, I'm sure this will make one of them happy. Ah, I can't imagine how I would have been as an apprentice. Maybe a warriors nightmare, and I think it's coming back to bite me telling by some of these attitudes popping up." Sabletuft knew it would only be a matter of time before Chilledstar paired him up with one of the little scraps mucking around. He didn't look forward to taking the brunt of these kittens teenage years for their parents.— tags

Sunnyday finds himself listening with fascination as Sabletuft shares with him his beliefs prior to StarClan making themselves truly known to them. There was an almost romantic quality to it, especially in the beautiful imagery that it formulated within his mind. Perhaps under such beliefs he would in turn become the warming rays of sunlight radiating down upon the young lives that populated a clan's camp. Though he was still very much a strong believer of StarClan, but perhaps a cat could look to that of more than a singular teaching.

"Heh! I recall my father calling me some colourful terms often enough when he was raising me, so I reckon I was a bit of a paw-full." A true rascal. Damn, he missed his parents, but that was the distant past. Now he was the one passing on teachings to the next generation, and frankly it was going horribly wrong. "Yeah... apprentices can be incredibly difficult to deal with. I'm struggling with my pair." Though granted it was more of a recent issue following the Sunningrocks battle. Would things ever recover between his apprentices and himself? Honestly he was fearful that it wouldn't. "I swear the next generation are even feistier than we ever were." There were plenty of big personalities among the ThunderClan apprentices, and worryingly many were due to become warriors soon. May StarClan have mercy on them all.

Shifting a forepaw to rub at the other he found himself looking away from Sabletuft as a strange feeling swelled within his chest. "So... how often do you take walks out this way?" He knew it was a strange question but he truly did wish to know, mainly because a part of him wanted to do this again. Sunnyday craved the chance to have someone who he could just talk with freely. No old judgements, and no fear of having his leader hear every dirty detail of what was on his mind. With an air of shyness he brought his gaze back towards the other tom with a small hopeful smile. "Because I was thinking that maybe... we could talk again in future?"
can we leave it behind? "Oh right. How often I heard 'stop fighting' and 'get down from there' more than my own name." Sabletuft hummed his amusement as they reminisced. Sabletuft hadn't seen his parents in quite some time though not out of bitterness. When he and Rye had met was around the same time Hare Whiskers' influence was spreading further and they wanted something more than their rogue lifestyle. It was a respectful departure, but Sabletuft was sad that his parents didn't share the same interest in joining a colony with him.

Had he heard that right? A pair of apprentices? Sabletuft wanted to cringe. He couldn't imagine doubling up and going against the attitudes of two at the same time.
"You are incredibly brave, far more than myself." The statement followed with a firm nod of agreement to Sunnyday's suspicion. Not only were the apprentices growing difficult to wrangle but his fellow warriors were not quite fitting his version of ShadowClan in its prime. He understood his own poor attitude when he lingered in camp wasn't entirely likable either, but at the very least he acted more honorably than some of them. And so many of these scatterbrained, questionable warriors were responsible for their replacements.

He blinked at Sunnyday's initial question, perhaps just a bit too dense to immediately pick up on what the ThunderClanner was trying to say. He would have answered genuinely if he weren't a bit caught off guard by it. He would have told the other warrior he frequented the Thunderpath more out of personal preference than anything else, maybe even politely commented on the easy chances to come across him has he not thought the answer would lead to something more sinister. Then the moment came where the two locked sights on one anoher, and this time Sabletuft did not immediately turn away. He met Sunnyday's eyes and nodded.

"Well, Chilledstar has encouraged more apprentices to be trained at night so, a sizable portion of our ranks will be needed here for the early dawn patrols. I could imagine I'll be here quite regularly." He could hardly believe he was agreeing to it, but he felt the similar charge behind their discussions that Sunnyday had. He enjoyed the moment they shared. "And perhaps next time I'll have a proper appetite to share with you." Amber eyes tore away from blue and in another rapid beat, Sabletuft was carrying the pigeon back over the path with a trail of feathers behind him. He glanced back over his shoulder and twitched his tail in a wordless parting. His form easily disappeared in the shadows of the thick pines. Now his only worry was making sure to rid himself any strong trace of ThunderClan scent before facing his Clanmates.— tags

Brave? Perhaps, but it only made him feel the impact of failure all the more when things did go wrong. Two apprentices eager to make their feelings known when they didn't see eye to eye, and they weren't blind to his views towards Howlingstar. They were strong though, and they were becoming increasingly harder to handle as they aged. Though he wasn't the sort to simply back down either, which was likely the only reason why he hadn't walked away from them entirely. He would see them become warriors someday, he wanted to make sure of it.

Training the apprentices at night? Early dawn patrols? He committed the information to his memory for his own benefit so he could plan when best to wander the thunderpath's edge. With luck he would see Sabletuft again and he could share another meal from the unclaimed stretch of land. He would cling to the excuse that anything killed by a monster was free to take, and not an act of stealing food from a clan nor that of giving away food from his own clan.

"Heh! Next time I'll get the food from the thunderpath. Safe travels..." Friend. He longed to call out the final word but he felt it was a little early to be adding such a term. Though the heat flooding his form didn't dissipate even as Sabletuft's form disappeared into the gloom. It had been a while since he had last felt this way and he craved the opportunity to feel it again. Sniffing the ground where the ShadowClanner had been he then began to scrape soil over it before marking it thick with his own scent in order to cover up Sabletuft's own scent. Maybe they needed a better place to meet in future... perhaps the thunderpath tunnel? Yes, that would be ideal. Grinning to himself he then turned and took his leave.