backwritten sinking dying diving . Hailstorm

Aug 14, 2023
It had been only a day or so since the return of the Journeying cats and Honeydapple's heart had frozen with grief. They had all lost many friends to battle, sickness, and the trials of the journey. Now every clan was trying to pick up the pieces left behind in the aftermath. Doing their damndest to rise from the ashes of grief and death. Thankfully, she had come out pretty okay at the end, and the bravery of Flycatcher assured that. Now the bronze-kissed she-cat was in the stages of healing physically, but the devastation of it all would never truly go away.

Grizzlyjaw's incessant pampering and worried meows were always beyond lovable, but the molly needed some kind of break. A release from the constant worry and partner running around in circles about her. Once the sky dipped a touch and the sun bled into dark red, she managed to slip away from the snoozing frame of her partner. Sweet dreams. Gently, she nuzzled his cheek before exiting the warrior's den. Soft paws silently grazed the earth below as she exited the mouth of the den. Eyes adjusting the gloom and slight chill to the air. Better get a move on.

She had no intention of freezing her whiskers off today, so the run would have to be a quick one. Rushing to the exit, her blue gaze caught sight of a stark pelt causing her speedy retreat to halt. In the corner of her vision, just near the medicine den, laid the large moping frame that belonged to none other than her old-time friend. Oh, Hailstorm... The gentle giant's grief was overwhelmingly strong, coming off in waves. Earlier pains stabbed at her and without a second thought, she cast away the notion of going for a run. This time, her steps were deliberately loud as a means to not surprise the other.

The thought of losing her love was far too great a notion to consider, so rather than throw emotion to the wind, she put on a soft smile. Honeydapple's genteel voice carried softly in the quiet space between them. "Hey, care for a cuddle, buddy?" Affection was something she never feared expressing, but the warrior certainly tried her best to jump to it. Giving the other plenty of opportunity to deny the offer. For the pointed feline knew nothing she had to say would ever be enough to quell her friend's misery.

A very belated @HAILSTORM. and Honey thread 🥺

I SEE A SONG OF PAST ROMANCE — His heart feels heavy in his chest, tattered, and lonely without his other half. He's surprised that he had even managed to push himself to get home though that was mainly Batwing that had helped him until they had separated due to Stormfeather's injury and staying behind to help her had been enough to keep him focused, he had to make sure that the rest of his clanmates had gotten home safe. Now he finds himself laying outside of the dens not being able to find sleep and seeing her empty nest only reminds him that she's truly gone, his ears lay against his skull not thinking about it any further especially when the voice of Honeydapple interrupts his thoughts and he glances up at her with tired eyes that's missing his usual warmth. She offers a cuddle and he can't help but feel a dry chuckle slip from his parted jaws, Hailstorm cannot find himself being able to deny it since he knows that Honey's intentions are only good yet a more quiet thought wishes that it is Little Wolf instead of the bronze pointed molly and he shoves the thought away.

"I'd appreciate it," He offers with a faint smile tucking his front limbs underneath himself and can't help but turn his eyes to the warriors den briefly wondering if the other's mate was sound asleep yet he focuses his gaze to her once more "Were you unable to sleep either?" He decides to ask with his ears pricked forward.

    ✦✦✦✦✦ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✦✦✦✧✧ INFECTIONS
    ✦✦✧✧✧ ACHES & PAINS
    ✦✦✧✧✧ ILLNESS
    ✧✧✧✧✧ BROKEN BONES
    ✧✧✧✧✧ KITTING
    ✧✧✧✧✧ POISONS
  • dge7u2t-148923d9-4a3f-4c3f-b8e7-4e97c3a4cb2b.png
    longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    50 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    bisexual demiromantic; mates with little wolf
    currently being mentored by berryheart
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    semi-difficult in combat; relies on strength, his large size, and wits
    peaceful powerplay allowed
Honeydapple feels a twinge in her heart as she gazes upon Hailstorm's weary face. A watery smile, laced with empathy, adorns her own mosaic muzzle. In that moment, their tired spirits seem to connect, traversing the realm of shared loss. Questions loom in her mind like ominous shadows—what if she were in his position? How would she cope? Could she maintain her current self? The uncertainties terrify her, yet Hailstorm is living the very nightmare she dreads. Responding to his inquiry, she nods in agreement, wiping her maw of the earlier look.

Moving gracefully, she circles the nest and settles into a small ball beside the massive cat. Her body lightly resting against his shoulder, as she gently places her tail at his side in a comforting gesture. Confident in the strength of their relationship, she knows Grizzly won't mind extending an open heart to a clanmate in need. For a brief moment, she relishes the quiet serenity, her tan coat mingling with the ashen white of Hailstorm's fur. The night sky, adorned with distant stars, captivates her. Awe filling her blue depths as she contemplates the celestial beauty above.

Wondering if, just maybe, the stars are the watchful eyes of their departed loved ones, keeping a vigil as they navigate the challenges below. In an effort to offer a welcome distraction, she breaks the silence, her voice soft and contemplative. "Do you ever wonder what it would be like to fly? To escape the earth and revel in the sensation of the wind, like a bird?" It's an unusual question, one she usually refrains from asking in heavy moments like these. As they lie bundled beneath the cool night sky, she introduces a touch of whimsy, inviting them to dream away from their problems.