twolegplace sinners & saints ;; injured cat.

// this is open for any loners near the twolegplace! hyacinth isn't gravely injured, but she's got a few good cuts all over her body from being chased out by the riverclanners. please approach her with caution. <3

Hyacinthbreath is panting by the time she lowers herself from the terrace she was perched on, the cats having left her alone by now. RiverClan was no longer for her, she was no longer a river-dwelling cat. She blinks sadly downwards as she pads into the small town, limping awkwardly with every step. She's hurting everywhere, there's no safe place for her anymore. No Clan for her to join, to take sanctuary in. Was she doomed from the start?

Footsteps behind her causes her fur to spike up in alarm, the she-cat whirling around with wide, panicked eyes- poised for a fight if necessary.​
His body aches from the scuffle he had with that strange rogue. His wounds have stopped bleeding and he's been keeping them as clean as possible, but he still worries about infection.

He wanders the streets alone. It's not that he doesn't enjoy Galeforce and his company, it's just that he feels sick, burdening them with his presence. He has spiraled into a near inescapable pit of self loathing.

A familiar scent catches his nose. Riverclan. What were they doing here? Something vicious and vindictive lights up in him, and he follows the scent.

But to his surprise, it's Hyacinthbreath. He stares at her for a moment before approaching further. He wasn't trying to be quiet, so when she turns around, he is not surprised.

"What are you doing here?" He asks, in much the same time she had addressed him with at the border not so long ago.

His ears are flat, his gaze wary and untrusting. He doesn't want to hate her, but he knows better than to trust a clan cat.​
Hyacinthbreath's eyes are wide, breath shaky as she stumbles in place from where she's standing. Her legs are shaking, paws spread apart and head held low- but it soon drops when she noticed the scarred tom she had turned away at the RiverClan border not long ago. Guilt wracks her heart as she takes a hesitant step forward, lip trembling. Defeated.

"Yew," She hiccups, though she keeps her head down in shame. Is he going to reject her too, even though she had done the things she did back then so she wouldn't be in the position she was in now? "I was exiled, from RiverClan. Chased out, moreso." She replied briefly, eyebrows scrunched together in thought. How else could she face her friend, if not with her head held low in shame?

"I'm sorry, Yewberry. For what I put you through."
He stalks the two cats conversing, interest piqued instantly. He was not unfamiliar with these so called 'clans', a few of their members seemingly chased out. Was it that rough out there, with full security, and prey aplenty? Silly, he feels. If you find that much comfort, why not fully indulge and keep in line? Cats like him could easily rip them apart, out of desperation or that constant blood lust aching angry bones. But this time, he'll play nice. What's more fun than playing with your prey first?

The striking yellow of his eyes pierces through the shadow, as he reveals himself, cheshire-like grin on his face as he pretends to be friendly. Seizing up the competition is also an important step, after all.
"Another...another, another clan cat joins in the fray. What must you have done to be flushed out like a rat?" He laughs, and it's as unsettling as his presence. "At least you have a fellow, here in the real wild. How lucky, how lucky." No one else could understand his picture, so there's no reason to hold anyone close. The only cat he needs is himself, and those of a higher being. He was their chosen one after all. No matter how much ridicule he may get, he knew he was the most important cat alive.
Every single bit of the grudge he held and the guard he had just put up crumbled. He can't hate her. Tears began to form in his eyes as he started to tremble. His expression softened and he found himself stepping closer.

"Guess they're no better than Windclan." He said. "What did... What did you do?" He asked.

He couldn't be mad at her. His heart wouldn't let him. Hyacinthbreath was his friend. Their friendship was more important than a stupid border squabble. He doesn't want to hate. He wants to live with the cats he loves. To be happy with them by his side.

The apology given to him makes his tears fall and his paws rush forward to her.

"I forgive you. I'm sorry for being mad!" He almost wails, but keeps his voice normal. "I'm sorry!"

It was as if all the tears he had been holding back were threatening to flood through his eyes. If he could just.... Gather those he had left.... Keep them safe....

A newcomer joins them, and he whips his head to look at him. He doesn't like his vibes. But he's right, it sure is a common sight to see an exile.

Well. A Windclan exile. He was sure most of the exiles were Windclan.

He narrows his eyes at Hornet. "And who might you be?" He asks. His tone is neutral, not looking to kickstart any trouble.​

Thymeroot doesn't remember the last time he'd smelled the fish-laced scent of a RiverClanner - so much so that the scent causes him to pause in his travels. Or maybe it's the tinge of blood in the air that leads him forward to investigate, the exile's fawn paws stepping carefully as he walks. It's a silent stride, so to not bring himself into any trouble, if there were RiverClanners afoot, attacking others around these parts.

A cornflower gaze finds the source of the scent, and he can't help the surprise - the confusion - he feels at the sight. Hyacinthbreath. Though it'd felt longer, the former moor-dweller left WindClan only a few moons before Thymeroot's own departure. He'd only been a kid when she'd left, still fresh in his warrior name, before his brother had been relegated to the prison he'd broken out of.

Yewberry is with her, and they both look pretty battered up. Had something happened? Yewberry's wounds look to be a little older than the loner lands' newest exile, so perhaps not, but Thymeroot still remains on edge.

"Howdy," Thymeroot makes his presence known, stepping forward out of the shadows. He nods in greeting to the two, before looking at Hyacinthbreath. "Don't think I've seen you 'round these parts. What's goin' on? You doin' okay?"

She's been exiled, the silver and white feline explains to Yewberry. Ah. Of course. It seemed to be the only way the clans knew how to take care of a problem, with how many wander around these parts.

"Well, I'll be --" the tom hums from a scarred maw. This is the most he thinks he's talked in a long time - is the loneliness getting to the once timid moor-dweller? How long's it been now, anyway. "I ain't ever seen a RiverClan exile, before. What happened? Didn't think the fish-eaters had it in 'em, but, welcome to the club."

An apology is shared between Hyacinthbreath and Yewberry - Thymeroot isn't sure what for, but doesn't have much time to dwell on it before another voice arises. Another newcomer - or... at least someone he's never seen before. But he speaks some truth - doesn't he?

Another, another, another clan cat. Another ripped away from life inside the clans, from a home they'd forged. At this rate, would the clans be able to continue existing?

Maybe if she's lucky like Dandelionwish, Hyacinthbreath can seek refuge in SkyClan. But, Thymeroot fears she's just as unlucky as the rest of them - that she'll be left abandoned by the stars too.
  • Crying
Reactions: hyacinthbreath
"You may call me Hornet. However, I will not sting. For now." As another cat familiar with the two joins them, he is sure that he must only take this encounter as a way to seize up his enemies. "I was wondering about the possibility of there being even more. Yes, yes, not alone indeed. However, I do not sense any true evil in any of you, so I wonder who IS the monster. WindClan intrigues me, indeed." Seems to be the origin of the problem. Yes, maybe he will give them a visit, see what is causing the plague. His run in will happen eventually, of that, he is sure.
"Seems like these parasitic clan dwellers throw more and more trash our way." A gravelled voice comes from above, a dramatic sigh huffing out of him as if he were out of breath. Up above then mingling group, a silhouette of deep crimson sat there on the very terrace where Hyacinthbreath had been. Too meddled within her own thoughts, she must not have noticed him from afar as he watched her with an intensity, running and running as fast as her small frame could carry. Seems like clan cats only knew how to discard their troubles out like trash instead of really taking care of them. "Another cat's trash could be another cat's treasure, though, I suppose." He adds lightly, a smirk pulling across his scarred features as he loomed over the gathering group, snow capped paws gripping onto his perch for balance. A feathered tail flicks, eyeing them all with a clear cerulean gaze. "Say, Hornet, you think we'd get flushed out like yesterday's carrion? I bet not. Hehehehe. Or if we did, I'd at least take a life—or two with me so they remember me by. Anything to rid the forest of those insects." A cackle leaves him now, mouth agape as pristine white teeth a stark contrast with his scarlet red maw.
He leaps down from his perch now, landing beside the shadowed tom with a light thud and he stands tall with his chin held aloft, marred by scars of past experiences—shared blood between him and his enemies and his victories. "Name is Red, by the way. Take a gander at why?" A grin pulls at his lips as his feathered tail curls in on itself, cooking his head in mischief. What to do now? Kill them? Nah—that's not fun, not yet anyways. Besides, why not gather Intel while he has the chance? "So, my little clan scraps. What'd you do to be cast out of your home, huh?"


"There are certainly a fair few characters out today!" Gale's booming voice practically roared out as he made his presence known at last. Perhaps unlike some of the exiles he seemed to be faring well under the conditions of his new life. He was strong with a grand mane of pale fur adorning his neck. The tom bounced his way closer though he fought to hide the flinch as his sights caught the condition of both Hyacinthbreath and Yew. "Is this why he's been away from the alley? Who did that to him?"

The questions regarding Yew's injuries would have to wait, right now there were two dodgy felines and an injured ex-RiverClanner to deal with. The tom maintained a calm demeanour as he drew closer to the she-cat and he offered up a sympathetic look. "It's been a while, old friend. You look like you could use a safe place to rest." It seemed like the least he could offer, and he hoped that he could lure Yew back too. Maybe even Thymeroot. Just a bunch of exiles leaning on each other for support.

However, his attention soon shifted back to that of Hornet and Red, and he slowly sauntered forward in order to place himself protectively between them and the band of exiles. He had learned well enough that some rogues and loners could be dangerous, and frankly the pair were starting to make his fur prickle. "I don't think it's much of your business about how we were cast out. I suggest you both move along." Gale offered a grin of his own as he narrowed his eyes in warning towards Red especially.
Yewberry closes in on her, and Hyacinth flinches slightly at the movement- she has to steady her breathing before remembering that Yewberry would never hurt her. They were truly friends, once avid WindClanners who fended for each other. Yewberry presses into her and Hyacinth breathes for the first time. She leans into him affectionately, bumping her head against his own.

But the joy doesn't last long; a hulking figure appears, calling himself Hornet- another, Red. Hyacinthbreath feels the fur rise along her spine, feels her preparedness for a fight- she'd fought rogues before, this was nothing. But, before she could step in front of Yewberry to defend, a massive, hulking form overshadows her. Beautiful pale fur, long mane, and massive feet takes up her vision and Hyacinth's eyes widen in surprise at who she sees.


"Shit, you scared me for a second, Gale." Hyacinthbreath laughs for the first time in a while, hiccuping back her tears- another clanmate, found. Another family member returned to her. Thymeroot's voice, accented and smooth, catches her attention next. He's greeting her as if they're old friends, and they are. Gosh, they are. "I could be doing better, my friend." She croaks out, voice hoarse from the sobbing.

They all want to know what she's done; it feels stupid to even mention it. But she straightens up, tongue lapping over her scarred lips.

"I shed mercy on Silverthorn. Remember that young kittypet WindClan took in moons ago? The kid fought me in battle. I pulled him out of the water and showed him mercy instead of letting him drown to death. I didn't.. Think that was a suitable death for him, as annoying as he is. We.. We shouldn't have to kill to win a battle. He tucked his tail, and ran- and RiverClan called me a traitor for it. Deemed me a WindClanner, chased me out." She hums softly, though the words she speaks causes her to become more wary of the strange rogues facing them. They were outnumbered- it'd be a fool's game to start a fight here. Especially with Galeforce here, that reckoning of a tom.

"I have so much to tell you all.. But it must wait, it seems."
forget-me-not | 02 months | demi-girl | she/they | physically easy | mentally easy | attack in bold #7cccff
"What's with all the noise-?" The child doe not expect to see such a large group when she awakes from her nap, hauling her skin-and-bones frame out from her hiding place. Blue eyes blinks slowly, sleepily, as she freezes. The girl is not used to all these strangers - should she flee? She's not even sure who is friend and who is foe anymore, are any of them from the sewers as well? Does it even matter?

"Riverclan? Windclan-? Hey, aren't those the weirdo's living outside the twolegplace? The mean ones? Why would you wanna live with them?" all worry is thrown out the window as something said finally catches her attention, head dipping to the side as she spouts her questions. Besides - should things turn nasty, she'll just as easily run away, she always does.

"Tch! Sounds to me like the clans are all as bad as each other, especially when it comes to punishing having a good heart." Gale gave his head a solemn shake as he thought about it. Hyacinthbreath had spared a young warrior from a horrific death, but she had still won the fight. Were the clans urging one another to butcher every cat they came across? It was such a pity. One of these days he longed to fix what was broken within the clans, but that would come in due time.

"Yes, we truly do have much to talk about. Now then, provided that these other cats don't insist on any trouble we'll be on our way." Violence could be avoided, and it would likely be better for the likes of those who were already injured. Though he did pause in order to look in the direction of yet another feline who had arrived. A youngster, really young. "This isn't the ideal place for a kit to be..." It added a complication to the withdrawal from the situation. "Hey now, they ain't weird, just different. Not every cat in the clans are mean either, some can be nice. They just have bad leaders who are surrounded by nasty lackies. Maybe one day I'll tell ya stories about 'em, but I suggest ya head home."