camp SINS AND SCARS ✧ code announcement

By the time SkyClan returns home, halfway across the forest, half of her remaining Clanmates are asleep. The ones that are awake may be told, in whispers and gossip, of what had happened: a blood-soaked Howlingstar shouldering her way atop the Great Rock, of the tragedy to befall their closest Clan-neighbour. Orangestar has no wish to rouse her Clan, even for something this important.

So, she waits until morning. Orangestar waits until the sun has risen, for the dawn patrols to be sorted but not sent out, and she ascends to the perch of Highbranch with

"Cats of SkyClan, gather beneath the Highbranch!" Her call is not meant for their apprentices and older, although it would concern the former. It is meant for every cat, young and old. An addition to the warrior code is weighty, information that they all need to hear.

"For the next moon, I ask that no cat leaves camp without an escort. Howlingstar has proposed a new addition to the warrior code after this tragedy struck her Clan, where a pawful of ThunderClan's capable warriors have been lost to wolves. We have been told they were led to WindClan's gorge, but we will remain vigilant." She thinks again of Batwing, of the new warriors a bloodied Howlingstar had introduced but not pointed out in the crowd. After a half-night of sleep, Orangestar wonders to herself if they are culpable in the new Code, or merely bystanders.

"In order to enforce a reliable warning system in the evening, and for new warriors to understand the weight of their decision - their vow, to their Clan and StarClan - the code is this: from this day onward, newly-named warriors will keep a silent vigil for one night after receiving their warrior name." She makes eye contact with one apprentice among the crowd, but doesn't quite register who it is beyond the youth in their eyes. Would this spare SkyClan of a similar fate? She hopes it does. "Newly-named daylight warriors and SkyClanners finishing their probation will also be expected to follow this rule."

For a moment, she considers asking for opinions. SkyClan is the only Clan to accept daylight warriors into their midst, the main defining factor that other Clans' apprentices answer such a question with when asked. Should they face the same vigil, even if they do not stay the night? Yes, comes the answer, quicker than anticipated. Of course they should.

"Dismissed. You may resume your morning duties."

  • 68451166_mY2BOSe6hTLMAcu.png

    ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | nine lives
    " a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."

    — single ; mentoring springpaw
    — speech is in #E3B2A9
    tags | art by pin
  • Love
Reactions: Honeysplash

After the gathering, Howlfire is relieved to crawl back into her nest. She had been to more dramatic and tense gatherings, but the vision of her blood-soaked grandmother ascending the Great Rock to share news from ThunderClan was sure to stick with her for a long time.

She had wondered when Orangestar would share the new of the new addition to the warrior code, quietly relieved when the leader held off until later, allowing some clanmates to wake up and others to rest. At the sound of her voice, Howlfire gathers below. She already knows what will be said but she listens anyways, partly curious how other clanmates might react to this announcement. She couldn't imagine many would be too angry at it. One night of silent vigil is nothing and in her eyes worth it. Howlfire thinks it is a good idea to have this new code and hopes it will serve as a reminder to the seriousness of their position as new warriors.

Perhaps the only thing she is surprised by, is the notion that daylight warriors should also adhere to the rule. Most, do not spend the night in SkyClan, so the idea of them staying for a vigil seems odd. Still, if they were serious about serving the clan in some way, Howlfire thought it was an excellent idea to include this. After all, they were mostly full warriors of the clan by that point, they shouldn't be exempt from the new rule either.

Harmony had heard mention of the Gathering, and had only recently learned what it was - of course, given their newness - and they were not familiar with the other clans, exactly, but they were able to recognize when news was important. The way the other cats whispered amongst themselves the previous night made it clear that something noteworthy had happened, and though they weren't able to pick up on their mutterings, it did brace them for when Orangestar called the clan together so that she could address them. This news, however, didn't yet hold the weight to them that it did to cats who had been present in Skyclan for longer; they knew that the code was vital to how they lived, and what its rules are, but the gravity of it had not really settled with them, despite the fact that they were directly affected by this ruling in particular, given that they would soon become a full warrior (presumably, at least - they didn't know what to expect). It made no difference to them, really - just another rule of clan life.


If there had been whispers of rumours around the apprentice den over the previous night then Owlpaw was never the wiser to it. Hearing about what transpired in ThunderClan from Orangestar rather than through rumours helped with her anxiety, while it still caused a chill to run up her spine there was the inherent safety of hearing it come from someone she trusted. She grimaced, thinking about the lives that had been lost. Hopefully they were at peace with StarClan at least, the idea of dying to the maw or claws of a wolf was not pleasant. The tabby squeezed her eyes shut and nervously pawed at the ground, unsheathing her claws just to feel the dirt pass through them. It was grounding at least, she needed to focus on this and not let herself get lost in thought about how ThunderClan must be dealing with this tragedy.

Her ears pricked up at the mention of there being a new code, her eyes opened and she glanced around at her clan mates. Keeping a particularly close eye out for the reactions of her fellow apprentices, this new code was going to affect them after all, especially the ones that she had grown up beside since they would hopefully all be given their warrior names soon. She was curious about what they thought about this, trying to imagine if anyone would be upset about it. Personally she didn't have any objections to it, one night of silent vigil was a small request in the grand scheme of things. She would do that if it meant she was helping to keep SkyClan safe.


Ah, so thats what the warriors of the gathering had been murmuring about so late in the night. The marmalade tabby had suspected something had occurred at the gathering with how secretively they whispered. Tired from a long day of patrolling, Figfeather had not pried and resumed sleeping.

Now crawled out of the warriors den and grooming herself before Twitchbolt revealed patrols for the day, Orangestar announced a new warrior code. Newly made warriors and accepted daylight warriors were to sit a silent vigil. Her whiskers twitch with intrigue, Figfeather thinks it’s a good idea and couldn’t do any harm. Extra protection for SkyClan while teaching a sense of responsibility to new warriors as her leader previously pointed out. When it was @wolfpaw! ’s turn, she’d have to take a silent vigil too.

After the meeting is dismissed, Figfeather takes to gossiping. ”Wolves? I hadn’t heard about that. Did you hear who ThunderClan lost?” She inquires to a group of nearby cats. Figfeather’s ears prick wondering if anyone she had journeyed to the mountains with had been taken, her heart lurches at the thought.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mentoring Wolfpaw
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » Sire to Sangriakit & Coffeekit
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid to her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 〰 A new code... It only proves to make things harder they think sourly. If it just kept growing, wouldn't that make it harder and harder for new apprentices to graduate? They'd need more space in their brain for more rules. Their eyes flick towards the other apprentices, knowing this new one applies to their cohort the most... It would be their group that first plays out this new ritual, that would sit together in a big puddle together just outside of camp and keep watch in careful, overjoyed excitement. What a celebration that would be... how hard it would be to keep their traps shut tight.

ThunderClan must've really messed up if they weren't even allowed to talk.

Hopefully Hazelbeam's Twoleg wouldn't be upset if Edenpaw didn't come back home that night, though they can already imagine how empty and angry their belly will be without the promised dinner that waits for them. Maybe they could convince Cherrypaw to share lunch with them before-paw or something. That'd be nice... eating together one last time with the same suffix to their names.

"Orangestar," they chirp, rushing towards her the moment she dismisses everyone to go about her day. "The other apprentices and I were talking a bit ago so I wanted to ask if you've already got names picked out for us? I'll sit vigil, promise.. I just wanna make sure you didn't forget we're supposed to be graduating next moon."
  • Haha
Reactions: mercibun

The lion's mane of fur around Silversmoke's neck had not settled since the gathering and the silence he committed to as Orangestar spoke of the new code was a weighted one. A fire burned in his odd eyes, one that spoke of an injustice that he could only hope Howlingstar had amended. He hated feeling angry for ThunderClan, but he could only imagine how much fiercer his temper would have been if it was SkyClan warriors that had gone AWOL instead. If Orangestar hadn't given them a killing bite in his hypothetical, the Lead Warrior just might've in spite of orders. Nodding in agreement as it became law that Daylight Warriors would be held to the same standard, the large tabby remained statuesque when the crowd was dismissed, lingering on the outskirts of a gossiping group.

A familiar voice caused his ears to twitch. He turned his head sharply towards Figfeather. "They said they lost five to those wolves - Jackdawflight, Acornwish, Sunfreckle... Duskbird and... Batwing." They weren't familiar to the spotted tom, names only passed around when Howlingstar spoke of promotions or ceremonies. Even if he didn't care for them on a personal level, he could care about what their loss represented. "Howlingstar mentioned that some of her newest warriors had gone off to celebrate their ceremonies instead of guarding the camp like they were asked. It meant ThunderClan wasn't prepared for the wolves." He gave context for the code before it was even asked of him, desperate to get the insolence displayed by another clan's young off his chest. "I don't know how many died because of those warriors, but I know it was too many. They don't see SkyClan as equals, they sneer at kittypet blood as if it's cursed, but if that's the standard of warrior they're promoting over there, then they're right: we're not equals, we're better than them." Howlingstar had given the new warriors a mercy they didn't deserve: anonymity.


Silversmoke is generous enough to indulge her. Five cats to the wolves. Jackdawflight, Acronwish… Sunfreckle? He had served ThunderClan as a lead warrior for quite sometime, she remembers seeing his flame pelt at the borders a large pawful of times. Then of course, there is the news she was dreading. Batwing is dead.

It felt like losing a clan mate, a sorrowful look clouds her usually bright orange eyes. After the long and treacherous trip into the mountains the dark-pelted Tom deserved to carry out a long life. What a shame it had come to an abrupt end, a preventable one if the new ThunderClan warriors had done as they were instructed.

”I pray this story is a lesson for cats all across the clans.” So that the loss of the five warriors does not go to waste, and with this new code, they shouldn’t. For the most part she agrees with Silversmoke, but she can’t imagine Howlingstar was the type of leader who ascended apprentices into warriors lightly. Even the most noble of leaders made mistakes, however… ”A waste of good lives. I hope they’ve found peace in StarClan’s hunting grounds.” What more was there to wish for? What is done was done, they had to learn from this tragedy.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mentoring Wolfpaw
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » Sire to Sangriakit & Coffeekit
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid to her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
  • Sad
Reactions: Orangestar
Orangestar drops from Highbranch, expecting to find Springpaw waiting for her. Instead, to her surprise, she's faced with the familiar muzzle of Edenpaw. Her ears twitch forward as they ask her attention, relaxing somewhat in amusement at their question. Of course she remembers. Her own kits are to become warriors in the upcoming meeting. Orangestar would have a hard time forgetting the rest of the cohort her litter had grown up with.

"I have decided on most of them, yes." She confirms to the lanky daylight apprentice, pleased to hear that Edenpaw intends to sit vigil like their Clanmates. Her eyes flick over the apprentice. They seem like their old self, almost; chirpy and full of energy. Eager. Orangestar wonders if they want her to give away what she's decided upon for them. "I won't forget."

  • 68451166_mY2BOSe6hTLMAcu.png

    ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | nine lives
    " a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."

    — single ; mentoring springpaw
    — speech is in #E3B2A9
    tags | art by pin