pafp sip the gossip [🕊️] right down your throat

🕊️ It was dreadfully dull in the nursery. Even with Eggskip and Mockingbirdcry, both of whom had kits that were up and walking and personality-having, Needledrift found herself so awfully, awfully bored. Being a queen had nothing on being a warrior, being able to go out into the territory and hunt for the clan with her claws. If her kits were just a little bit bigger, maybe she could've asked one of the other queens to babysit while she went out for a quick hunt - just so she could feel useful again.

But no. Her three smallest children hadn't even opened their eyes yet so they required constant supervision and constant access to milk. She could barely even leave the nursery to get a bite to eat!

Still, Needledrift longed to be out amongst her clan-mates again, patrolling the borders and catching with Stormywing, Gentlestorm (she had heard through the grapevine that the sweet warrior had become the new ThunderClan medicine cat with a fancy new name to match), or Flamewhisker. On the other side, maybe she could catch a glimpse of Scorchstreak or Periwinklebreeze - were Scorchstreak's kits warriors now?

Sitting right at the mouth of the nursery as she was so oft to do nowadays, she beckoned the closest warrior over to her. "Hawkstride! Hawkstride, psst, come-come. I need your words, I need something." Some form of stimulation, please! "Please, please, please, give me something. Gossip, news, maybe some apprentice accidentally crossed a border in RIverClan? I'll take anything!"

@Hawkstride speech is in #B9D0F5