sippy cup &. intro


we were playing in the sand
Feb 27, 2023
don't pay too much attention to the template it's temporary ))

there wasn't much actually going on in his head except for the thoughts of silly little catapillers along branches. they inched and ate, and inched and ate. at least in his mind that's all they did. he's too young to have ever seen one but he had a big imagination. even if those wiggly fellas didn't look the way he thought, he wouldn't be disappointed. of course not. he was infectiously positive– or perhaps he was just airheaded.

as he shifted in his rather large nest ( his mother used to be there but she wasn't any longer. his siblings hadn't survived the birth but that was okay too. he saw them in every little thing in nature. he even named them! ), he stretched his body and wiggled his toes before giggling as he hopped out of the nursery, tumbling over his paws, doing a couple awkward front flips before collapsing onto his stomach, sprawled out with a grunt. he furrowed his brows before shaking his head and standing up with a tilt of his head.

"ugh. look. it's raggedkit."

"ragged is right. he always looks a mess. it's because he's motherless. he never even learned to groom himself."

"or maybe he did. but he's so damn clumsy. never straight on his feet. he mine as well be a bird with a broken wing."

a group of kits were having a conversation about him. he heard all of it, yet he didn't feel sad like he should have. maybe it was because he didn't understand. he didn't. sure, they were being mean, but he didn't understand their intent behind it. he actually didn't understand anger or bullying in general. he didn't care to. he wanted to be happy and nothing was more miserable than talking about others.

"oh, hey! hey! guys guys look! watch this! watch what raggedkit can do!"

he giggled as he rolled forward, before standing up and shaking his pelt out, a grin showing his gap tooth.

"see! see! he is so talented! he did it!"

"we don't care. go away, raggedkit."

"yeah. no one wanted to play with a mangepelt with fleas like you!"

raggedkit blinked at them before just tilting his head to the side. they don't wanna play with a mangepelt with fleas... does raggedkit have fleas? he didn't think so. this one has to check! he thought before he lifted his tail end upwards, pressing his skull to the ground, looking at himself upside down. he didn't see any fleas!

[ beautiful beautiful beautiful boy ]

Change your mind

Crowkit had overheard what the other kits had said with a confused look, what was wrong with being motherless? Crowkit didn't have a mom, but she had a dad that was for sure, brown gaze drifted down towards Raggedkit who only seemed to want to have fun and the others only seemed to say mean things to the other which made him frown slightly as he approached the other kit. "I think you look fine Raggedkit!" he beamed at them with their tail raised up slightly with a smile on their maw.

Though she did let a little giggle out at their funky position and settled themself down in front of the other before tilting their head at Raggedkit. "I'm Crowkit! Maybe I can play with you?" she would offer up to the other happily, if no other kit wanted to play with them, Crowkit would gladly want to play with the other, especially if the other kits thought it was wrong to be motherless. "Do you not have a mom either?" she would ask curiously.


If this group of kids has a problem with motherless kits, they must think Eeriepaw is horrific.

The apprentice's origins are still a mystery, even to himself - memories of a time before ShadowClan blurred to indiscernibility. He doesn't know if he had parents before his arrival, but the dark-furred apprentice knows he doesn't have parents where he stands today.

Had kits gossiped about him the same way? Eeriepaw isn't sure, despite how often he watches over the goings-on in camp. And, while Eeriepaw doesn't usually step into conflict, he can't help but feel like this hits a little close to home - an odd twist in his heart at the sight before him.

Sadness? Pity?

The kid doesn't seem too bothered by it, but the spindly-legged tom still pads over to the group of kits, those telling Raggedkit to go away. They're not too fun, are they? Large ears twitch before his dark gaze sets upon them.

"Away," he repeats their orders back to the trio, turns it into directions for them instead. If they didn't have anything nice to say, they should go elsewhere, find something better to do.

He then turns his attention to Raggedkit, head twisting to the side at the child's upside-down stature. He tries to mimic it in his own clumsy way, before speaking once more.

"No fleas," Eeriepaw assures him, "All good."
flamekit isn't motherless, but with how little he sees her, he might as well have been. as soon as he and his siblings had been weaned, she'd returned to her warrior duties while other queens watched after her kits. she'd told them that she was tired of being cooped up in the nursery. flamekit thinks that's awfully unfair since he and his siblings have to stay cooped up while his mother and father get to go hunting and patrolling.

some of his denmates don't have a mother, though. flamekit didn't even know that had been possible until he finally asked his mother out of curiosity one night, who are crowkit's and raggedkit's mothers? he's never seen them, hasn't even heard of them. his mother had told him they didn't have one, but she didn't say anything else. instead, she told him to go to sleep. flamekit hadn't fallen asleep for a while after, though, too busy wondering why they didn't have mothers.

what is it like? he's always trying to get his mother's attention, but what happens when a kit doesn't have a mother to earn attention from?

other kits are talking about raggedkit. flamekit overhears them while he's trying to groom down his fur how his mother likes him to, orange ears perking. they're saying that raggedkit is unkempt because he has no mother, that he's so clumsy he might as well be a flightless bird. all of his hard work to get his fur to lie flat is ruined by his spine bristling. he really hates how they're talking about their denmate; sure, raggedkit is a little weird sometimes... like how he always refers to himself in the third person, or how he seems to stumble over his paws even more than flamekit does. but raggedkit is funny and nice. he never gets angry and does things he regrets later. flamekit doesn't even think raggedkit could get angry. he's always so happy, even when these frog-brains are making fun of him, he's trying to make them laugh.

the ashen boy flops and rolls over, coming up onto his paws with a goofy, gap-toothed grin that has flamekit snickering into one paw. another thing he finds odd about raggedkit... there's a funny little hole between two of his teeth. it isn't like flamekit's, perfectly straight with no holes unless he'd recently lost one. but raggedkit never grows a tooth in the gap like flamekit does. but instead of laughing, the other kits scoff and tell him that no one wants to play with him because he has fleas. flamekit doesn't know if that's true or not, but he's tired of listening to them. he's angry for raggedkit because he knows how it feels to be left behind.

with a hiss, flamekit would attempt to tackle one of the mean kits, hoping that they would fall with him to the ground despite flamekit being smaller than them. but whether successful or not, he'd begin to try and smack them with his forepaws. "shut up! you don't know anything about raggedkit! you're just a bunch of frog-brains!"

woah-ho-ho! he did not expect so many cats to come talk to him... it must have been his lucky day! he never had so many friends to talk to all at once! he snickered before he flipped forward with an oof!

"you don't see any fleas? "

he asks before perking his ears up with a goofy grin. crowkit speaks of having no mom either, and that makes raggedkit tilt his head off to the side. how interesting!

"raggedkit doesn't have a mom or a dad! they're both dead! it's okay though because he knows that they're in starclan watching over him– oh oh! yes! he wants to play!"

his head turned to eeriepaw as he smiles up at the apprentice, tumbling over to him closer, and bumping his head against the shadow colored leg. he purred very loudly with a lash of his tail before blinking.

"thank you for checking him! this one doesn't mind the fleas but then everyone else would get fleas from raggedkit! they're so friendly!"

raggedkit giggled before his ears twitched back and forth and back again, spinning on his paws ( rather clumsily ), to see flamekit tackling one of the kits and attacking them for being mean to raggedkit. he couldn't even say that they were, because he didn't think so. he didn't think anyone was mean, even if they actually were. he bounced his way to flamekit, hopping like an eager bunny rabbit before headbutting the kitten, and falling back on his tail end.

"come on, flamekit! this one wants to play with crowkit and you gotta go with raggedkit! please, please!"

It seemed to her that here in ShadowClan, parents were not in great abundance. Her own had been taken from her before she even had the chance to know him and the other was now nothing more than a faint memory of warmth and milk, snuggling into ebony fur while a rough pink tongue lapped over her. She misses the soothing feeling of being curled up next to her mother more than anything. She remembers crying for her mommy when she had seen her in StarClan. At least she had gotten another opportunity to say goodbye, a privilege not granted to most.

She watches the kits play, sometimes jealous of their innocent youth and sometimes wondering what kind of a mother she would be one day, if she ever had kits of course. Would she be fair and gentle? Or stern? Certainly she would not leave them like Flamekit's parents had done.

She winces as other kits begin to tease another and is about to step forward, harsh words perched on her lips about how they all needed to watch their mouths or she would have them picking ticks off the elders before they are even apprenticed but the words die in her throat when other children step forward, she settles back onto her haunches and listens, opting not to say anything unless she herself is spoken to.