camp siren's song — intro


jump up, superstar!!
Dec 30, 2022
// staff has contacted to inform me that i must label this a meme thread: it is a meme thread

Mistyfoot smiles, dipping her head respectfully toward her clanmates as she enters camp, purring friendly greetings to those she knows well. Her gaze flicks around for her brother, but she supposes she won't find him here. He'd have left for patrol shortly after she did, wouldn't he...?

Oh, well! It's a surprisingly sunny day for leaf-bare, and though the recent gathering didn't go well, Mistyfoot still finds her strength renewed by the certainty that RiverClan is thriving in comparison to the other clans. They're struggling, but ThunderClan seems much hungrier... ShadowClan is downright scrawny, and WindClan is, well, WindClan.

SkyClan is a funny mix of plump little kittypets and starving proper warriors, but out of the real clans, RiverClan is clearly doing best of all. And Mistyfoot doesn't ever take joy in others' suffering but she is grateful for the security, and all the more motivated to hunt for her clan. To keep their place on top.

"Hello there," she purrs to a clanmate. "Lovely weather we're having today! It's a surprise, isn't it? I'd expected rain or snow after yesterday's clouds..."

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