i am just a little sheep, pulled up in the rapture
Mar 25, 2024

tw for discussion of death & grief

The death of one parent is a tragedy. The death of the second, not long after, seems calculated, like a purposeful slight against him and his siblings by the very stars that were supposed to protect them. When faced with difficulties, oftentimes cats would say everything happens for a reason, but there is no reason for this kind of suffering. It's an accident, a mistake, a clumsiness in pattern of life that created a terrible mess that could not be fixed. The hours that follow his mother's death seem like days, moons, cycles - he stays in the apprentice den, tucked into the furthest corner from the entrance, hiding away in the haven of the few shadows that were available where he would not be bothered, half hoping that if he lingered there long enough, he would simply dissipate into them. And he stays there for a long time - he's not certain how long, nor does he really care, but when he manages to emerge from the apprentices' den for the first time in days, stretching his stiff legs, fur ungroomed, the moon is high in the sky, the stars looking over the camp from above. His parents were there somewhere in the cosmos, helping the other warriors of the past form constellations for the mortal to see from below, and he hopes when he glances up, they see him, and by some chance his eyes land on them, too - and bitterly, he hopes that the rest of StarClan sees it when he turns away, refusing to acknowledge the stars outside of his family for the terrible things that they had seemingly allowed to happen.

His younger siblings were in the nursery now, too little to understand what had happened, and he cannot be there for them right now. He can hardly think about them - his mother had died bringing them into the world, and it was too painful to look, despite their innocence.

Instead, Cardinalpaw crosses the camp to the medicine den, as quickly as he can move without running, a ghost in the night. Whether the medicine cat was still awake or not, he did not know, but he did know that he and his parents were close - therefore, the healer was someone he could trust. And he didn't have anyone else anymore - not anyone who would know what to do, no warriors - no adults. He struggled to reach out - he always had - but the heartache had eaten away at him enough to make him vulnerable, to make him talk, at least once. At least tonight. He'd never needed to go into the medicine den, and he isn't sure what to expect, or what he's supposed to say. The unfamiliar scent of many herbs hits him all at once, and it makes his nose wrinkle and his whiskers twitch, and perhaps he'd complain in a different scenario, but instead, tonight, he stands there like a lost kit, orange eyes wide with a renewed fear.



'CAUSE SOMEWHERE DOWN THE BANK — The death of Batwing had weighed heavily on him yet with Leopardtongue passing only several days later and its after bringing their kits into the world, it feels as if a blade was lodged into his heart and it twisted when he felt the ghostly prescence of his late best friend. He thinks about how unfair it has been for the kittens, both apprentices and the ones that lay in the nursery for the night, and how selfishly unfair it was for him to lose the two warriors that he had been closest to. He finds himself in a state of restlessness once more unable to find any sleep and he's exhausted but he must continue, he musn't let down his clan or the brood of young cats that Batwing and Leopardtongue had left alone. A life for a life. He lays in his nest with half closed eyes not bothering to sleep despite the way his body felt heavy and his whiskers twitch, the sound of pawsteps drawing closer is one that he has gotten used... Whether it be a curious kitten, a warrior sent to fetch him for injury, or queens coming to get checked on. Perhaps it's Swiftdawn whose visting though its rather late, regardless, the giant mass of fur and muscle rises from where he rests and glances towards the mouth of his den to see a blur of dark fur.

He blinks his copper gaze for a heartbeat, he sees Batwing instead of Cardinalpaw, and he blinks once more focusing his gaze on the young feline noting how he seems to be acting like some lost kitten. "Couldn't sleep?" He motions for the young cat to come closer with a snowy dipped paw and offers a warm but tired small smile and begins to ponder if Cardinal's here to talk or perhaps request some poppy seeds to help with his sleeping troubles. He could offer that, at the very least, to the tom that he considered kin. One thing he does know is that they miss their parents and the fact that the both of them are gone, he'd be in shock as well as drowning in sorrow. The most that Gentlestorm could do now is provide some form of comfort, some words, and support for Cardinalpaw and their siblings but he could not go beyond that in respect to both of his late friends and the law that he must uphold.


    ✿✿✿✿✿ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ INFECTIONS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ ACHES & PAINS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ILLNESS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ BROKEN BONES
    ✿✿✿❀❀ KITTING
    ❀❀❀❀❀ POISONS
  • 2t95GvC.png
    a longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    gentlestorm is a very warm individual and friendly to those who he meets, he's very social and willing to lend anyone a paw if they need it. he's very patient, caring, and it's usually rare to earn his ire.
    54 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    widowed mate of little wolf
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset ; peaceful powerplay allowed
    "speech", thoughts, attacking