sits here

May 1, 2023
hello friends !!!
i'm eden/eirlys either name is fine
im a nonbinary nerd with an unhealthy obsession with legend of zelda so if u dont want me to rant for 2 hours dont ask for my thoughts i'll never shut up LOL
my pronouns are he/they, im 24 years old and live in the pnw

i used to be on wcrpg/ff back when it was still alive. my most iconic characters were probably paperstar of arcadianclan, divineplea of the republic of arcadia and mysticglow of sunclan. i think ive seen some familiar faces but if u recognize me feel free to say hi i miss my old buddies!!! even after leaving i stayed in the rp community through various deviantart rp groups until discord became the norm which is where i've spent most of my recent rp years.

i went to college for my bachelors in 2d animation so u could say im an Artist heheh
my other interests include final fantasy 14, jjba, castlevania, kingdom hearts, apex legends and other feel good cartoons like she-ra princess of power, steven universe... those kinds of HUGELY queer cartoons that i love so passionately. hoping one day i'll be able to say ive animated for a show like those :3c

ANYWAYS HELLO FRIENDS im eager to jump back into forum rp it's been so long !!! i think im going to infect riverclan first -smiles evilly-
I know I already said hi in the discord but welcome, welcome again! <3 Super excited to have you around! Also hi, I see you are also a FFXIV nerd, good to know hee hoo-I've been playing it for several years now and love meeting others who do!
Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions going forward!