private SITTING ON A SATELLITE — smokestar

To Gillsight, there’s always been a sort of comfort in Smokestar’s presence. Back when he was an apprentice, and when Clearsight was alive still, the leader — then a warrior — was around quite often in some way or another. Around in the form of a distraction away from the noise of thunderous boomsticks, in the form of aid in rock collecting, and so on.

Even still, as the two of them walk the river’s edge now — as leader and warrior, rather than warrior and apprentice — dark, snow-marked forms stark against leaf-bare’s blanket over the territory, does Gillsight find comfort in standing alongside Smokestar. He’s grateful for such, for a semblance of a found family-figure to still roam the territory with when most have fallen.

Y-You sh-should’ve seen the fish I caught th-the other day, “ he tells the leader as they walk, recounting the large bounty he’d brought in, “ It… It had to be th-the size of two… no, th-three regular fish a-all together and —

Searching for an open place in the ice to fish, a snow-void patch comes into tansy yellow view instead, and Gillsight finds himself stalling as they near it. While he doesn’t really collect rocks, these days — a loss in hobby he hasn’t quite admitted to himself, yet — he still likes to check rockbeds like these for the ephemeral trinkets, for something to catch his eye among them. As he scans the pile, one catches his eye: almost perfectly round, dark like the night sky, unevenly speckled in white.

L-Look, “ he says with a small laugh. A paw bats at the pebble, rolling it toward the leader. “ I-It looks like you! “ It would be better if ambered flecks danced along its surface too, but it’s close enough in similarity for Gillsight to find amusement in.

D-Do you want it? “ he asks with a tilt of the head. If not, maybe they can bring it back to camp instead — maybe one of Smokestar’s kids might find some charm in it.​
  • // PROMPT: tansy yellow, "ephemeral", @SMOKESTAR
  • 74597204_0HYUF6qWs7f9nEh.png
    ── Warrior of RiverClan

    ── ??? x ???
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A scarred, black and white tom with yellow eyes.
    ── Mentored by Clearsight
    ── "Speech"; Attack
Gillsight was one of the clan's first apprentices to be named a warrior, alongside his own apprentice at the time and he won't deny he has a fondness for the young cat who had been through so much in his earlier moons. Losing his mentor had been a blow to not only him but the entire clan, a wound that only recently scarred - the unfortunate reality was they were all getting used to handling loss and grief in a way that expedited healing and while he hated that it was such a common thing he was relieved at his clans resilience. Smokestar wasn't very good with idle chatter, but he was a perfectly content listener and his expression was calmly serene as they walked and he took in the tale of the warrior's recent fishing venture, it reminded him of the massive fish that Mudpelt and Steepsnout, an apprentice at the time, had managed to get a hold of and the reminder of a more recent loss almost ruins his mood; its as though he can not bask in a single pleasant memory without the jarring reminder of the cats there no longer at his side.

It's you!

His heart siezes briefly as he glances down, the smooth stone alarmingly similar to his pelt in its rich darkness and faint spotting - he sees many rocks like these along the river, other than the cool gray and white ones they were the most common.
" know, perhaps I will keep it. I've somehow ended up with my own collection." He'd never really cared for RiverClan's endearing obsessive interest in gathering pretty pebbles, but he has a pile in his den now from the kittens leaving them stacked around him while he slept once and having to explain he got rid of it to Shellkit's wide eyes was so offputting he'd not bothered to remove them outside rellocating them to a different corner when he had to clean.
"...I have a few." One pure white, patched with gray and black flecks that had originally been a gift to Cicadastar he had constantly fought internally on whether to toss back into the water or not that first day back to camp cleaning the den out. "Willowroot has one the color of a robin's breast, I've never seen such a stone."

  • OOC can go here.

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.


Y-you should, “ Gillsight agrees as Smokestar joins in assessing the stone. “ I-I bet it would look nice, with the rest of your c-collection. “ Though he hasn’t personally seen the pile of rocks Smokestar has accrued, though the rock he’s found is similar to others he’s seen before, the warrior genuinely thinks such — a new trinket always looks nice within a collection, to him. More so one gifted to another.

He nods his head at the leader’s mention of Willowroot, of their collection. “ I-I used envy their collection, wh-when I was young, “ he tells the older cat. Perhaps he still does now, but it was when he was still too young to tread too far into the river for the best rocks that he wished for his collection to look like the black smoke’s the most.

I-I gave my best rock to C-Clearsight, when he… “ Gillsight’s words trail off, a pained expression on his face at the vigil’s memory. “ I-It was.. It was the first rock I’d ever found, and it was dark and sh-shiny. “ He misses the rock, some days — a treasure he’d owned since before RiverClan had arrived to the territory they now call home — but he misses his mentor far more.

I… I haven’t really added a-anything to my collection since. “​
  • 74597204_0HYUF6qWs7f9nEh.png
    ── Warrior of RiverClan

    ── ??? x ???
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A scarred, black and white tom with yellow eyes.
    ── Mentored by Clearsight
    ── "Speech"; Attack