pafp SIX SHOOTER / injured


Asshole With A Heart of Gold
Sep 20, 2022
His first taste of the wild had been a poor one after running into something called a 'clan'. It seemed to consist of multiple felines living together and defending a set territory, in a very similar manner as to what the roving gangs in the city did. It left him questioning as to why he even bothered leaving behind his home of concrete and tarmac in favour for the cold, uncaring woods? Same shit, different environment! Talon would be lying if he didn't feel bitter about it.

ThunderClan was firmly on his shitlist now and he had numerous injuries to prove why. He wouldn't soon forget, and if given half the chance he would even consider the notion of getting his own back. Though that would require numbers, and that was the problem. He just wasn't a sociable guy, or that was the story he was sticking to. Last thing he needed was growing attached to others and being forced to watch them die. Not again.

The tom cast aside the grim thoughts as he limped his way down into a hollow in order to seek shelter from the freezing winds that passed through the forest around him. By this point his entire body ached and the blood had begun to dry and now matted his fur in various places. The stray flopped down onto his side and drew in rasping breaths through bared teeth. No doubt he'd have an abscess form later, not something he was looking forward to. "Fucking clan cats."

// @KAZENIKURA In case you're still interested in having Silver find him. Sorry it's taken so long to get this thread up.

Only a few days had passed since he had arrived to this city so his face was still fresh and new around here. During this past couple days Silver had quickly discovered the cats in this place were far from friendly. The streets reeked with strays and homeless cats who fought for survival. Not many seemed to trust outsiders like him which was of course reasonable. You can never quite tell who was a friend or not after all. Yet he did not let this faze him, not in the sligtest. Silver made sure to keep to himself though while exploring and observing this place and so many stories he had heared gossips about. Appearantly out there just beyond the fence wild cats was living in groups like a colony of sort. Clans they called themselves. It had sparked enough interest for him to investigate this gossips further while he was visiting this place. Couldn't possibly hurt, right?.

Silver had left the twolegs territory for the day to dare venture into the forest just to take a look around as well to get away from the busy street life that never seemed to get quiet. It was far more peaceful out here and admittedly something he felt more familliar with. Along his walk though he happend to smell something in the air that alarmed him. Blood?. Whoever the blood belonged to it was coming his way. Silver decided to prioritize his safety as he escaped up into a tree. There he would lay to spy in one of the branches to see who it was that was coming his way.

To his somewhat suprised discovery he saw a cat down there limping his way through the forest with new fresh injures which explained why he had smelled blood. They seemed hurt, badly so. In this cold season that could be troublesome... Silver decided to quietly follow them as he jumped from one branch to the next until he saw the tom disappeared underneath the ground to take shelter. For a long time Silver sat on the branch to simply watch before he eventually climpt back down to the ground. Walking over to the hollow he stopt outside but not too close. There was distance. " Hello?, are you alive in there?." He decided to call out, his voice calm and soft as a feathers. Hopefully he was not dead. That would have been tragic.

// Absolutely! i have been super hyped for this thread OwO

An immediate sense of wariness seized the tom when it became apparent that he was not alone. Surely one of the ThunderClanners hadn't followed him all the way there, right? No, this wasn't a clan cat, the scent was all wrong. Loner perhaps? Likely. Talon let a low growl slip as he gave a warning to the other to keep back, which they seemed to be doing anyway much to his relief. Though it did make it harder to get a clear view of who was addressing him.

"That depends, are you here to put me down?" He somewhat doubted that the stranger intended to do anything like that, but one could never be too careful. "But yes, I am very much alive." Sore, but alive. Granted it had been no thanks to his own actions, but he'd still blame the clan cats all the same. They could have just left him alone to do as he pleased. "Now what do you want? I'm not here for your amusement." He added with a further growl as he strained himself up onto his haunches so he could actually address the other from a more confident position that didn't make him look like a corpse on the ground.

Oh!, they talked that meant they where alive that was a good sign. But the statement on the other hand this tom made to be here to end thier life. Interesting choice of words. If he had been here for such intentions would he really have made his apperance so known?. Wouldn't it have benefited himself more to just rush right into that hollow to violently attack them if so?. Hmh. Silver was not entierly sure on how to feel. Was that the view this tom had on the world out there perhaps, that everyone was out to get them?. It would not shook him if so since Silver had come across many cats in the past who had lost trust in everyone around them. Still it never stopt to dishearten him. Even him know it was difficult to tell sometimes on who to trust when there were so many who hide a snake inside of thier hearts. " Ah, no, i'm not here for that i promise you." he would answer them, and then smiled.

Asking him what he wanted was a good question but what followed made the smile disappear from the silver point face." If you are asking if i enjoy watching another cat in pain when the answer is no. I do not have such unpleasant hobbies." Maybe he should have felt offended but he was not. The world just worked like that sadly. Silver had come to terms with that a long time ago. " I'm here because i wanna offer my help. If you will let me i would like to treat your wounds." That was truly his one and only intention of having approached them...Or well, maybe curiosity had something to do with it as well. Waiting, he would contunie to stand at the same spot, unmoving. He wouldn't approach them unless they gave him thier permission first.

Well, that made a change. Then again there was still a chance that he was being fooled by the stranger. So they wanted to extend help to him? But at what cost? Very little was free these days and he strongly believed that the other tom intended to make him repay in some way or form. Talon despised the idea of owing anyone anything, but given his current state what else could he do? He wrinkled his nose and angled his ears back sharply with a deepening sense of frustration.

"You want to help? Fine, do whatever you want, just state what you're looking for in return." He huffed as he allowed himself to lay down again in order to give better access to the wounds caused by claws. The worst were probably still the ones on the top of his head. "Just understand that I won't be able to hunt for ya for a couple days until my leg stops hurting." He could already imagine that would be one thing that the other would want from him, someone who would keep him fed through leaf-bare.

There it come, the approval. That was all Silver needed to hear as he made his way over to them and with a kind smile still offered to them he started to run his eyes over the others body to take a look at his injures. The leg needed some attention, and this scars on his head. But beside that if keeping all of the wounds cleaned he believed this tom would recover back to his former health!. " Your wounds needs to be cleaned. Hmh, i do not have anything with me you will have to excuse me for a while. Don't run away anywhere, okay?." A joke that he offered with another smile before he turned his back at them and started to walk away but then he stopt, ears perking upwards. He cast a glance back to them over his shoulder. " Oh, and don't worry i don't need anything in return. All i care about is to get you back on your legs again." He then contunied to walk away, disappearing into some bushes and for a while he was gone.

After sometime away to gather everything he needed Silver returned back with some dry and wet leaves, and cobweeb in his mouth. He would slide back into the hollow to meet the stray with his kind looking eyes. " I'm back. Sorry for letting you wait. I...well, it dosent matter." He dropt the items on the ground as he seated himself beside his patient. " Try to not move too much and...if it hurts too much let me know. I will try to be as gentle as i can though." he promised them and then he went into work. Using the wet leaves first to dry the blood and clean the open wounds with and then he would use the cobweebs to put on the worst of his wounds which happend to be his head to stop the bleeding altogether. Lastly he would use the dry leaves to put on top of the cleaned wounds. Next his attention went down to the toms leg. " Can you move your leg, like at all?"

"Sure... whatever." Talon still didn't believe Silver and simply assumed the guy would ask for something eventually. It just frustrated him that he wasn't being upfront. The tom let his eyes close as the other left to retrieve things and it wasn't long before he fell into a slumber. He didn't initially react to Silver's eventual return until he sensed the other's presence right next to him. Naturally he tried to jolt away from the tom, but between the tight space of the hollow and the pain from his injuries he didn't exactly have anywhere to shift to.

Talon endured the treatment with bared teeth and a scowl, but he did manage to avoid snapping or swearing at his aid. He couldn't lie, he did feel better after his head injury was given a patch up. As attention shifted to the matter of his leg he lifted it up and flexed it slowly, wincing in pain. "There... not broken, just really sore." The motion was definitely fine, but it was clear that he had strained it. Likely from the act of fleeing itself.