tunnels SIXTEEN TONS [tunnel project patrol]

༄༄ The presence of the gray and blue patched tom alongside her in the tunnels does not sit well with the lead warrior. She supposes it’s good, in a way, that she can keep a close eye on him, but being so close to the irritating Sootspot in the dark is a situation that she would rather not be in. It’s nearly as annoying as the fact that they are still working on a tunnel that should have been finished before the first snow began to fall. "Sootstar really put a delay in this tunnel, didn’t she?" Her question is asked callously, with little regard to what the others may think of her disdain for the fallen leader. This tunnel had been a massive project to undertake in the first place, but to see work still unfinished makes the calico grit her teeth in a grimace.

Even worse, though, than the thought of what Sootstar had done—or not done—with the tunnels, is the substance that her paws press into as she continues to dig. Packed-in grains of sand crumble beneath a heavy touch, and the calico freezes. "Hold on. We’re digging into sand now." A dark paw pushes at the sand—it holds sturdy, but with enough give to make her nervous. Her tail lashes, and though she cannot see her patrol, she turns to look at where they would likely be standing. "It’s not terribly unstable, but it could collapse if we aren’t careful. Do we want to continue in this direction, or branch off?" Were it any other obstacle, she would make the call herself. But this could collapse if done incorrectly, or even if they just get unlucky. This could be deadly; she will not make the choice for them when it comes to putting their lives on the line.

// @PINKPAW @Marmotbite. @SOOTSPOT @Mouseflight
Pinkpaw has no concept of how long this tunnel has been in the works for... or why they were here... or what they were doing... or why this clay stuff was just dirt's even ickier and stickier cousin. " What's this even for? " Pinkpaw asks, half just wanting to complain and half genuinely curious. So tunnelers have more places to run around and be mice in? If she was gonna be a mouse anywhere, she wouldn't be one in clay. Ugh!

She doesn't have to stand on top of Scorchstreak's tail anymore to not worry about tunnel monsters coming and eating her... She'd probably hear a tunnel monster coming, and then she'd totally run away. Pinkpaw digs with small, tentative scooping motions. Totally because she's being careful and not cause she hates the feeling of clay between her toes.

At some point it becomes less clay, and more... well she isn't sure, cause she still can't see like at all, but she knows it feels better! We’re digging into sand now, says Scorchstreak. " Oooh, " gawks Pinkpaw, not actually doing any holding on cause she likes this texture way more... " It's like camp! " she mews. She finally stops when Scorchstreak says collapse, though. she wouldn't get to see the widening of Pinkpaw's eyes. " Collapse? Noo! " She doesn't wanna die forever! But also, she kinda wants to keep digging the sand... " I don't wanna get collapsed on! But um... also, what if we go another way and we totally miss out on treasure or something... " Sand was a perfect place to hide treasures...

  • EZIRq0S.png

    A tiny, longhaired calico she - kit with sunburst eyes ringed blue around her pupils (central heterochromia). While you can clearly see her flame markings on her face, the rest of her body is currently covered by a grey fever - coating. Though the whites of her are still very much visible. Pinkpaw bounces around WindClan without a care in the world! Her emotions are big, and she makes little effort to regulate them, resulting in both her usually cheerful disposition, as well as making her prone to sudden bouts of extreme anger or sadness. Rarely seen without a smile!
    HEAVY IC OPINIONS! Pinkpaw is a very irrational and childish character!​

'It wasn't her fault.' There were many things the long-furred tom would blame his mother for and many things he would defend her on. Still, nuance faltered in the face of conflict: Sootstar couldn't have completed the tunnels with the paltry workforce she'd been left with (not that Scorchstreak's exile had been a great loss, when he looked at the tortoiseshell now, all he felt was disgust writhing in his belly like worms). Towards the back of the patrol, the lashing tail of the Tunneler brushed against the softening walls, leaving muddy crumbs in the fluff for him to pluck out later. He would blame someone else for it, of course, for making him feel the way he did, for making his place amidst the tunnels as challenging as it was fruitless. Scorchstreak's leadership skills did not impress him, and when she paused again to ask for guidance, he felt his head tilt upwards smugly, the top of it just millimeters away from headbutting the roof. Eyes widened in the dark, but it did little to help him take in more light - his clanmates, just like their motives, were invisible to him. An image could only be created by scent... and Pinkpaw's grating voice.

He thought about the best option, chewed the corner of his maw, and let his voice carry through the tunnel. "I would not dislike it if we were to go around." Going straight through would be faster, and skilled paws would make short work of the sand. If not, well, he was the furthest away from Scorchstreak and closest to the exit. Sootspot pictured the Lead Warrior's head, how twisted her snarl must look at the sound of his voice, how her ears must've been so flat it'd be a miracle if they ever stood again. He smiled at the thought. "When one lacks faith in their prowess, there is no shame in cowardice. Better to live another day than to fall to hubris."

Some part of Mouseflight is now annoyed by the thought of the tunnels - the tight spaces, the potential for collapse, the fact they seemingly hadn't been taken care of in the absence of so many WindClan cats - and despite this, he still finds himself almost jumping at the opportunity to go inside them once more. When he'd been tasked with joining this patrol to go into the tunnel towards RiverClan he had been excited at first, interested to see what was done in their absence but as they ventured further and further within he realized that almost nothing had been done, that there was still so much work to do and there had really been no help from the tunnelers that had stayed behind and had been loyal to Sootstar, the ones who had claimed to be the "real WindClan" and a frown had quickly been etched on his maw as they worked through the dirt and clay once more.

When they reached the sand he paused, large ears flattening to head for a moment before they flicked up at the sound of Scorchstreak's voice once more and silently he nod to himself. Ears flattened once more as Pinkpaw realized the potential for collapse, her loud voice in the darkness of the dug out tunnel causing annoyance to stir within him, and then when Sootspot spoke he felt more annoyance cross over him as he realized he agreed with the other. "It'd be better to go around, just in case." He'd speak his own opinion, one that seemed to be the general consensus for what they'd do so far. Skilled paws would be able to get through the sand, would be no issue, but they were a small patrol of cats of varying levels in skill and though Mouseflight knew many of them to be skilled not everyone within the patrol were skilled enough to deal with sand and one wrong move, one grain falling, could cause death to all of those that had come down here.
  • tikki_com.png
    mousekit - mousepaw - mouseflight
    ⋆ ftm - he/him - 16 moons
    ⋆ bisexual - open to relationship
    ⋆ tunneler of windclan
    attack - speech - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki