SKIES ABOVE — asking questions


a poison to erase my existence –
Feb 7, 2024

Harmony had been allowed to join SkyClan about a moon ago, and they were beginning to adjust to their life among the forest cats. They knew that there were many cats around here that lived with twolegs at one point or another, or still did, and they imagined that the adjustment period would have been much rougher if they were someone like that—someone who did not know how to hunt, or fight, or look after themself. Unlike a cat with a background that gave them softness and comfort, they had been casting their gaze over their shoulder their entire life, sneaking away from shadows that they did not know were there.

Still, the social aspects of clan life still eluded them. They were not raised among many other cats, and didn't know how to properly socialize with them—it was as if there were strategies to it, secrets of social life that they did not ever learn or did not understand. They were quiet and awkward, and were clumsy in trying to speak to others except for when it came to formalities, and so they tended not to get involved in group events, staying to the side or the edges and simply watching instead. Watching and listening had allowed them to learn more. That was one benefit, at least. But the terms that clan cats used did not always make sense, and they were rarely explained, due to the fact that the other cats had been born with these concepts, or were not quite as new to this as they were, at least.

If they were to stay here, they would need to learn more—and break out of their shell. They watch the cats in camp carefully for a few moments longer before rising to their paws, approaching a nearby cat and lingering a short ways away. The chimera bows their head briefly, long tail sweeping the ground, "May I speak to you for a moment?"

  • speech, thoughts, actions
  • 77721058_M07Hu3DIqUr2fr7.png
  • HARMONY they/them, loner, 14 moons
    LH blue/black chimera with high white and amber-green heterochromia
    ex-member of a loner group
    speaks with a strange lilt; eyes are without highlights and are dull or even dead-looking
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by harmoniamessage for discord or find me in the server

"Harmony." Orangestar greets the greyscale feline, turning to face them with a twitch of her ears. The uneaten sparrow at her paws lays forgotten near immediately, the leader's attention square upon Harmony's visage. Something doesn't seem immediately wrong, which is a relief. There's no real urgency in their meow, dull olivine eyes set comfortably narrow, but they do seem ... tense, for lack of a better word. Orangestar dips her chin slightly, encouraging the young warrior to speak their mind to her. She'd hate to think that her Clanmates couldn't - or wouldn't - choose to do so. "What can I help you with?"

  • 68451166_mY2BOSe6hTLMAcu.png

    ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | nine lives
    " a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."

    — single ; mentoring springpaw
    — speech is in #E3B2A9
    tags | art by pin

drowsypaw doesn't know harmony. not well. there had been brief moments of passing between the two bur he cannot say he knows anything about who they were or how they came to join skyclan, just a little over a moon ago. the sound of their question makes him curious. no better cat to answer than orangestar, surely, but that didn't mean that drowsypaw couldn't either. after all, he's been here his entire life. all he knows is skyclan. maybe he could answer something, too, if it wasn't too crazy or about other clans. he doesn't focus on other clans enough. he's never been been to a gathering– thank the stars– so skyclan was truly all he knew.

The tension, unfortunately, was only natural. It may decline over time – hopefully it would, anyway, knowing that their old life was behind them, and that their new life was here, though it hadn't fully settled in yet. Not enough to make a true difference in their demeanor, anyway. Sitting beside the other cats, they curl their tail around their paws, sort of hunched, their gaze momentarily looking between the apprentice and their leader before focusing somewhere in space. Their voice is quiet when they speak again, head tilted very slightly to the side, "I believe that I'm beginning to understand more about the way that life here works --" briefly, they straighten as though just remembering something, multi-colored gaze flicking to Orangestar as they bow their head once more, "Ah, and I should thank you for allowing me to stay here," for now, at least, until they were fully accepted into the clan. It takes a moment for them to speak again, more notably careful with their words, "but there are a few things that I am not sure that I understand. I have heard mention of 'StarClan', but not enough that I know much of anything about it," they could elaborate, but they choose not to, leaving the statement there so as to not push. Although they didn't know much, they could pick up that it was important, and possibly sensitive -- so it was better to be careful.


"StarClan is..." He paused, considering his words carefully. The ghost-like Lead Warrior had snuck over sometime between Harmony expressing gratitude and asking about their ancestors, his face locked in a guise of neutrality. He was not a faithful cat, not in the same way the medicine cats were, the rules of the living mattered more to him than the demands of the dead. But, if his clan followed StarClan, then so would he - Silversmoke just knew his faith had been tampered with by tragedy. "They are the voices of those that came before us, cats that died in a Great Battle between two warring colonies, cats that split us apart to create the clans that you know today, likely to stop us from killing each other. It... wasn't entirely successful." Blazestar's death was enough evidence of that, and the self-made reminder made Silversmoke's tail lash in frustration. "But things are better than they were before the sky opened to us." Or, more selfishly, better for him. It was likely he'd have lived and died a brutish thug if not for the influence StarClan had in creating his home. It was just as easy to love them for that as it was to hate them for their silence ever since.

'Will I be there when I die?' It never mattered to him much, a part of him almost wished he'd enter a state of nothingness. To watch a home suffer and being powerless to stop it was a torture endured too many times with breath in his lungs, he could only imagine what he would be like when stuck in the stars - where no amount of self-improvement could make a difference. "Any cat who lives by their code is said to have a place in their ranks when they pass. Don't trespass, don't prioritise outsiders over your own, feed the young and old first, only kill food to eat it, and do not allow kittens to become apprentices until they're six moons. It's... a changing list. The living decide it, the dead approve it - StarClan is powerful like thatl, but distant, it's likely only leaders and medicine cats will see them in their lifetime." Flawed was the correct word, but not in front of so many pious. He longed for a God that would give him guidance when he lacked it, but a leader would have to do in its place.

Ever the observer, Lionkit could not help but glance in the direction of Harmony as they asked questions about StarClan. Did StarClan not exist wherever they came from? Did cats living outside of the clans not have starry ancestors watching over them, or were they different from StarClan? They must be, in that case, as cats outside of the clans weren't warriors.

The chocolate tortoiseshell point softly padded up next to Drowsypaw, drawing their pair of blue eyes up toward their half-sibling. Bobbie wasn't here and neither were their littermates, their go-to means of moral support, but Drowsypaw was close enough. He was nice to them, even if their parents weren't exactly the same.

Their attention was grabbed, however, as one of the lead warriors gave his input on StarClan. Silversmoke was wise and knew a lot of things, but he sure was... scary. Johnnyflame and Greeneyes weren't scary, and neither was their mother. However, Silversmoke was one of the few lead warriors who was pretty scary. He gave out a lot of orders and got the apprentices in trouble. He also seemed to know a lot about StarClan.

"... it's likely only leaders and medicine cats will see them in their lifetime."

Wait... only leaders and medicine cats? Lionkit frowns, their multi-colored tail beginning to droop as a sinking feeling weighs heavy in their gut. The idea of their brother, Fireflypaw, getting to potentially commune with Blazestar in StarClan instead of him made him quite sad. "You mean... so, I-" Lionkit stumbles over his words, a sudden wave of anxiety building in their chest as he addressed Silversmoke. They stiffened, blue eyes glistening as they dared to look up at the scarred silver tabby. "So, I won't be able t' see StarClan?" The kit mews, utter disappointment painted across their soft features. Lionkit had always dreamed of talking with StarClan, but most importantly, meeting his father.


it's not really a surprise to him that silversmoke is being a pessimist. he started off good enough but silversmoke was not as changing as the code he mentioned. his tail curled around his paws, before his ears perked at the sound of lionkit next to him. gently he leaned down and swiped his tongue over his little half brother's ears, gently nudging him to get his attention.

"starclan is just special, is all. and you can see them!! when the stars twinkle real h-high up there, that's st-starclan. your dad is up there and i j-just know he's lookin' a-at you and he l-loves you."

his half siblings have to grow up without knowing him but... somewhere even then, there is a tinge of jealousy. at least they know where he is. know of him. hear of his tales and great leadership, how he established and lead skyclan to greatness. he, and his littermates, don't get that. he wonders if everything would have been different if he knew the kittypet that helped bring him into this world. with a soft sigh, he just moves back to clean lionkit's fur.

"I think i-it's a rule there. th-they have to stay because that's their n-new home n-now, e-even when they want to return."

he isn't so sure about the rules of starclan and why they can't come visit more often. he just knows he doesn't want to question it.

They nod along with Silversmoke's explanation. Although they'd never heard anything like it, it's easy enough to follow. Whether or not they believed in Starclan was another thing entirely. Of course, this was the first time it'd been explained to them, so it wasn't as though they could never change their mind, but it was foreign. The stars were a welcome sight to them, too, as apparently they were to the clan cats, albeit for reasons not entirely the same. They provided guidance to Harmony, too - but not through the wisdom of the cats that had come before them like they did for the clans. They did so simply by being there. Their constancy alone was a comfort, something familiar in a world that was ever-changing.

What happens when you die? is a question that no one could have a certain answer to, but there were, of course, many different things that were believed about death. It was unclear to them exactly how Starclan was supposed to work, but it was likely that there was no definite answer to that, either, and faith would have to suffice.

Faith. Another uncertainty.

They narrow their eyes a little, shooting the kit and apprentice a subtle sympathetic look. But the conversation between the two cats brings them to the idea of their father watching them, wherever he was, and the thought alone makes their skin crawl, regardless of whether they believe that Starclan exists. It is a small comfort, though, that it seems as though there are specific rules to follow that he had most certainly not met. It should settle them, but the unease still forms a knot in their stomach. Despite the way their fur stands a little on end on their shoulders, they dip their head once more, this time to Silversmoke. "I see. Thank you.." The thought nags them, though, and another question bites at their tongue, and they can't leave it alone. "What happens to cats outside of the clans?"