pafp skipped class to sit with you // questions

May 22, 2023

eggpaw & 04 moons & male & he/him & skyclan apprentice

Its strange, being an apprentice - getting used to being called by a new name, being allowed to leave the camp with his mentor, having a whole new set of responsibilities. Of course, eggpaw has eagerly steped up to the challenge - thirst for knowledge coming back in full force, his enthusiasm pushing him to try anything and everything he can get his paws on. But his plans have been thwarted by the recent announcement - it's cherrypaw, not eggpaw, who gets to go to the gathering - with their mom. And so the boy finds himself with a new set of questions, eggshell and cream figure weaving his way over to her on clumsy paws - he's had another growth spurt, leaving his limbs too-long and his gait wobbly. "Momma'," he calls, hoping to catch her attention, round face tipped back to peer at her and grey-blue eyes wide and owlish in their stare. "What's the gathering like? Are there lots of cats to meet?"

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: please wait for @orangeblossom
    tw/cw: —
  • a round faced and slightly pudgy boy, with long legs and too-big paws. his pelt is pale eggshell and cream, and he has dull grey-blue eyes. he wears butterfly wings and flowers in his fur, and seems to be growing at an exponential rate.

    physically easy && mentally easy
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#108297]action here[/color][/b] and tag account


"Eggpaw," she responds immediately, even before she turns to catch sight of her son in the dissipating crowd of Blazestar's announcement. He trots over as she acknowledges him, his blue-grey eyes wide and questioning and his pawsteps wobbly on too-long legs. She turns to face him fully, sitting down with her tail curled around her paws.

"The Gathering happens once a moon, when it's full. Blazestar will pick a pawful of cats and apprentices to represent SkyClan, and we travel all the way to Fourtrees, past ThunderClan. The leaders sit on top of a huge rock, and share news, like your apprenticeship-" she nudges him with a paw, pride shining softly in her eyes- "and other promotions, like Sparrowsong's. Unfortunately, other Clans take the Gatherings as an excuse to pick fights with each other. One moon, Sootstar was almost struck by lightning!"

Nearby, Dog's scraggly frame shifted through the gathered cats, navigating a sea of bodies until he nearly collided with Orangeblossom's back. He paused for a heartbeat, reflexively stepping back a few paces, his lone eye shifting toward the gangly form of Eggpaw – one of the deputy's many offspring, recently apprenticed. A strange feelings of familiarity started to click in his mind and he couldn't help but eavesdrop on their chatter.

While he caught only the tail end of the conversation, his eye widened theatrically, and his maw hung agape. With a mischievous saunter, he sidled to the opposite side of the orange and white molly, maintaining an air of feigned surprise as he chimed in, "Hey there, I couldn't help but overhear. These gatherings sound so wild!" He hoped to amp up the excitement of the gatherings by chiming in. In this attempt he anticipates the younger tom will grow even more bedazzled and dream of a fun gathering. Rather than picture it as the rude political slugfest gatherings really were or what Dog had pieced together from previous conversations.

Curiosity still stirred within him, visions of Fourtrees tantalizing his thoughts, but instead of delving into inquiries, Dog opted to fall in step. Nonchalantly grooming his chest fur with quick licks, he continued. "My apologies if I interrupted." A polite blink punctuated his words before he pressed on, his tone warm and congenial. "It's actually quite nice to run into you here, Orangeblossom. I'm sure you're incredibly proud today." A genuine note of praise shimmered in his gaze, a silent acknowledgment of the child's achievement, before he shifted his attention back to the apprentice positioned across from his mother.

A lighthearted 'hrrph' fluttered from his maw as he drawled on. "Hello, my name is Dog. I'd like to extend a well-deserved congratulations to you, Eggpaw!" Peering past the deputy's shoulders, he offers a nod toward the apprentice. As he slowed his pace to a comfortable gait, Dog settled into a stance of anticipation, eager to hear their responses.​
I've been trying not to
Dark paws kick around a pebble in border fashion, watching the miniscule rock skitter across the ground from one spot to the next. It's not until he knocks it a little too far that he trots close enough to the trio to reclaim his temporary toy. In the process of scooping the pebble back up, Plaguepaw looks at Eggpaw. "There were so many cats when I went last time." He couldn't help but chime in, now fully invested in the conversation he takes a seat beside Dog. "Is it always that crowded?" He asked, turning to glance at Orangeblossom before becoming promptly distracted by Dog's collar. "I like your collar amigo!" The boy compliments as a leg lifts to scratch at an itchy spot beneath his own purple hued one.
Go off the deep end

eggpaw & 05 moons & male & he/him & skyclan apprentice

The pale ginger boy listens attentively as his mother speaks, grey blue eyes wide and soulful. These gatherings sound interesting, but the last comment has him pausing - lighting? Nose wrinkles in confusion "It's lightning tiny though? Those shiny streaks in the sky, right, that go flash an' then boom?" he's forgotten the word for thunder again, but really it doesn't matter - he's certain he's gotten his point across. Dog joins in to ask his own questions, but the boy only nods at the congratulations. Plaguepaw has something much more interesting to say, and grey-blue eyes narrow - "Mhm, it's very pretty," eggpaw likes things that are pretty - maybe he'll be able to convince one of the daylight warriors to bring him one too.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • a round faced and slightly pudgy boy, with long legs and too-big paws. his pelt is pale eggshell and cream, and he has dull grey-blue eyes. he wears butterfly wings and flowers in his fur, and seems to be growing at an exponential rate.

    physically easy && mentally easy
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#108297]action here[/color][/b] and tag account