private SKY/RIVER Hunting Patrol - beckons through the leaves

CW Descriptors of starvation and nausea.

Exhaustion weighed heavily on the orange and white feline, even though the real work had barely begun. It wasn't his usual bout of tiredness either. This time felt bone deep and searing, but dutifully they ignored it and wobbled on.

Scrawny frame slipping through the brambles of withering bushes and onto more open terrain. Leading the way through the familiar pine forest, he kept a watchful eye on the RiverClan cats, ensuring they kept pace. The uneven terrain was undoubtedly challenging for them, and he kept a gradual pace. Hoping to give every cat ample time to catch up. His nose twitched at the sight of the Rockpile emerging from the tree line, an overused hunting spot carrying a damp, cool scent. Confident in their direction, he took a sharp left and signaled for their fellow patrol lead to follow. The path ahead soon led downhill, into a lush thicket of evergreens. Descending a hill wasn't much of a problem, but the scattered debris could lead to slipping.

Waving his scrawny tail high, the Skyclan warrior issued a warning. "Take it easy going downhill. Watch out for the rocks." Getting as steady as possible, he maneuvered the jump in a haphazard manner. Withered body doing little to hold them still as they gripped the ground for stability.

As they lessened their hold, they forced himself to keep walking. Dogbite's body relaxing when all four paws found firmer ground. Scanning the trees, it pleased him to discover a small clearing a safe distance from the ThunderClan border. It would be a tight squeeze starting off, but once they moved onto tree digging, it wouldn't be so cluttered. Nodding to Drizzlepelt, they broke away from the group to scout the area, circling it a few times. Unfortunately, the scent of prey was just as stale or the above-ground creatures had moved on far too soon. One blessing they could count on was the lack of rogues or unusual scents.

Returning to the waiting cats, he addressed the small crowd anew, urging them to head over to the designated spot. "All clear! I suggest we set up here and begin basic hunting moves. What do you think, Drizzlepelt?" He wanted to hear the other tom's opinion before starting up the session. Awkward gait paused as their blue eyes gazed at the fellow tabby.

Dogbite had no intention of pushing any cat too hard, especially as dawn was approaching, and he was sure everyone here was in need of rest.

  • ooc ; This thread is open only to the Sky/River patrol for now. Your character cannot participate if they're already in any patrols, were told to stay in camp, or are currently doing tasks at the same time. This is set only a bit after Blazestar spoke with the Riverclan cats moving into Skyclan camp.

    prompt ; When he posts again, a prompt will become available! Dogbite and Drizzlepelt will choose two separate ways to hunt. One will be chasing after a very fast bird and the other a tricky mouse. Whichever critter gets picked (most replies) will be the deciding factor in whether the patrol runs into Thunderclanners or has an easy hunt. A D20 randomizes the chance, and you won't know which animal represents a high or low roll, so be prepared to stick with your pick. There are no other rules or word-count requirements, any response length is valid so long as a choice is made!

    tldr ; Dogbite brings the patrol into a clearing near Skyclan's Rockpile and urges them all to join him. There he has decided to start training some Riverclanners but is looking for Drizzlepelt's approval. The next post will have a prompt for you to pick and there is no pressure to match muse.
  • 1000007505-png.1053

    ✧ 28 moons old
    ✧ skyclan warrior
    ✧ he/they ; single
    ✧ child of npc x npc
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
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Reactions: Drizzlepelt
Drizzlepelt was more of a follower than a leader, so he lets Dogbite take control of where they head to hunt. The rockpile might be a good place to relax and bask in the sun, but prey could be found around here too. He’s not sure how lucky they’ll be, if they even manage to catch anything at all, but he has to remain optimistic. Hopefully he’ll be alright at showing RiverClan how to catch with so many trees around them…so many places to escape to, he thinks anxiously.

Their arrival is as safe as can be, thank StarClan. They’re pretty close to ThunderClan however, and he looks towards their oak trees with worry, hoping there won’t be any issues. Hopefully they won’t show up at all, but with how often patrols happen, there’s no way to be sure. He’s aware of the tensions between River and Thunder, and seeing as they’re close to a bunch of rocks… well, hopefully there won’t be any complaints.

Drizzlepelt nods his head towards Dogbite’s suggestion to try and practice a few moves. “Sounds good to me. I don’t think that learning how to climb trees will be very useful thanks to the difficulty, but we can at least use the rocks to gain the height advantage.” He makes his way up the rocky terrain, wisp-like stature granting him silence despite the rough exterior. He then addresses the patrol again.

“When we are not hunting in the trees themselves, we typically use low branches to sneak up on prey that are below us, and try to remain as quiet as possible as we strike. My first task is for you all to climb up to me as quietly as possible.” Shouldn’t be that much trouble, as rivers have their own fair share of stones to trek on if you’re not looking to submerge yourself underneath the water.​
it's not my fault i have my father's eyes .
Littlepaw was glad for the distraction back in camp, swarming with injured and sick to pad through the familiar terrain he called his home. He’s never been this close to the ThunderClan border, but it wasn’t if he had a lot of training under his paw.

The young apprentice remained silent, following his mentor with diligent optics, wondering if their mixed party would do more harm than good. “Will we catch anything?” He couldn’t help but mumble, tone uncertain. He glanced at the others, calculating, but his kitten mind couldn’t pick up anything but the way they looked. He huffed, annoyed.

Shaking his helm, the black-and-white feline fell silent, his tiny frame dwarfed by the majority that did well to irk him. He was still growing! Maybe he’ll get as big as Tigerscar. No longer dwelling on it, Littlepaw listened to Drizzlepelt.
thought speech
Granted permission by Smokethroat, Robinpaw follows Dogbite and Drizzlepelt closely as the group heads towards the Rockpile. The uneven terrain paired with generalized exhaustion slows the tortoiseshell apprentice slightly, though determination to succeed on this excursion keeps her moving forward. She will make her deputy proud, make her mentor proud, and make her clan proud. Robinpaw wills it into existence.

”StarClan willing,” Robinpaw murmurs to Littlepaw as the other apprentice murmurs in uncertainty if they’ll catch anything. She hopes they will not return empty pawed. But on the bright side, she will get to experience a lesson in hunting on a new terrain - knowledge is power after all. She listens with intent as the SkyClan warriors give instruction. Citrine eyes behold the rocky structure Drizzlepelt perched upon and Robinpaw carefully tries to calculate the best way up. RiverClan was vastly different and climbing wasn’t a skill she had practiced aside from trying to scale the curtains of the twoleg home she lived in for a very brief time.

Taking in a deep breath, the apprentice begins her climb. Ivory claws scrape stone as she feels for footholds. Snail-like she inches up the rocky terrain, occasionally sending pebbles skittering down while whispering quick apologies - she’s not being as silent as she anticipated despite her best efforts. Finally she reaches Drizzlepelt and casts him an apologetic glance.
It eased his pains to know Drizzlepelt was a competent and agreeable cat. The trip had been easier with help and knowing the other was well versed in Skyclan training eased the growing anxieties. Sure, he had been schooled to earn his title but not raised on the clans ways. Some moves were beyond them and considering his partial vision a few even improbable.

Instead, he had been trained in special regard to it. Taking a less offensive approach and keeping as much distance as possible. Once a few cats got settled his attention was diverted to the gray coat of their hunting companion. Blue eye sparking with ideas. "I agree. It's best to stick to easy tactics that every cat can pick up on." He nodded in Drizzlepelts direction.

Scooting over a rabbit hop or two they addressed the group once more. Stoic gaze landing on their apprentice Littlepaw. "If any of you get stuck or confused don't fret. I'll be here to guide any stragglers." Feeling his time in the sun had finished the patchy warrior got to work. Trailing up the rocks they did their best to step carefully over each dip. Long claws clinging as he heaved his body upward. Only casting a few small pebbles and dirt down behind him.

Dizziness ensued from the quick motion but soon enough it faded and their mind set itself back on track. Just in the nick of time as cats began to practice their ears caught the sound of distant scuffling. Which was promptly drowned out by the movement of paws and exchanged words. Steadying himself right below Drizzlepelt he watched as cats took their shots trying it.

Yet the small scuffling noises kept creeping by in the wind and they couldn't help but peer into the distance. Neglecting his earlier promise of playing safe guard by stepping towards it. The slight twitch of a leaf was enough to confirm his suspicions. In a hurried whisper, he called to the fellow Skyclanner dangling on the branch. "Hold up for a second... I think something's in that bush." He silently pointed their tail in said direction before abandoning his post.

Turning he dropped low and slunk around the tree. Akin to a snake maneuvering the ground as his ears continued twiddling. Bending their tufted legs slowly and creeping forward with practiced grace that contrasted his ragged body. He'd be a fool to miss out on any prey available to them. After a few more practiced steps a small gray form jetted past and Dogbite eagerly pursued it. Mouse! Feathery tail streaming behind as he drifted further into the territory.

  • ooc ;
    Once Drizzlepelt posts, the routes can be chosen and the thread opened! Dogbite is chasing a mouse and your OC has the option to follow him or Drizzlepelt.
  • 1000007505-png.1053

    ✧ 28 moons old
    ✧ skyclan warrior
    ✧ he/they ; single
    ✧ child of npc x npc
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
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