I'm putting Chrysalispaw's two siblings - Termitepaw and Katydidpaw - up for adoption! I'd love for him to have played siblings.

"Chrysaliskit was born alongside his siblings Termitekit and Katydidkit, to young parents Dragonflywing and Earwigtuft. Chrys' life was rather uneventful in his kithood... He played with his siblings and doted on his mother. He loved his father, too, but the other seemed not to echo his sentiments. If he did, young Chrys couldn't see it. He only ever appeared to criticize him and his brood, it seemed..."

Dragonflywing, the litter's father, is an impassionate, avoidant, and aloof man. Earwigtuft, the litter's mother, is a loving but quiet and distant woman. The two were childhood sweethearts who grew up together and eventually fell in love. However, they were quite young when they had their first litter, and not exactly ready to take on the responsibility. Over the couse of Earwigtuft's pregnancy, the two started to argue more and more until they fell out of love. In the kits' childhoods, Dragonflywing tended to avoid them as much as possible. Whenever he did interact with them, he only criticized and berated them. Earwigtuft did not stop him, but she did try to love her kids as best as she could.

Now, the kits have become apprentices. Chrysalispaw and his siblings have somewhat drifted apart, and their relationship is rocky and strained at best.

- Both siblings are 9 months old. They age realistically on the 1st of each month.
- If you need more information on Chrysalispaw, his biography is HERE.
- They are 100% colony blood. They do not have any (immediate) relations to loners or kittypets, as both of their parents are from the colonies.
- Termite and Katydid would likely be closer to each other than to Chrysalispaw.

- Termite is a longhaired black tom (AMAB) with low white and orange eyes. His reference is HERE (on the left side).
- He is a cowardly tomcat who tends to be much of a defeatist. Despite this, he works hard to be the best apprentice he can be. Ironically, he has a fear of heights.
- He looks most like his father, which gives him some grief.
- He is the firstborn son.
- Chrysalispaw doesn't exactly admire the eldest brother. He often mocks his acrophobia and general cowardice.

KATYDIDPAW ─ Taken by @quixotic
- Katydid is a calico molly (AFAB) with high white and blue eyes. Her reference is HERE (on the right side).
- She is a workaholic she-cat who tends to give off a snooty, tactless first impression. She tends to be quiet, observant, and selective with who she befriends. Despite this, she is empathetic and compassionate.
- She looks most like her mother, whom she doesn't exactly admire.
- She is the lastborn daughter.
- Chrysalispaw doesn't really like the youngest sister. He often bickers with the similarly-stubborn she-cat.

- This is FCFS. Any application form is allowed.
- Please do not change their name. I would prefer if you did not alter the appearance or personality, but if you want to make slight modifications, that is fine. You are free to change their gender and any other aspect of their character.
- I would like for them to stay in Skyclan. However, if you have a good plot for them to switch clans, then I don't mind (please tell me beforehand!).
- Activity can be as casual as you like! However, I'd like for you to develop their character beyond being Chrysalispaw's sibling.
- If you have any more question please let me know or contact me on Discord!!

- These kids are Generation 1. Both of their parents are NPCs.
- The genetics of Dragonflywing and Earwigtuft are provided below in case you want to know.

Sire: LH black w/ low white
Dam: SH tortoiseshell w/ low white (carrying longhaired)

- Toms can be black or red tabby
- Mollies can be black or tortoiseshell
- Kits can be longhaired or shorthaired
- Lits may have any amount of white or lack thereof
- Kits without white may have any realistic eye color barring blue; kits with white may have any realistic eye color
- Red-based kits will mask black
- Shorthaired kits will carry longhair
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Transfem, she/they/it
— skyclan apprentice
— lesbian, monogamous​

LH black, low white, orange eyes
Termitepaw is an average-sized cat, though slightly larger than her siblings. Her fur is long and trailing, soft like downy feathers, and pulls downward into wispy tufts. Its color is black as night, black as termite-shell, with dapples of white like glints of light across his face and back. Her paws, too, are white, as is her belly. The tips of her ears carry the final glimpse of light, reaching towards the stars in a way the molly never has. Her eyes stand out amid the sea of star-dappled dark, firelight-orange, slit-pupiled, and ever-wide in frightful scrutiny.​

INFP, True Neutral
( + ) empathetic, hardworking, imaginative, patient
( / ) pessimistic, sensitive, timid, superstitious
( - ) cowardly, compliant, naive, absent-minded

Termitepaw is a fearful cat, quick to give up or outright avoid challenge. She is pessimistic, yet rarely gloomy, seeming to accept the inevitability of failure with an unbothered acceptance. Despite this, she throws herself into her apprentice duties, finding comfort in the routine and still wanting to succeed despite her conviction that she cannot. She often avoids other cats, preferring the company of insects, by which she is fascinated. She is an unusual cat, always finding patterns and meaning where none exists, ascribing significance to every event. She fears yet is intrigued by StarClan, always searching for signs of their presence.

When in the company of others, she makes herself as small and unobtrusive as she can, often agreeing with everything other cats say, even if she ends up contradicting herself. The apprentice fears criticism, fears judgement, in large part due to the harsh critiques of the father she looks so similar to. Termitepaw always tried to please Dandelionwing, though she never quite managed it.

Much to her own detriment, Termitepaw has a fear of heights. It is not an enviable trait in a SkyClanner. Ironically enough, she seems to always have her head in the clouds, frequently distracted by flights of fancy.

— holds herself still and tense, excepting her ears which swivel at every sound. tends to keep her tail held low. constantly hunching. tends of to look at cats out of the corner of her eye​

— tried to keep the personality mostly the same, just fleshed her out a bit (made her weirder) hope that's ok :]
— i also transed her gender 👍 i love a failgirl
— will likely be active to semi-active!​
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put the app. in a quote bc it got kinda (very) long


katydidkit - katydidpaw - katydid???
9 months
skyclan apprentice
cisgender female, bisexual (will question gender during adulthood)
single, monogamous / not interested in romance at the moment

SH calico with high white and blue eyes
katydidpaw shares the lithe and elegant build her siblings possess, a figure that stands a big below the average height of cats her age, but nothing to noticiable to be something she could be teased over (unless you're chrysalispaw, in which something as small as that could easily be used as ammunition for harsh words aimed at your sister). most of her fur, short and as neatly groomed as she can keep it, is covered in white. scattered and contained blotches of black and muddy orange break up the snowy pelt on her right shoulder, back left leg, head, tail, and a small section of her right paw that she's formed a nervous habit of poking at with her other paw. her most attention grabbing feature are her eyes, a deep blue unlike that of sapphire gems, both haunting and beautiful in their own ways
small scars across body but hidden under fur, all gained during apprentice training
may potentially wear katydid wings as an accessory at some point

She's heard her name brought up in many conversations her entire life, the change in seasons and suffixes doing little to stop the continuing comparisons of her very being to others. Her tone and words a weak echo of the sharpened barbs that slip from her brother's maw, seemingly not caring for the lingering negative effects they cause the recipient to feel. Her quiet demeanor making it easy to slip in and out of the crowds, a hidden figure tucked in the shadows merely observing the happenings of the world around her, not too dissimilar to the way her mother and sibling hold themselves, meek and small, hiding from the eyes of others. And, an admittedly newer one: the similarities to the little insignificant creature behind namesake, the katydid. A hardened exterior like an exoskeleton, nobody allowed in to see the intricacies that make up the apprentice, but still loud in the way she exists, like she knows she's better than everyone else there and everyone else outside the bounds of the clan, better than any kittypet or rogue that decides to enter the ranks of the wild and brazen. Loud like the choruses of katydids trying to attract attention of others around them.

There's truth in the observations people make of her, she can't deny it. Her words can, more often than not, come out as blunt and hurtful, especially when the situation is shrouded in stress and anxiety- but unlike her brother, she knows how words can land like blows thrown in battle, and tries her best to soften her words, ease in the truth when it's hard to swallow, provide comfort when it's needed. After all, any action is better than inaction, something that she vehemently believes in after her mother (the cat she is most compared to in all aspects physical and mental) did little to protect her children from her father in her eyes.

She is quiet, extremely observant, sticks to the sidelines by her lonesome; but she also steps outside when necessary, speaks up during important matters or relaxed conversations, providing when she knows she can. It's especially reflected in her apprentice training, something she is extremely proud of. Katydidpaw once used her want, her need to impress her father as the fuel behind her training, wishing that the silence or thinly veiled insults he paid her and her siblings were instead compliments and admiration for how much she seemed to care for her future and the future of her clan. But that time has come and gone, and now she's only fueled by her own progress, believing she needs to impress nobody but herself. She throws herself into her duties, not bothering to talk to anyone while doing so. It's energy spent in the wrong places.

Katydidpaw is a hardened individual, seemingly placing importance in herself and only herself, and despite how much she dislikes the idea, she also knows that isn't too skewed of an observation either. But she has so much space in her heart for others, not just herself. Her clan as a whole and its members, the creatures big and small she sees when she goes out for her training, the beauty of nature constantly around her... her siblings, Chrysalispaw and Termitepaw - despite how much she wishes to cuff her brother behind his head every second of the day while nearly coddling their oldest sibling and taking as much interest in their love for bugs as she can. Her parents as well, even if their names are attached to little more but disappointment and "what ifs" in her mind than anything else. She cares greatly and can show it if she tries, but Katydidpaw believes that she needs to be at her best first before being able to let others in; be better protected and secure before someone else can let her down just like her parents did
lawful neutral

hard to form platonic relationships
very hard to form romantic relationships
no mate / no crushes
child of dragonflywing and earwigtuft
sister to chrysalispaw and termitepaw

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  • Katydidkit Katydidpaw; explaination
    ─ Apprentice of Skyclan; No previous alligencies
    ─ Nonbinary Feminine AFAB, they/she; biromantic demisexual polyam
    ─ created 02/22/2023 at 9 moons / ages every 1st
    ↳ penned by @Wolf_Morgue

    ↳ ( Appearance ) ╭──╯ . . . .
    A calico molly with high white and blue eyes / reference
    Standing at about 9 inches tall, Katydid is a very lithe and willow bodied cat. They have short fur that is like velvet and white whiskers that protrude from their face. She has these almond shaped eyes that sit in her ather narrow and triangular face; they're a brilliant shade of royal blue. Katydid has rounded ears and they side widely on top of her head, she also has a small, pink nose that sits in the midst of dark patches. They have half of their face as a calico pattern of blacks, browns and oranges as well as a patc on their shoulder and left thight and all the way up their tail.
    ↳ carrying long hair, black based​

    ↳ ( Mentality ) ╭──╯ . . . .
    Intelligence ●●●●●●●●●●
    Confidence ●●●●●○○○○○
    Charisma ●●●●●●●●○○
    Creativity ●●●●●○○○○○
    Empathy ●●○○○○○○○○
    Humor ●●●●○○○○○○
    Lawful Good // Divergent (Candor and Erudite)
    (+) positive traits (/) neutral traits (-) negative traits. Katydid is a workaholic at heart, always out doing something some how or some way. They're often seen hunting, training to fight, or even helping out Dawnglare and Fireflypaw when there was no more warrior duties to do. Unable to stand sitting in one place for too long, they're know to get into trouble due to their rather restless behavior but Katydidpaw is a very intelligent cat. They're able to pick up on subjects rather quickly and absorbs information like a sponge. Though their more intellecutal stance on things can come off as snobbish or rude at some points and her poor social skills don't help her more prude-ish nature.

    Katydid is very kind though and motherly towards her siblings and those young than her. She tries to make others work hard and follow her lead. Though she doesn't see it as being overbearing or insensitive, she genuinely thinks she is helping. They're also socially awkward most of the time and has a hard time reading between the line or understanding sayings of any kind. Sarcasm also goes over their head quite easily as well, they take most things at face value. Katydid has a strained relationship with Chrysalispaw and tries to make it civil but that can be quite hard somtimes. They form attachments easily to others around them as they didn't get a lot of attention as a kit, and being social is hard for them so when they do make a friend its obessession.
    ↳ mannerisms elaborate

    ↳ ( Relationships ) ╭──╯ . . . .
    Dragonflywing x Earwigtuft sibling to Chrysalispaw and Termitepaw | mentoring no one, mentored by TBD
    Mate to whoever | Parent to whoever | Other kin
    — Admires
    — Friends with
    — Likes
    — Dislikes
    — Loathes

    ↳ ( Interaction ) ╭──╯ . . . .
    strength ●●●●●○○○○○
    stamina ●●●●●○○○○○
    agility ●●●●●○○○○○
    hunting ●●●●●○○○○○
    swimming ●●●●●○○○○○
    climbing ●●●●●○○○○○
    grace ●●●●●○○○○○
    single; biromantic demisexual polyam / crushing on no one, looking
    — physical health: [ 100% ] | mental health: [ 100% ]
    — will start fights | (will/will not) end fights | (will/will not) flee | (will/will not) show mercy
    excels at Hunting, Climbing, Fighting
    poor at skill Diplomacy, Empathy, Swimming
    sounds like blah blah / voice claim if applicable
    smells like roses
    — healing & peaceful powerplay allowed
    — speech is #hexcode
  • ( Backstory / simplified history )

    ( Important Threads )
    ( ☆ ) Interaction ( ★ ) Development
    Thread Name ──── brief description.
    Thread Name ──── brief description.
  • code of posting format
    posting format
a day late @ this response but wAh tyty !! and wolf! you're so big brained (/very pos), your app was super awesome!

i'll get her account up and running soon >:] and i would love a termite and katydid thread as well (i hold them gently in my arms), i'll def. reach out to you about one asap!
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