SkyClan Deputy Kit Rehome | closed + chosen

Nov 28, 2022


  • In the throes of last leafbare, Orangeblossom and Ashenclaw's somewhat tumultuous courtship ended with the two becoming mates. Orangeblossom discovered her pregnancy amid SkyClanners being taken from their home by twolegs, Ashenclaw among them, and spent most of her pregnancy unsure if he would return. In the time since their kits' birth, the two parents have drifted apart. The two separated romantically shortly before the Journey in September, but remain on good terms to this day. Ashenclaw has remained a good and present father, and Orangeblossom has tried her best to juggle motherhood and deputyship.

    This slot is not FCFS! I will be choosing on Thursday Dec 28th.

    Original adoption thread located here for your convenience.

    RELATIONS: These kits will be gen 3! Family tree here.
    Their littermates are as follows:
    @Cherrypaw , played by pikaihao
    @Glimmerpaw , played by rosetintedmoon
    @Eggbounce. , played by kitty-kat-
    @HICCUP-PAW , played by saturnid
  • As always if you have any questions, feel free to reach out either on this thread or via discord! I'm in all the TabbyTales servers. :]

    — Casual characters are welcome provided they remain active enough to remain on the census. This slot may be rehomed after two months of no activity.
    — Characters with disabilities and birth defects are welcome provided they are researched and played both accurately and respectfully.
    — Please follow the genetics. The naming themes are a guide, not mandatory, though we won't choose kittens with names taken from the "no" list.
    — Barring IC consequences and reactions, this character should remain in SkyClan. Please do not kill them without warning and discussion.

    — Is now eight moons, and will turn nine on the 28th! Please age them once/monthly on this date.
    — Will be the youngest of the litter alongside Hiccup-paw. The two were born very close together.
    — May have sustained injury or yellowcough in the past!
    — Has been raised with immense love and SkyClan morals. Orangeblossom has high expectations of them, and Ashenclaw has been much more laid back and doting.
    — Has family in RiverClan! They would have been made aware of this during RiverClan's stay in SkyClan. Orangeblossom doesn't mention them much.

  • Sire: LH blue tabby w/ low white (carrying solid, chocolate; 50% maine coon)
    Dam: LH red tabby w/ high white (masking chocolate; carrying dilute, point, cinnamon)
    AMAB kits can be red tabby or cream tabby.
    AFAB kits can be tortoiseshell, torbie, blue tortoiseshell, blue torbie, chocolate tortoiseshell, chocolate torbie, lilac tortoiseshell, or lilac torbie.
    - kits will be longhaired.
    - kits can have low white or high white.
    - kits can have any realistic eye color.
    - tabby kits will carry solid; black-based kits will carry chocolate or cinnamon; chocolate-based kits may or may not carry cinnamon; kits may or may not carry point.
    - red cats will mask black, brown tabby, chocolate, or chocolate tabby; cream cats will mask blue, blue tabby, lilac, or lilac tabby.
    - kits will be ¼ maine coon and may show breed traits.

  • Please note that these lists have been edited slightly from their initial states to reflect plots that have since occurred!

    — Plants: Peony, Fern, Pine, Holly, Hazel, Bramble
    — Memories: Falling, Song, Flurry, Blizzard, Blue
    — In honour of: Patch (Alice), Stag (Buckgait), Sleet (Ashenclaw), Fire (Blazestar)
    — Creatures: Owl, Hoot, Swallow, Bird, Squirrel, Mouse, Stoat
    — No-nos: WindClan connotations (eg. Moor, Field, Running, Rabbit), intentionally naming after others (any name in use by another character Ora is familiar with, eg. Blaze, Dawn or Daisy), Fox.

    — Appearance: Rose, Pink, Yellow, White, Blue, Grey
    — Feminine: Daffodil, Orchid, Willow, Snow, Fern, Fawn, Dove
    — Masculine: Rock, Sleet, Storm, Nettle, Ash, Falcon
    — In honour of: Scorching, Fire (Blazestar); Thorn, Spike, Sharp, Piercing (Thistleback), Flurry, Light, Veil (kittypet family names), Smoke, Smokey, Smoking (Silversmoke)
    — Fruits: Blackberry, Cranberry, Juniper
    — Others: Soft, Bubble, Sweet
    — No-nos: WindClan connotations (eg. Moor, Running, Heather, Gorse), 'mean' connotations (eg. Odd, Strange, Shadow).



Due to being ¼ maine coon, Sparkpaw is a larger feline. Over time, he will grow to become a tall and muscular tom, with the potential of being slightly larger than some of his clanmates. His red coloring and long fur are his most notable features, which he takes great pride in; doing his best to keep his coat well-maintained. On the tip of his tail he has a small patch of white fur, which happens to be the only place he has any white coloring in his fur. His orange-colored eyes add a nice compliment to his flame-colored pelt, however, due to his lighter-colored eyes occasional sun sensitivity may occur.

Sparkpaw's personality is that of a typical SkyClanner. To those he's close to, he is loving and easy-going. He will do anything for those he considers to be his family or friends, oftentimes going out of his way simply to make another happy. He is cheerful and welcoming, always willing to lend a paw to those in need. On the other paw, he is wary around new individuals until they can "prove" themselves in his mind. While he does recognize the benefits that outsiders can bring to the clan, he is unsure of where their loyalties truly lie until they make them known. Anyone who can prove themselves earns themselves Sparkpaw's unbroken loyalty and trust.

Sparkpaw is also a devoted member of the clan, always eager to prove his loyalty and dedication. He would go to the ends of the earth for those he cares for and knows the importance of passing these traits on. A heavy believer in StarClan, he willingly passes on his beliefs and knowledge to those around him, as well as trusted newcomers. Those who do not believe in StarClan will never be fully trusted by the young apprentice.

Additionally, he can be considered a strong and brave future warrior of the clan. Sparkpaw takes great pride in his clan and is always doing his best to improve himself. An intelligent feline, he takes his time to think out situations rather than jumping to conclusions or diving into situations without thinking. Unlike some cats his age, he can be considered very mature for an apprentice.
  • would like to form a trio of apprentice friends that would most likely be his closest friends && would cause trouble with these friends in his younger years
  • although the youngest sibling, he would likely take on a nurturing and protective role over his siblings and mother as he grows older
  • would attempt to get to know his family in riverclan at some point ?? perhaps in secret if the rest of his family disapproves ??
  • will be strictly loyal to the warrior code, maybe throw a few things his way to test his loyalties as well ??
  • voice claim: billy loomis (scream)
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tracking with the name soft or lotus (if that's an approved name despite not being on the list otherwise soft for sure)
- lilac tortie with high white and pale blue eyes
- FtM trans or nonbinary
- born with poor health and are often sick might have bad vision and lose their sight completely overtime
- a quiet and reserved kitty who is quite sensitive
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tracking with the name soft or lotus (if that's an approved name despite not being on the list otherwise soft for sure)
- lilac tortie with high white and pale blue eyes
- FtM trans or nonbinary
- born with poor health and are often sick might have bad vision and lose their sight completely overtime
- a quiet and reserved kitty who is quite sensitive

I would definitely recommend softpaw over lotuspaw for this litter!<3
going to withdraw to focus on my other scrunklies for a while < 3 still watching intently

general tw for canon - realistic gore, self - destructive perfectionism. all other triggers will be tagged if applicable.


with the roar of the fire my heart rose to its feet ; like the ashes of ash i saw rise in the heat settle soft and as pure as snow. i fell in love with the fire long ago, with each love i cut loose, i was never the same — WATCHING STILL LIVING ROOTS BE CONSUMED BY THE FLAME.
would that i, hozier .

PATCHPAW, cisgender, she & her pronouns. windclan.
ALT : STAGPAW, VEILPAW, HAZELPAW if any would be preferred ic.​
⤷ named prefix patch- by orangeblossom after her mother, alice, as well as the splotching of chocolate along her back and spine.​
ORANGEBLOSSOM x ASHENCLAW ; extended family branches to riverclan and twolegplace.
granddaughter of alice and heavy stone on her mothers side, cobalt and piñataflurry on her fathers. adoptive sibling to sorrel, doompaw and abysspaw. niece to citruspetal, apricotflower, blueberrybounce, cloudberrythorn, bananasplash, as well as squid, spice and moonveil.​

subtle prejudice. named after her mother’s mother, patchpaw had always had a strong burden of expectation on her shoulders that she begins to pass along to others as a result. grows up with a quietly nursed distaste towards daylight warriors for the weight ( in her opinion ) they do not pull. this will deepen in severity during the upcoming leafbare months.
a stately molly with chocolate - splotched cream tabby fur and hazel brown eyes ♡ ҉ ༄ smells like sweet grass. she earns her namesake only moments after her first, gasping breath — born swathed in patches of chocolate and honey stripes, long fur dousing thick over a rounded, solid framing. she grows quick into her limbs with evidence of her kittypet heritage clear in each muscle, all bulky coat and soft, feathered edges. she is her mother on her father’s base, heavy furred and sharp eyed, hefty and delicate - featured all the same. a long, sloping muzzle site prominently along a slim, high - boned face, settled deep with sap - toned eyes sat beneath a billow of chocolate curl lashes.

she is just above average for her clan, ashenclaw’s height lending to orangeblossoms slim, well - muscled legs.
longhaired cream tabby / chocolate tortoiseshell with light golden brown eyes. generation three ; carrying cinnamon, colorpoint, solid and longhair. able to carry kits, breeds as longhaired chocolate tortoiseshell.
design notes : impeccable posture. an often a tired, placid expression, with softer resting eyes than her mother and a barely - there, dampened smile. gentle around the edges, but knows what and who she is.

warm, ambitious, perfectionist, disciplined, confident neutral: eloquent, family - oriented, honor - seeking, detailed, emotional negative: secretive, controlling, expectant, spiteful ୨୧ an attitude woven at birth ; a gift, lifelong, from a mother both dutiful and proud. her destiny twines from her parents dreams long before she was so much as stardust in their veins, a gilded pedestal to shape her into something golden. patch was born with a place — or, she tends to think so, at least. raised like a hidden blade, veiled in silk ; raised chin, words measured and even. patch is, above all, well - spoken. eloquent, as a result of her upbringing. instilled with a kindness soft upon the tongue, graced by a small smile that never creases the eyes, most will initially find her to be warm like her father. friendly, an inherent empathy roused from their tight knit community.

in the same vein, though, she can be strict and insensitive : a blunt tongue carved from a youth taught well the importance of speaking up. not so much diplomatic as the mere fact that she is allowed. she is confident in herself. never once has she stepped a paw out of line and there is a small, spiteful sort of pleasure in telling others what to do, reveling in the privileges she receives as the daughter of the skyclan deputy. clan law is the ultimate truth, and patchpaw never strays, the stone - still and placid girl amidst her bright and smiling litter. yet she seems almost intolerant to those with housefolk, more scathing, although she’d never admit it aloud ; a held tongue to preserve the working paws of the good few they had. she is quiet about her prejudices, though this may kindle into something more further down the line, when bestowed her warrior name and given power outside of her superiors watch. she is a disciplined as an early apprentice, her sense of self worth lying directly in her usefulness to blazestar and the cause as a whole.

she runs like clockwork, autopilot ; double, triple check her work, her stance, her expression. controlling, some say, concerned — and though most have long since abandoned trying to stop her, she will send away anyone that tries with a snap and a lash of her tail. they say it’s repetitive but she would like to call it being detailed ; whatever it is, it compels her like an itch, crawling forever under her skin. she is fit to burst at any moment — emotional despite the mask of placidity the keeps stretched taut over her features. she struggles to be seen as serene and well - mannered in times of strife, highly prone to outbursts and tears if pushed past her well - guarded breaking point. to avoid this, patch simply.. does not talk about it. some would say she is secretive, but again, she would argue otherwise. she keeps her still - flowering heart close, too close, perhaps, to let many in.

all in all, she is heavily involved in her family — as her father, for all his softness and perceived downfalls, raised her to be. without ashenclaw, she would have been all hollow, all still faces and honor - seeking glory. he softened her, if just a bit : as ambitious as she was set out to be from birth, her moral code reigns strong and devout as her prayers to the stars above.

MOTIFS : ❝ the crying valedictorian. a pretty dog, leashed and snarling. impossible standards as a bare minimum. taught into holier - than - thou silence. a knightly princess. loosely based on annie / starlight from the show the boys.

• has severe difficulty seeing the world in more than black and white, good and bad. tends to take things at face value if they come from anyone with any sort of sway ; thinking is a trap, a prison, and she will do her best to keep busy and distracted to avoid it. whether it’s imagined on her side or not, i also would really be into a sort of highly expectant dynamic from ora !! since i’d seen she’s closer / more protective of cherry since their return from the journey, id love to see how it affected her and patch’s relationship otherwise. they’re close, ora was a good mother, but maybe there’s a worry that patch got the bad parts of her personality… ( though it’s totally okay if not, the concept spawned to me after seeing nayyirah waheed‘s “ mothers are humans who sometimes give birth to their pain instead of children “ and i RAN with it. the maternal curse passing down,,, )


& . ADOLESCENCE / shortly after being apprenticed, a sickness begins to take over the clans. on the mark of her fifth month birthday, she falls to this sickness, as well. when cats leave to embark on the journey, she floats in and out of consciousness until their return. after moons in dawnglare’s den, she will be newly apprenticed if chosen !! i would love for her to have a strict, clan - oriented mentor.

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(alt names: Campionpaw? There's no preference for bugs so no worries if not)

I'll never hide, I can't, I'm too Shiny
Watch me dazzle like a diamond in the rough


carrying solid, point and cinnamon

Orchidpaw is, right off the bat, a handsome tomcat. He prides himself heavily on that, ensuring his dappled coat is groomed to a shine, fluffy, and soft to the touch. Every shade of brown under the sun shines upon his elegant pelt, looking as though he were a blessing born from the rich soil of his homeland. 'Chid is surprisingly tall, thanks to his Maine goon genetics, but his slightly pudgy frame and cloud-like fur make him extremely difficult to fear. His eyes are a lovely mixture of both his parents with orange eyes like his mother's partially overtaken by his dad's green, blending into an impressive hazel. Never will you find a cat more confident than 'Chid as he speaks loud and proud and saunters about like he's dancing to his own themesong in his head.

  • The King of Drama, the Prince of Gossip, the most childish of the children - put your hands together for everyone's future favorite flower child!


    As one of the youngest born, it's no surprise that 'Chid can be a bit of a baby. He’s a painfully massive attention seeker, always ready to do whatever it takes to get a taste of the limelight. A side-effect to his hunger for everyone’s validation, 'Chid can occasionally...exaggerate. Whether it be by blowing up a situation, crying at the drop of a hat or fainting to emphasize his feelings - he’ll do anything to draw attention to himself. It’s not always clear if he’s serious when he acts dramatic, but it can be very annoying. More than that, however, is his absolute love for drama. Despite being a loving tom, he’s a sucker for inter-clan news, especially the spicy stuff, and can get nosy when uncovering the tea. He’s also not afraid to carve out a slice of drama for himself with snarky comments and flaming insults towards anyone he believes deserves to get a bit of social kicking. 'Chid has strong morals which are not easy to dissuade. If he feels something is wrong, he will fight tooth and nail to make sure it’s rectified, especially by someone with power. He’s never afraid to defend people and risk punishment, always believing in the good in others especially if he sets the right example.
    Although he's one of the youngest, don't let it go unsaid that he's a very protective brother. While he doesn’t always do his job well, it can never be said that he won’t drop everything to be there for his siblings, friends and clanmates if they need him. In the meantime though, Cam is an extremely confident and self-assured tom, finding no issue being himself and doing so proudly. He is also a very affectionate, touchy-feely tom, always ready to smile and hug whenever he meets someone and for every day after.
    Despite his enjoyment of chaos and’s not hard for Cam to forgive. While not a conscious trait, he’d sooner let problems go - even willing to forget all about them - should he believe a cat deserves that second chance. Not wanting to live a life of regret, he will forgive cats with surprising ease.

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  • GROWING PAINS: So I like to imagine that 'Chid's attention seeking dramatics is actually a recent development. Before the rogue invasion, Orchidpaw was a calm and studious cat, determined to make his mother proud and become the best of the best. However, after a traumatic battle with one of the rogues that nearly killed him, Orchidpaw realized he didn't like being so reserved and disciplined anymore- he wanted to experience life and all the fun chaos it had to offer!
    So imagine a wallflower bookworm one day getting up and announcing he was going to be captain of the Cheer squad and screw the honors program!
    So while it's nice that he found his wings I think it'd be a fun bit of development of cats wondering wtf has gotten into him, especially when he goes from pulling double shifts on patrol to actively trying to avoid them.
    Maybe some butting-heads plots with Orangeblossom - not so much to incur major angst but just because it'd be fun development! Every teen needs that right of passage having squabbles with their parents! Ofc he'll never not love and respect his mom, growing pains are just growing pains!

    NAME CHANGE: More of a tiny plot but maybe he and the parents talk about potentially renaming him after he's come out. NGL I love Orchidpaw and he adores his name too so I just like the idea of a cute little thread of Orchid telling Orange that he likes how similar his name is with his mom and doesn't want it changed anytime soon <3

    CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR: Maybe a bit of angst fufu so this is wholly optional but if we do go down the butting heads line and it develops into some very rough waters, perhaps 'Chid makes a big show of not needing Skyclan and it's rules and runs out of camp only to get scooped up by a twoleg. OFC his rescue isn't difficult but he comes out of it shaken and shocked and finally it hits him that he needs to get his shit together and start acting like a deputy's son again. But maybe perhaps he loses something in the process >:3c but we'll see we'll see







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fernpaw (named for what the fern symbolizes; humility and sincerity, family and hope for the future)
— future warrior name: fernlight, fernbreeze (likely chosen for her bright and refreshing personality)
— cisgender female / feminine pronouns (she / her)
— 9 moons / ages real time on the 28th of the month / born 05/28/2023
— apprentice of skyclan / born and raised in skyclan

long-haired tortoiseshell w/ low white, heterochromatic blue and green eyes / reference
— fernpaw is a long-haired tortoiseshell domestic feline with thick, silky fur that resembles her main coone heritage. her coat is a patchwork canvas of ginger and black, mixed in with large portions of white on her face, body and tail tip. her round, doe-like eyes are a pretty heterochromatic combination, her left eye a deep shade of steele blue and her right a soft forest green. thanks again to her main coone genetics, she's rather large for the dainty apprentice-aged feline she is, her build lean but tall and her fluffy fur adding the elusion of bulkiness that isn't truly there. her skin is a dusky shade of pink, and her pointed ears are slightly longer than that of an average cat.

personality wip

fernpaw had a normal, loving childhood, and was raised with an extremely close connection to her family and her clan. she has developed a strong devotion to both, and has made them the centerpiece of her life. her apprenticehood was also moving along steadily, pushing her towards a traditional warriors path; until less than a moon in, the yellowcough outbreak ravages the clans. fernpaw herself comes down with a near-fatal case of yellowcough; however fortunately for the young molly and many others, the cure is found in time to save her life, thanks to the brave cats who went on the journey alongside her mother and sister. unfortunately for fernpaw, the illness destroys her immune system and she never fully recovers her previous strength. this, along with all the time she spent in the medicine cat den watching dawnglare and fireflypaw work, leads her to dream of one day becoming a medicine cat herself. she wants to help others the way they were able to help her. she continues her usual warrior training as best as her frail body will allow in the meantime, but she continues to dream of a different path and takes every opportunity to learn the ways of healing.

orangeblossom x ashenclaw
— littermate to cherrypaw, glimmerpaw, hiccup-paw, and eggpaw
— sexuality undiscovered / single / crushing on no one / open for relationship plots
— friends with everyone she meets / trusts pretty much everyone
— enemies with no one / distrusts no one
— platonic relationships are extremely easy to form with fernpaw due to her outgoing and kind nature; in fact, she is usually the one seeking out friendships with everyone she meets. she believes there's good in everyone and they always deserve the benefit of the doubt, so it's very difficult to get on her bad side. romantic relationships are somewhat more difficult for fernpaw, despite being a secret romantic, because she has a hard time picking up on other people feelings towards her. however, she will someday make an incredibly loyal and loving partner. ​

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masking chocolate tabby; carrying solid, point; ¼ maine coon; has overbite and bobtail

suiting her name, cranberrypaw is a deep reddish hue from nose to tail tip. darker stripes criss-cross her pelt, markings breaking up the solid shades that make up most of her color. white is painted onto spots under her eyes, over her muzzle, across her entire belly, and her paws and tail are dipped in the pale color. her fur is scruffy, just long enough to be considered longhair rather than shorthair, with the scruffiest part being the mess of fluff that makes up the bobtail she has. her eyes are a bright, springy hue of green.

she has a small body, likely one of the smallest ones in the litter. she's thin as well, her fluff clinging to her body and not adding much to her size at all. her paws are small to match, with the only big part of her being her ears, one of her most noticeable features. her muzzle is broad, noticeably carrying the facial features of a maine coon, and her fangs poke out from under her lip, an overbite that is clearly visible when looking at her face.

she talks with a bit of a lisp, a rougher voice, talking quick and often stumbling over words. unlike her words, though, she rarely stumbles on her paws, being quick on her feet and rather agile. she moves quickly and easily, never sitting still for too long. her scent is that of pine and a floral smell, one that is not quite particular but instead a blend of a few different flowers, as she enjoys spending time picking and playing with flowers.

  • cranberrypaw, a small and uniquely colored cat with reddish fur, white markings, and distinct maine coon features, exudes warmth and compassion. her politeness and pride shape her interactions, yet her accommodating nature sometimes turns her into a bit of a pushover, prioritizing others over herself. despite her small size, she’s agile and quick, with a love for flowers evident in her scent. this blend of kindness, pride, and yielding tendencies creates a nuanced character navigating a world that occasionally takes advantage of her gentle demeanor.

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    cranberrypaw is a study in contrasts, a combination of a gentle and courteous demeanor with an undercurrent of pride and a propensity to yield to others easily. at his core, he has an innate politeness that colors his interactions with others. his words are carefully chosen, and his actions are often guided by an inherent desire to be considerate and respectful. this politeness isn't just a facade; it's woven into the very fabric of his being, shaping how he navigates the world around him.

    kindness is the cornerstone of cranberrypaw's personality. he radiates warmth and compassion, offering a gentle hand and a listening ear to those in need. his empathy knows no bounds, and he often goes out of his way to assist others, finding comfort in aiding them. this kindness is evident in his every gesture and interaction, permeating all parts of him.

    intertwined with his more admirable traits is a sense of pride that can sometimes overshadow his better judgment. cranberrypaw takes great pride in his abilities and achievements, sometimes to the point of being overly conscious of his image and reputation. this pride, while not necessarily negative, can occasionally cloud his judgment or lead to hesitance in admitting faults or seeking help when needed, despite his propensity towards helping others.

    moreover, cranberrypaw's kindness and pride often intersect in a way that manifests as a tendency to be a pushover. his accommodating nature and reluctance to cause conflict sometimes result in him yielding to others' wishes even when it might not be in his best interest. his desire to maintain harmony and avoid confrontation can lead him to prioritize others' needs over his own, occasionally—or even often—to his detriment.

    cranberrypaw embodies a blend of qualities that could be seen as positive—politeness, kindness, and a sense of pride—yet his inclination towards being a pushover sometimes undermines his own well-being. his personality weaves together these traits, creating a nuanced individual who radiates kindness while grappling with the challenges of asserting himself in a world that oftentimes takes advantage of his gentle nature.

  • PLOT TITLE: Insert fun plot here

    PLOT TITLE: Insert fun plot here

    PLOT TITLE: Insert fun plot here

    PLOT TITLE: Insert fun plot here

  • killer queen - queen

    honey - derivakat

    bravado - lorde

    breathe - rhodes

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after some extremely difficult deliberation and wishing i had more spots to give out, the decision is ...
🥁 ...
@Antiigone with orchidpaw! congratulations!

please know that all of these applications were AMAZING, thank you all so much for your interest! if any of you want to bring these concepts into skyclan as cats who aren't ora's children i would absolutely love to see them around and help you get established<333
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