
probably listening to old people music
Nov 26, 2022
This is an adopt for Slate (SkyClan lead warrior) and Cloverjaw (SkyClan warrior)'s littermate! The clan could use more daylight warriors, so I figured this was a better time than ever to introduce another sibling into the mix (:

Slate and his siblings were born to purebred showcats Rocky (father) and Brook (mother). Their mother was doting and proper, always telling the kittens to keep themselves groomed and presentable. Their father, Rocky, was stoic and emotionally reserved, and made sure his children knew the expectations of being a human companion. The kittens were told that they would be adopted out to twolegs from the get-go, so it was no surprise when the fated day finally arrived. Your character was more eager to be adopted into a new home and live with twolegs while Slate always dreamed of living as a wild cat.

— This is not FCFS! Choosing date is tentatively March 26th but may closer sooner/later depending on amount of interest
— Any application form is allowed, but please at least provide basics (name, appearance, personality, etc)
— Naming theme is earth/nature/plants. Potential name ideas: Heather, Lily, Lotus, Ginger, Sage, Dahlia, Iris, Ivy, Acacia, Marigold, Aster, Poppy, Primrose, Willow (remember, daylight warriors can have names that are found outside of tt's region!)
— This character must stay in SkyClan as a daylight warrior, but please do let me know if you have any plot ideas for later down the line.
— Your character must, at the very least, be active enough to remain on SkyClan's census.
— If not already, please join SkyClan's discord for ease of communication and plotting!
— Please let me know if you can no longer play this character. If necessary, I will only poke you about activity once after a month of inactivity but if there is no notable improvement within the next month (except if you have an inactivity notice) then I reserve the right to rehome the slot automatically.

— Your character would have been adopted by twolegs at ten weeks (~2.5 moons) of age and moved to the neighborhood bordering SkyClan recently. The littermates are currently 36 moons old and age on the 1st of the month.
— I am going to require this character to be fem-identifying because I'd like to explore a sister dynamic with the brothers! Whether they are afab/mtf, have additional pronouns, etc is up to you!
— How your character comes to SkyClan's borders is up to you! Whether they get lost wandering outside, hear rumors about the clans and go to investigate, etc. I think it would be fun for your character to be neighbors/acquaintances with other daylight members of SkyClan and be brought to SkyClan that way, but again, this is entirely up to the roleplayer's preference!
— As per SkyClan's new joiner law, your character will shadow a warrior for two moons before becoming a fully recognized warrior.
— In general, this character should develop to be a daylight warrior who is proud of their unique rank and is an advocate for kittypets!
— Slate is anti-kittypet/anti-daylight warrior, which may or may not cause friction between the siblings
— If accepted, you will be receiving a recap of the sibs' development thus far, other contextual things to know, etc.

— Gen 1. Both NPC parents.

Sire: LH black tabby (Maine Coon; carrying solid, dilute)
Dam: LH black smoke (Maine Coon; carrying non-silver, dilute)

Kits can be black, black tabby, black smoke, silver tabby, blue, blue smoke, blue tabby, or blue silver tabby
- kits will be longhaired
- kits will have no white
- kits can have any realistic eye color besides blue
- kits will be 100% Maine Coon and will show breed traits
- tabbies will carry solid; silver kits will carry non-silver; black-based kits will carry dilute

  • 76905855_nv6I1cQtRbTk2ru.png
  • *
    he/him; lead warrior of skyclan
    a hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    link to full tags; @ on discord or dm @beaaats for plots!​

— Tulip; for earth/plant theme
— AMAB Transfeminine \ she/they/it \ biromantic demisexual polyamorous
— 36 moons \ ages every 1st of the months
— Kittypet / Future Daylight Warrior

— sibling to Slate and Cloverjaw
MATE one
— mother/father/parent one one
— previously mentored no one
— mentored by TBD

A long haired, silver tabby cat with yellow eyes.
— Standing no more than 8 inches tall at the head, Tulip is more lithe and willowy than anything else. She is muscled and strong but she is not broad shoulders or wide-faced like her brothers. She is also slightly shorter and she truly believes she is the runt of the litter, even though no such thing has ever been confirmed. Tulip has long, silver fur with dark, stark black tabby stripes along her body and face. Her tail is plum like and feathery, with small paws and rounded ears. ;Her gaze is a bright, almost neon yellow color with flecks of oranges and slight green in them.
— use multiple bullet points if wanted/needed
— no scars nor injuries
— no illnesses

✧ POSITIVE TRAITS: Challenging, Charismatic, Earnest, Faithful
✧ NEUTRAL TRAITS: Maternal, Outspoken, Sarcastic, Stubborn
✧ NEGATIVE TRAITS: Calculating, Extreme, Cynical, Envious

— Tulip is a very feisty and fiery cat. She never takes anything laying down and will always be the last to stand fighting in any situation. A terrible listener, she listens to respond, and yet some how very well spoke for herself- she holds herself with pride and poise. Tulip can be rather difficult to get along with as she is always throwing herself into danger for the adrenaline rush of some kind. Though she is up front and honest, she hates liars and lying in general, her emotions can be rather extreme. Yet every move she makes in picked and polished like a perfect stone before she excites them. Tulip sees the world as half-empty and has a harsh jealousy streak she can never get rid of, since she was a kit too.
suffers from depression, abandonment issues and ‘not being enough’

she is very old at hunting, tracking and climbing
she is poor at fighting, swimming and weaving
peaceful powerplay and healing powerplay allowed
smells like oranges and spices
sounds like Dylan Mulvaney
— penned by wolf

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𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇. future daylight warrior of skyclan.

˚ ❀ . ˚  ✦  ✿ . ˚ .   ˚ ✿ . ˚  ❀ . ˚✦ .  ✿   ˚   ❀  * ˚   ❀ ✦ ˚ .  ❀  . ˚✦ .  ✿   ˚   ✦  ✿ . ˚ .   ˚ ✿. ˚  ❀ . ˚ ✦ .  ✿​

Despite embodying the breed standard of Maine Coons well within the expected range for a show cat, there is something decidedly fragile about the patchwork feline stood before you. A delicate stride, a shifting of her paws, a quiet to the way shaggy fur shifts. Broad and boxy and soft nonetheless, Primrose embodies everything about a kittypet. Sleek fur, a collar that jingles gently like a meow of its own, the gently rounded belly of a cat that never misses a meal. She doesn't seem fit for the forest she walks through. . . at least until you see her hunting crouch.
——— primrose is a poor fighter but an excellent hunter. she will excel in climbing, though also has a natural affinity for water! her swimming would be clumsy at best, but she has no problem splashing about in whatever puddles gather around.

Primrose is careful and cautious without leaning too far into paranoia. She is eager to explore the world outside of her home but slow to trust, and even upon reuniting with her littermates will be a little slow to return to an easy relationship. There is frequently an undercurrent of anxiety to her interactions, but this is mostly exacerbated by new circumstances. Which, really, that's this whole adventure to her! With time she will prove to be clever and dedicated, with a hidden strength to be found in silence. She follows orders with loyalty and without question, and has no problem putting herself through whatever is asked. However, she will often accidentally reveal just how spoiled she is with some tactless remarks about life in SkyClan compared to her home, or sheer shock over some of the things they have to do just to survive. She'll roll her sleeves up and get to work, but not until after she's had her moment of horrific awakening as she realizes she now lives in a world where these acts are necessary.

——— prim did not "transition" until after she was separated from her littermates, so it's possible they may momentarily not realize she's even the same cat when she shows up until she brings up some childhood memories.
——— currently researching the cat show community and whether or not she would be considered show quality and a fun novelty or a cat that should be fixed due to the uncertainty of her chimerism. will affect later plots.
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