SKYCLAN MASS ADOPTS / updated oct 15


Jun 7, 2022

Welcome to SkyClan’s mass adopts! If you’re looking to get into SkyClan but are hoping for a connection or two, this is the place to be: we have a handful of premades and litters ready to be adopted out! Please read the rules of the thread, and check if the slot you’re wanting has any additional rules before applying.

If you’ve got a SkyClan slot you want to put up for adoption, the signups are located here!

— These characters must remain in SkyClan unless otherwise discussed with the roleplayer adopting the slot out.
— The characters in this thread are first come, first serve as long as all the requirements are met in your form (genetics, names, gender specifics if any, etc). If you’ve missed something, I will let you know so that you can change them accordingly.
— Please refrain from plotting or beginning to play the character you apply with until they are formally accepted: the SkyClan account will like your post.
— If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to the roleplayer adopting out the slot you’re applying for! Questions for premades should be directed to mercibun.



[B]What adopt are you applying for?:[/B] 

    RELATIONS: Statichaze X NPC
    AGE: 6 moons (apprenticed in july meeting)


    Sire: SH lilac mink w/ high white (carrying longhair)
    Dam: LH black smoke w/ vitiligo (carrying chocolate, dilute, non-silver, sepia)

    Kits can be black, chocolate, blue, lilac, black smoke, chocolate smoke, blue smoke, lilac smoke, seal mink, chocolate mink, blue mink, lilac mink, seal smoke mink, chocolate smoke mink, blue smoke mink, lilac smoke mink, seal sepia, chocolate sepia, blue sepia, lilac sepia, seal smoke sepia, chocolate smoke sepia, blue smoke sepia, or lilac smoke sepia
    - kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
    - kits will have low white
    - mink kits will have aqua eyes; sepia kits will have gold eyes; non-colorpoint kits can have any realistic eye color besides blue
    - kits may or may not develop vitiligo in adulthood
    - shorthaired kits will carry longhair; black-based kits will carry chocolate; non-dilute kits will carry dilute; smoke kits will carry non-silver; non-colorpoint kits will carry point or sepia

    — Naming theme is technology! Some ideas: radio, video, stereo, tech/techno, gadget, satellite, machine, analog, cyber, code, nano, gear, data, robot, cassette. Names other than these are allowed, but should at least match the theme please!
    — Please don’t kill off the character right away!
    — These kits will be daylight warriors!! It’s your choice if they decide to stay that way or if they choose to stay in SkyClan full time.
    — Preferably no angst babies!! They will be loved by Statichaze very much.

    — Radiokit by Twitchtail
    — Glitchkit by Antiigone
    — Teeveekit by Kitty-Kat-
    — open
    ADOPTING ROLEPLAYER: @blueblossomtea
    RELATIONS: NPC X NPC, littermate to Duskpool and Outlaw
    AGE: 59 ( as of oct, updating on the 1st of every month )


    Sire: LH silver mackerel tabby (carrying non-silver, chocolate, solid)
    Dam: LH chocolate w/ low white

    Kits can be black, black smoke, black tabby, silver tabby chocolate, chocolate smoke, chocolate tabby, or chocolate silver tabby
    - kits will be longhaired
    - kits can have no white or low white
    - kits without white may have any realistic eye color barring blue; kits with white may have any realistic eye color
    - tabby kits will display the mackerel tabby pattern; solid kits will mask the mackerel tabby pattern
    - black-based kits will carry chocolate; tabby kits will carry solid; silver kits will carry non-silver

    — Japanese inspired names before joining SkyClan, but isn't a requirement.
    — They would be recent joiners.
    — These guys would have been bred for their size alone for specific activities, but isn't a requirement!
    — Their childhoods consisted of taking care of each other, doing their best to raise their younger siblings since their parents were barely present in their lives, being overly childish and having 0 parental skills. Their parents would constantly berate them, while their twolegs remained absent, only offering the necessities before they shipped them off wherever.

    — tbd
    ADOPTING ROLEPLAYER: @blueblossomtea
    RELATIONS: NPC X NPC, littermate to Sorrelsong, Smokefang and Shadowfire
    AGE: 48 ( as of oct, updating on the 1st of every month )


    Sire: LH silver mackerel tabby (carrying non-silver, chocolate, solid)
    Dam: LH chocolate w/ low white

    Kits can be black, black smoke, black tabby, silver tabby chocolate, chocolate smoke, chocolate tabby, or chocolate silver tabby
    - kits will be longhaired
    - kits can have no white or low white
    - kits without white may have any realistic eye color barring blue; kits with white may have any realistic eye color
    - tabby kits will display the mackerel tabby pattern; solid kits will mask the mackerel tabby pattern
    - black-based kits will carry chocolate; tabby kits will carry solid; silver kits will carry non-silver

    — Greek mythology iinspired names before joining SkyClan, but isn't a requirement.
    — They would be recent joiners.
    — These guys would have been bred for their size alone for specific activities, but isn't a requirement!
    — Their childhoods consisted of taking care of each other, doing their best to raise their younger siblings since their parents were barely present in their lives, being overly childish and having 0 parental skills. Their parents would constantly berate them, while their twolegs remained absent, only offering the necessities before they shipped them off wherever.

    — tbd
    RELATIONS: NPC X NPC, older siblings to Whitekit
    AGE: 8 moons


    Sire: SH white (masking black tabby w/ low white; carrying longhair, dilute)
    Dam: LH cream tabby w/ high white (masking black tabby)

    Toms can be red tabby, cream tabby, or white masking either of those
    She-cats can be torbie, blue torbie, or white masking any of those
    - kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
    - non-white kits will have high white; white kits will mask low white
    - kits can have any realistic eye color; white kits with one or two blue eyes have a higher risk of deafness on side(s) with blue eye
    - red-based kits will mask black tabby
    - shorthaired kits will carry longhair; non-dilute kits will carry dilute

    — They will know Whitekit still by his birth name of Snowy, and are free to call him by either name.
    — They can either be Daylight Apprentices or have left twolegplace for SkyClan (tragic backstories are fine).

    — tbd
    — tbd
    — tbd
    — tbd
    — tbd
    RELATIONS: NPC X NPC, littermates to Beechdapple
    AGE: 77 moons (as of oct), age on the 6th


    Sire SH blue tabby w/ high white (carrying longhair, solid)
    Dam LH tortoiseshell w/ high white (carrying dilute)

    Toms can be black, black tabby, blue, blue tabby, red tabby, or cream tabby
    She-cats can be black, black tabby, blue, blue tabby, tortoiseshell, torbie, blue tortoiseshell, or blue torbie
    kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
    kits will have high white
    kits can have any realistic eye color
    red-based kits can mask black or black tabby
    shorthaired kits will carry longhair; tabbies will carry solid; non-dilute kits will carry dilute

    — Beech and her siblings were initially born as kittypets on the coast but moved to this particular twolegplace after a while and would have been here since the pine colony days.
    — Optional naming theme: summer, beach, fruit
    — May be daylighters or full-time SkyClanners.
    — Casuals welcome! I'd appreciate it if they made an appearance every so often!
    — Please don't kill them off right away as I'd prefer them to be played for a bit but if you do have a plot in mind at some point that results in their death feel free to DM me (Cobatic) about it!

    — Beechdapple by cobatic
    — tbd
    — tbd
    CONNECTION TO: Sfogliatella
    DESCRIPTION: There is no set age, gender, appearance, or personality! The only thing that must stay constant is that they must have an Italian name - whether it is an actual given name or named after an Italian item.
    HISTORY: These cats would have been adopted into a rich Italian family. Sfogliatella would have likely told them all about Skyclan after her first visit, leading to them wanting to join as well.

    — Sorbetpaw by Chuff

  • Lineart is credit to velocira on toyhouse. While their basic appearance and concept are set in stone exact ages, gender, scars and other miscellaneous notes are up to you to decide! Names may deviate from the listed, but please note in your form which character you are applying for and renaming.


    Linefill by mercibun.

    NAME: Mistyclaw
    GENETICS: lh dilute tortoiseshell w/ low white
    DESCRIPTION: A composed cat with a poetic air to them. They are utterly dedicated to the budding warrior code, and are utterly ruthless to anyone who stands in the way of it. Their dogmatic streak and fierce protection of SkyClan puts them at odds with their age - perhaps they are old enough to retire but simply refuse to, or perhaps they have accepted being an elder and are using their nature to inspire others to follow starclan's guidance.

    Linefill by mercibun.

    GENETICS: lh chocolate smoke w/ low white
    DESCRIPTION: A rare member of the Marsh Colony who joined SkyClan after its conception, Mudtail is full of stories from the far reaches of the forest. They are not a competent climber, but can often be found cooling their webbed paws in the river. Their pelt is often flecked with soil, but they don't seem to mind; disdainful glances glance off them "like water off a duck's back", as they're oft heard saying. A generally friendly, paternal presence.

    Linefill by mercibun.

    NAME: Freddyfang
    GENETICS: lh black ticked tabby (somali)
    DESCRIPTION: A suspiciously competent daylight warrior who joined the clan within the past few moons. They seem to bring back more prey then other warriors, their patrols seem to go more smoothly. They thrive on positive praise and attention and seem to have a flirty streak with anyone who gives it to them for long enough. Are they a fast learner? Do they have a hidden past? Or is something more sinister at play?

    Linefill by dejavu.

    NAME: Dovahkiinwing
    GENETICS: sh black solid w/ vitiligo
    DESCRIPTION: Laidback and personable, Dovahkiin's personality matches their twoleg's very well - every single wildcat will be invited into their house for free food and cat tv. What Dovahkiin lacks in common sense (they may have been poisoned by something they've put in their mouth once or twice), they make up for in street-smarts and a tendency to talk to anyone and everyone that so much as glances at them.

    Linefill by mercibun.

    NAME: Ivystripe
    GENETICS: sh blue ticked tabby w/ low white
    DESCRIPTION: Humble, innovative and daring, Ivystripe is lauded among certain warriors as SkyClan’s best. A natural hunter, they have so far been successful in almost every patrol they go on: and if Ivystripe doesn't bring back prey, you know nobody in that group will. They were very sick with yellowcough last year.

    Linefill by mercibun.

    NAME: Kestrelfang
    GENETICS: sh red rosetted lynx point
    DESCRIPTION: Courteous, calculating and gracious, Kestrelfang’s polite demeanour hides well the viper that lurks underneath. They are one of the Clan’s biggest gossips for reasons yet undiscovered, and always seems to be either in everyone's business or listening closely to it. She has generally good luck, but has yet to catch a simple robin.

  • COPIA'S BROTHER | no closing date
    — a former rogue turned kittypet who will appear on skyclan's borders.

    CHRYSALISWING X HONEYSPLASH | closes early nov (tbd)
    — readopt. a young apprentice with an absent father and recently disappeared mother.

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Reactions: beatae
What adopt are you applying for?: Mottledove x Beetleback, littermates to Aspenpaw
Name: Pollenpaw
Age: 10 moons
Gender: AFAB, gender identity still fluctuating but currently uses she/them pronouns
Appearance: SH cream tabby with low white, flopped and folded ears, and green eyes with scattered flecks of brown ; references
Personality: A generally cheery and kind, though somewhat laidback and quiet apprentice of Skyclan. Their voice is often far from the most dominating one in the crowd, but it is always there among the rest, and she never shies away from offering her opinion when she feels it's needed. She's determined to become a valiant warrior one day in spite of her petite size, and spends a great deal of her time training with other apprentices and trying to grow closer with them so that they know she will always have their backs. They are also, despite their kittypet heritage, wholly uninterested in that lifestyle and also somewhat confused by the appeal of ever being a daylight warrior. They don't specifically look down on their kittypet clanmates because of this, however.
Backstory: The child of both Mottledove and Beetleback, Pollenpaw has always felt somewhat awkward about her own existence. Even though her mother has always cared greatly for her and her siblings, she's always felt vaguely off as a result of the drama related to how they came into the world. That is what has pushed them so hard - in addition to their status as a "runt" - into trying to become a dedicated and impressive warrior. Their mother's request to be and eventual status as a perma-queen is also what made them drift in that direction, not resenting her for her decision but also not wanting to end up in the same place. Both of these historical factors have also caused her to shy entirely away from romance and kits even as she approaches adulthood, instead being focused solely on how she can support Skyclan.
Other: I love these designs and the backstory for this litter and I'm so glad to have the chance to play one of these little ( approaching big ) siblings <3
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What adopt are you applying for?: Statchaze x npc
Name: Radiokit
Age: 3 moons
Gender: Male
Appearance: SH black kitten with amber eyes and low white.
Radiokit is all black aside from three toes on his front right paw, left ear, and his tail tip being white. His fur is short and soft, and his eyes are a bright amber.
Personality: He is confident and level headed and he will lead with ease. This can come off as being bossy sometimes, but he doesn't seem to mind with others complain about said bossiness. He isn't stoic by any means however. He is boisterous and loves to play and chat. He loves getting praise and will often seek it out.
Backstory: Born to Statichaze. Not much else yet really.
Other: Will develop his personality more in rp :)
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Reactions: vulture and SKYCLAN
What adopt are you applying for?: Statchaze x npc
Name: Glitchkit?
Age: 3 moons
Gender: female
Appearance: blue smoke sepia with vitligo, giving her a 'static-y' look
Personality: hesitant, obedient, well-mannered, cheerful, self-critical, honest to a fault
Glitchkit is a lovely soul with not a little fear of the unknown. While she'll aspire to learn about Skyclan, she'll ultimately find it quite daunting and find her fear of clan life shameful in itself. She'll most likely become a daylight warrior specifically to be around people she loves/befriends but will cry at the drop of a hat over anything and everything involving pain and discomfort. Nonetheless she's a cheerful and chatty tyke who loves to learn more about the world through cool stories and meeting new folks
What adopt are you applying for?: Mottledove x Beetleback
Name: Pipitpaw
Age: 10 moons
Gender: AMAB, currently he/him
Appearance: Chocolate tabby w/ folded ears.
Personality: Pipitpaw is a rule follower to an excessive degree, to the point where he's considered a tattletale among his denmates and oftentimes is left out of their shenanigans. He acts like it doesn't bother him, but in truth, it does. He harbors a know-it-all personality that comes from keeping his head down early in his apprenticehood and gaining skills and knowledge quickly. As a youth, he thought this would garner him more friendships - after all, who wouldn't want to be friends with the smart sort? - however the opposite occured and now he struggles to form relationships with his peers.
Backstory: Born of Mottledove and Beetleback, raised in SkyClan. The rest is partially explained above!
Other: let me in let me INNNN
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Reactions: SKYCLAN
Mass adopts have been updated! There's some new litters, and I've fixed the images on the premades<3
What adopt are you applying for?: Sfogliatella Housemate
Name: Sorbetpaw
Age: 7 moons
Gender: Female
Appearance: Lilac tortoiseshell/red tabby chimera w/ high white
Personality: A bit hesitant & cautious/skittish, slow to open up but once she does you will gain her undying & unwavering loyalty, Sorbet is slowly opening up to her new housemate & the clan shes joined as a daylight apprenticr
Backstory: A new addition to Sfogliatella‘s household & new face to skyclan :-)
Other: teehee
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Reactions: SKYCLAN
What adopt are you applying for?: Statichaze x NPC
Name: Television; TVkit / Teeveekit
Age: 6 moons
Gender: nonbinary
Appearance: shorthaired chocolate w low white, undiscovered vitiligo, and blue/green heterochromia ; sleek and slight and leggy child; visual ref is being revamped but most notably bears a white splotch upon their forehead, white socks, and a few white spots on their flank
Personality: cheerful, positive, gentle - excited to be a part of clan life and eager to learn, but still notably naïve from moons of kittypet life and being kept safe within camp when in skyclan - part of them still expects things to be sunshine and rainbows all the time and cant quite grasp the dangers of the world; very calm and quiet, soft spoken when pushed to talk, they rarely speak but when they do its often either insightful or pushed by strong emotions (bouts of hurt/anger/etc. rearing it's head)
Backstory: N/A
Other: random side note - debating exact spelling of name , but they are more familiar with their owners using the shortened name "tv" then their actual kittypet name of television. cats can't spell and they probably drag out the sound ICly but its. one of those where im not 100% sure what it'd be.
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Reactions: SKYCLAN
Mass adopts have been updated!

Added: Jellypaw's littermates
What adopt are you applying for?: Duskpool's grandkit
Name: Parsleykit
Age: 5 moons
Gender: cis male
Appearance: long-haired cinnamon tabby with yellow eyes, often has leaves in his fur
Personality: a little rascal, loves to play and goof around.
Backstory: Happy kit, looking forward to apprenticeship
Other: hi im babie and so is he /lh, picrew used is this one:


  • parsleykit.png
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Reactions: SKYCLAN