


Formatting by @BossTaurus

Heya guys! Welcome to the MCA Interest Check for SkyClan. Make sure to read through HP RANK GUIDE and please note that tryouts/taking applications will be open until 30th of December & will be reviewed carefully, considering any plots and development which happens in that two+ month span- as soon as you submit your character, I will begin keeping an eye on your activity & character. The chosen applicant will be OOCLY announced the 15th of January and the new MCA will ICLY be announced by Fireflyglow sometime after that. This gives you plenty of times for your characters to age up or develop as needed. If you have any questions, feel free to dm me on Discord at icariarests.


  • — The character must be created before this check and those made for the sole purpose of this tryout/applying will not be considered/qualify.
    — The age limit is nine months maximum by the time the interest check closes. Meaning, your character must be younger than nine months old, or exactly nine months old by the time this thread closes. This is due to Fireflyglow's belief that young cats soak up information faster, and it allows the apprentice to get the full experience like he did.
    — Adding onto the requirement above, they can be as young as 2 moons old by the time this thread is closed to be considered! Just keep in mind that they will have to wait until 6 months old to be officially promoted to Medicine Cat Apprentice. So, you definitely have time to play your character showing interest or begin plotting with them.
    — Your character must be active in SkyClan before and during the tryout period, keeping up with the post number of 10-15 posts minimum per month.
    — Your character must be accepting of all the upcoming medicine cat codes that still haven't been put into place and those that are already set in the code. They can complain all they want to, but in the end must accept the rules made to protect them. Any future codes must be agreed to.
    — Fireflyglow is known to mistake simple things for omens, and his choosing will most likely be a faux omen he took as a sign from Dawnglare. However, other plots are open. Cats with an interest in medicine or healing will be considered as well.
  • — Does my character have to be in good standing with Fireflyglow?
    ✦ No. Even if Fireflyglow dislikes your character greatly, if he believes they are meant to be a medicine cat, he will consider them. Even begrudgingly so.
    — What can I expect with Fireflyglow as a mentor?
    ✦ A patient mentor, who will want to space out their training while also letting them be a normal apprentice when he feels it is necessary. He doesn't want to contain them in the medicine cat world like he had contained himself, so he will often let them have breaks when they don't have much to do. However, rebelliousness will be met with a certain strictness from him. He will teach pacifism, and reject the idea of mingling with cats from other Clans due to the Warrior Code. (The only exception to this is the other Medicine Cats and their Apprentices!)
    — How long will training go on?
    ✦ 12-14 months in real-life time, maybe even longer depending on how the apprentice can take in information. He plans to spend quite a lot of time teaching his apprentice.
    — Does my character have to believe in Mother, like Fireflyglow does?
    ✦ Absolutely not. They do have to believe in StarClan, though- or be convinced into believing over time.
  • — Must be active OOCly in the SkyClan Discord. Those who aren't the type to be OOCly active should not apply.
    — You cannot have a cat currently on the medicine cat path in another Clan.
    — You must remain patient and respectful during the interest check and after. This is quite a long-term interest check, so if you can't take it, I suggest you withdraw your application.
    — When submitting your application make sure that you're willing to stay in this position long-term. This will be Fireflyglow's successor, and it is unlikely he will choose another for a long while (without reason) if this check fails to yield a long-term apprentice.
    — Feel free to offer interesting plot ideas in your 'other' section, I'll be keeping an eye on this thread intensely.
  • Code:
    [b]MAIN ACCOUNT:[/b]
    [b]TAGS:[/b] (this is not mandatory but appreciated!)
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TAGS: click
WHY ARE YOU/YOUR CHARACTER INTERESTED IN THIS ROLE: oleanderkit fears death. most cats do, but for a kitten as young as she is — not to mention a kitten intimately familiar with death and all its consequences — the fear of death plagues the back of her mind, stemming from the mudrer of her father, before she was born. her worst fear is ending up "like laurel" (meaning: six feet under). in an effort to escape the clutches of mortality, the girl befriended dawnglare and convinced him to promise her a star-blessing — a promise the former medicine cat surely intended to make good on, had he not been slaughtered by a dog. lost without his guidance and fearful of a warrior's path, oleanderkit struggles to find a place to land.
there are several reasons oleanderkit herself would want to pursue a medicine cat's path:

I: mourning dawnglare plays no small part in this. she was curious about the medicine cat's den before, as fireflyglow would know from her frequent intrusions. but now that dawnglare has died, it is difficult for the kitten to stay away. she wants to understand what he knew — wants to understand what gave him the knowledge of immortality so that she can attain it (even if it doesnt seem to have turned out well for dawnglare himself).

II. oleander is an extremely curious character that is already familiar with the medicine cat's den. having stayed there immediately after her joining for exhibiting signs of yellowcough, she already has a basic idea of the medicine cat's duties and would be heartily invested in learning more (this is, after all, much of the reason she would bother dawnglare). while her last interaction with fireflyglow was her lashing out at him for dawnglare's disappearance, now that the reason behind his disappearance has been revealed, i think she would get along better with fireflyglow (although i would definitely be interested in them NOT getting along i feel like fi has maybe had enough of adversarial medcat relationships... LOL)

III. i was already planning on oleander struggling with warrior life. once apprenticed, she will struggle to find the drive to be a great warrior. she was thrust into this life, after all, and feels out of place in it. apprenticeship is an intense process that prepares cats to be warriors in true, but what of an unwilling apprentice? i think the medicine cat path would cater much better to her interests and make her truly excited about being a skyclanner in ways she wasn't before.
DO YOU/YOUR CHARACTER AGREE TO THE CODES FUTURE AND PRESENT?: yes! although it may be a struggle for her (especially the no mates code), she will ultimately agree to medicine cat codes :- ) she is a notable yapper too so i could see her playing a part in the installation of the code that prevents medcats from sharing dreams with anyone outside of the council!
OTHER: form is a wip! i will edit this note when complete!​
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Reactions: Fireflyglow

MAIN ACCOUNT: @halimede
TAGS: here <3 !! (wip ; will remove wip note when fully completed)
→ after seeing the checkup on owlheart's kits, she would have been interested more in fireflyglow's job! once old enough to fully understand the role, it would have been something she wanted to do rather than become a warrior
→ it would be more of an excuse for her to stay full-time in skyclan rather than continue on with being a daylighter the more she falls in love with skyclan && being chosen would give her a sense of feeling like skyclan is where she is meant to be, rather than staying a daylighter or becoming a kittypet
→ it would be something that makes her feel like she can make her family proud through, by being in a position of importance (other than a warrior), as well as give her a boost of confidence
→ while i have never personally played a medicinecat / medicinecat apprentice before (but have always wanted to) i can promise that i am eager and willing to learn! i will be dedicated and an enthusiastic student while i learn the ropes, and open to communication/suggestions about how i can improve!
→ i am also an active member on the site, and can promise that i will be active if selected!
→ i also try to be active oocly as well, and try and plot and chat with as many members as possible on site and in the clan/site discords!
→ would fit in perfectly for venuskit with pre-planned plots i had in mind for her! it would also be a change of pace for me to be able to do something different plot wise with my characters!
OTHER: wip form but will update fully asap !! && good luck to everyone and thank you for the consideration/opportunity!
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Reactions: Fireflyglow
TAGS: Tags, still a wip but relatively done
WHY ARE YOU/YOUR CHARACTER INTERESTED IN THIS ROLE: Fawnkit is friendly and cheerful. Always wanting to help others and being selfless as well! He tends to be curious and will ask questions over several things but be attentive and a quick learner. He will become more reserved as he grows older but still keeps the selflessness he has as a child, this however can 100% change as time goes on but for noq Fawn is classfied as 100% babey and caring for the clan, putting his neck out for others or getting worried when someone younger than him gets sick in the nursery.

Due to development, Fawn has become more and more unsure of his place in the clan, becoming more and more nervous with their upcoming apprenticeship. Hes unsure if he'll be a good warrior or if his skills would be beneficial to the clan (even though he is babey).

Hes a bit more on the anxiety ridden side of what ifs and how comes, and I can imagine icly deaths would hit him hard due to his high strung emotions! Fawn's unsurity in the clan as a whole will lead him to question things or become more and more increasingly interested in medicine.

He already likes Fireflyglow as is despite the two haven't having much interactions, he just really is amazed by the work Firefly does for the clan leading to his admiration for him.

Another thing is, while Fawn was sick I can imagine he probably watched Fi worked on others who also gotten sick, or possibly asked questions while resting in his den before his time to return to the nursery!

Fawn also tends to be selfless and put others before him, caring for their needs before his own, ect.

Despite not being clanborn and still learning about Starclan and what they mean to him, Fawn will devote himself to starclan and the practice of medicine, taking the code very seriously and even respecting it without second questioning it.

I can imagine Fawn also growing close to Fi and even trusting him, marking Fi to potentially be the first to know about future developments with him <33

On a smaller note, Fawn doesn't fully grasp the understanding of death at the moment, having not known why his mother couldn't join him in Skyclan. So in the beginning while learning about starclan he would believe that his mother went there only to be saddened when he realizes she isn't there so there can be a small disconnect to him and starclan since he wouldn't have any ancestor/family :)c
I have yet to play an MC/A on TT but have had previous experience with an MC/A character and can guarantee staying active with said character long-term!!

I can guarantee to be active ICly and OOCly with Fawn and in the discord !!

Fawnkit will be 6 months exactly in January!! But he will have some experience as an Warrior apprentice first and I have plans for him to be stuck in the med den for a while which could lead him to ask some more questions about what Fireflyglow does for the clan <33

I know I am a bit newer and recently returned to posting in Skyclan but genuinely speaking, I have been having so so much fun with the Skyclan community and would love to contribute to the clan as a whole icly and oocly!! And I do have a lot! And I mean a lot of stuff in stored for Fawn so she (he) is definitely going to be around for a long time <33
OTHER: Fawn will be a priority character, I plan on making at least 15+ Posts with him each month and stay at a consistent activity with him <33 Good luck to everyone else
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Reactions: Fireflyglow
TAGS: here (I'm going to update them in the next little while so disregard most of it is still from the litter application!!)
The last thing I want is for Pearl to be a Nepobaby HAHA but I do think there is a consideration to be had for the fact he's been pretty sick since he was born - mostly due to the unexpected frost. Originally his plot was going to expand into his early Apprenticehood where his asthma would be far more of an issue. But, due to the plot happening in the Clan I had to flex this to earlier in his life for it to be realistic. It's been exciting actually!

I don't believe that Pearlkit is someone who would think of himself as worthy of a medicine cat apprenticeship just because he happens to be a little bit sick. In many ways he might actually protest it at first. I feel like his connection to medicine is because of Fireflyglow, his family. It's one thing to be the sick kid that goes to the doctor a lot - it's another to then want to become a doctor yourself, so to speak. But I know that Pearlkit has a natural inclination towards knowledge, towards waiting, and watching, and listening. He's the type to observe before he acts, and I think this is a natural personality trait that is well-suited for a high-stress and quick-decision role like a medicine cat. More than that, I think being treated as a patient so much has also opened up his mind towards wanting to understand what's happening to him, why it's happening to him, and how those smelly plants help it. In many regards, I think he has to have a respect for it, and an admiration for Fireflyglow's knowledge. I know there's a part of him that's grateful too, because that medicine den means he'll walk away from it feeling better. That's a pretty big deal for a young thing like Pearl.

One of the original plots that I had for Pearlkit when I made him was this idea of him being a 'fallen hero'. Taking pride in looking after his siblings and his family, being reliable, being strong and capable. But as he's developed asthma, and as he will constantly deal with this chronic illness, he was always going to have this struggle with feeling limited by his own body, fighting against his mind that wants to be able to do more in a body that won't let him. Pushing his limits and putting too much stress on his body until he's forced to learn his limits. Forced to redefine his own perception of his self-worth and his personal values while maintaining his core values.

He was always going to shift from this idea of being a 'main character' into being a 'support character', and learning that even if life doesn't look like how he planned it to be, that it's okay, and that it might even be for the better.

This was originally planned to be for a warrior's path, given how rare these opportunities are to explore medicine, but there is this alternate world now where that shift into a 'support' role is due to him being called upon to become a medicine cat. To explore more about himself that's not as an extension of him being an older brother and so feeling like he should be a warrior, and that he should do all of these things, but because he has a role unique to himself that his siblings won't be able to walk. That he's meant to not be identified as the older brother, but as Pearl. Instead of burying his own thoughts and feelings into the wider web of his family, I can see him blossoming under this world where he's expected to be there not just for his family, but for his clan, and what it means to have to interact with the wider world instead of the small bubble that he wants to put himself in.

Pearlkit will have a disposition that I think is well-suited for the medicine cat role. Out of the understanding of what it's like to be a sibling in a big family, what it's like to be someone in a clan. He has such a wide web of people to care for and who care for him already that it'll be easy for him to sympathize and empathize with people going through a hard time - especially since he himself struggles too.

But I know being as young as he is, if he's told that he's not meant to be a warrior, he'll protest it at first because he won't understand that it's not a punishment. Because he'll misunderstand his own misplaced feelings of self-dislike that he aims at himself as being the consequence for why he's meant to do something different. I know he respects Fireflyglow's work, and the knowledge that they have, and I know there's a part of him that will be so excited to learn as well - but in the early stages of his late kithood or the first moon of his apprenticeship, I know he'll really struggle with this idea of self-worth and the why behind it all, always feeling like he's a little bit out of place because he's always been trying to force himself into a corner of his own creation.

Basically I think a lot of his journey into being a medicine cat is also a journey of self-discovery and exploration. And in many ways, acceptance. Into the different types of self-identity and the roles that we place ourselves into, or that we get placed into, socially and societally. Why we place ourselves into them, and why they can be important. And why they can be harmful too.

Also me as Noia truly have missed playing medicine cats. I've never had an high position on TT, but I used to play a head medicine cat on [redacted] and it's been so many years, I've got that brain worm a wiggling

I'm going to be so real, all of this is just me brain dumping so I might come back and edit this later to be more clear or if you have questions just lmk!! I have so many more thoughts but this is already so long omg
HOW OLD IS YOUR CHARACTER AS OF THE POSTING OF THIS INTEREST CHECK?: 1 moon, ages on the 12th. (will be about 2.5 moons when the check closes)
OTHER: I know he's such a WORM BABY right now but I do plan on being active with him. Just as a reference, I purposefully keep my character roster small in order to focus on quality development and posting. My other active character right now (who's not a worm and so can do more stuff) is active at around 15-20 posts/month!!
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MAIN ACCOUNT: @keeekeeey
Here you are!
- Uranus' character is built around this idea of questioning and understanding. Its not really to control things around her - not yet. She is always asking questions, a habit that won't stop as she grows. It'll just become more annoying, more pointed, and she'll become more and more unsatisfied with the answers she gets. Becoming a medicine cat, understanding herbs and why they help and why they hurt, it will give her something to actually focus on rather then just question and poke and prod at things.
- As she ages, Uranus will become more and more interested in death. She won't be afraid of it, even if she is not the medicine cat. She will become morbidly interested in what constitutes someone walking with the stars - and where they would go if Star Clan didn't accept them. And why wouldn't star clan accept them? Just, lots of questions.
- Though she has gray morals, Uranus strongly believes that all cats are good and can be helped. This, along with her tendency to go against the grain, could lead her down a dark path.

- I haven't played a meddie yet, but I did RP Shadow Clan on BearBones (rip) for a bit as Rapidstar. I'm familiar with rping a HP and am active on the discord! I also keep my characters at a high activity for long periods of time.
- Highkey, I saw a reddit post about "what if the Spottedleaf was evil" and haven't been able to stop thinking about a morally gray or evil medicine cat. I think Uranus is a good character to toe that line with and explore the idea of because of her inquisitive nature. She's easy to push one way or the other and I see alot of interesting plots in her future.
- I would be re missed if I didn't mention my first oc, the one I played as on the play ground, was a medicine cat lmao. I've been so interested in meddies and have wanted to RP one for a long time. I like the idea of healing someone and the stories that can come from little interactions as opposed to fighting big baddies, and I feel that medicine cats are the heart of the clan. They comfort new life and prepare the passage of old ones. They are so so interesting narratively because of how they are vulnerable and powerful at the same time. IDK I could talk about how much I love meddies and I won't waste your time lol.
HOW OLD IS YOUR CHARACTER AS OF THE POSTING OF THIS INTEREST CHECK?: 3 moons! Will be ~4 moons when the check closes
DO YOU/YOUR CHARACTER AGREE TO THE CODES FUTURE AND PRESENT?: Honestly - probably not without feeling the consequences of breaking a few codes lol. As much as i'd like to have her follow them immediately, Uranus is a very curious kit who questions everything. This could lead to lots of plots I think, but ultimately after a big mess up she would respect them and follow them as she grows.

Sorry if the initial post is kinda everywhere, I'm recovering from being sick and very excited so I might have quite a few run on sentences lmao
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Reactions: Fireflyglow
MAIN ACCOUNT: @tristitia
Tags here!
- Dashkit is someone who is very nurturing and would like to take care of others, especially as she is the oldest of the leader. She's sensible and feels responsible for so much.
- Furthermore, she wants to find her place in the world, including slightly away from her siblings if she can. She loves them to death, but feels because she has to keep an eye on them, she'll go grayer than she already is.
- Dashkit is someone who is a people pleaser and a softie at heart. With warriorhood comes the issue of having to fight, which she is written to not be fond of. She understands the necessity, but wishes it didn't have to be a thing.
- Her big "call to action" will be with her youngest sibling, Fidgetkit. Fidgetkit has Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) and tends to care for him with it, including on his bad days and good days. She feels called to practice medicine because of this, and desperately wants to keep her brother going. She doesn't know if she can help, truly, but she will give it her all. She will spend days trying herbs or whatever she can scrounge up for treatment. She may lose her mind doing so, but she cares about her siblings. Even if it makes herself ill, or if something bad were to happen, Dashkit is someone who puts others' needs above her own.
- Dashkit is someone who is always looking for new knolwedge.
- Dashkit craves validation, in spite of regularly getting it from her parents. She figures this would be a stepping stone in order to make them proud.
- The religious aspect. Dashkit would be incredibly religious with StarClan, asking them to save whoever they could. She could be seen dedicating.
- In terms of the medicine cat being an advisor in some sense to other cats, Dashkit's personality is incredibly inclined to "playing politics". This could lead her to give advice to others, about how to play parts that are wanted to in order to gain a tactical advantage.

- I used to RP warrior cats when I was younger, and I played mostly healing positions. As such, I have experience in it and it's something I'd love to do again. Even when I was like 10 and got into these books, I loved medicine cats.
- I have way more time than I have expected of these last few years, and I can guarantee activity. Discord is also my main mode of communication!
- The SkyClan community has been very welcoming and I'd like to give back! It feels like there's a myriad of characters I can play in this group. I have multiple other characters, but I have to come up with very creative ways to flavor them as there's not a lot of ranks in Clans.
- It would fit in with plots for Dashkit, and give her more access for things she would like for the plots!
DO YOU/YOUR CHARACTER AGREE TO THE CODES FUTURE AND PRESENT?: She will have to be taught them, but will agree to the codes.
Apologies about the post being everywhere, I am currently recovering from surgery!
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