
probably listening to old people music
Nov 26, 2022
A continuation of the QOTD in the discord server!!! Just give your character's IC opinion of the character above you (if the RPer has multiple characters then just choose any!) An OOC opinion is optional :) There isn't a limit to how often you can pop in here, just make sure to give others a chance before posting again!
To start us off, I randomly rolled for a channel again and got Lacey ( @Milky_Lavender ) !

Slate: "The kittypet━sorry━new apprentice? I don't know anythin' about her, other than she got into SkyClan just because she begged us for food. Tch. She's young but she's yet to prove that she has any real potential. Maybe she'll end up back in the Twolegplace; it's easier rolling over for twolegs and lettin' them feed you rather than huntin' for yourself."

// OOC: Lacey hasn't been around for long but I adore her so far!! I'm super interested in seeing how she adapts to clan life and how she develops as a member of SkyClan. Your art of her is also super cute as well!!! You're super talented and I'm blown away by how good the colorings/markings are. Looking forward to seeing your around! (:
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Bobbie: " Slate? Stars above, why are you asking me about—whatever. Honest opinion? I don't like him and we have never—and I mean never—seen eye to eye on much of anything. Him and Silversmoke both let their biases color the way they interact with their Clanmates and I . . . I just can't approve of that, alright? It's not a—a personal thing, but we just can't get along professionally, which is . . . fine. " She pauses. " . . . . . He did bring me some prey while I was in the nursery. Yelled at me to eat. Didn't expect that . . . " It seems like she's talking half to herself until she glances back at you. " He certainly spends a lot of time around Orangestar, hm? "

& BONUS: " Lionpaw? He's my son and I love him, what did you expect me to—oh. Details? That's a little nosy of you, isn't it? " She laughs, although it quickly fades. " I do . . . I wish I'd been a better mother to him, you know? Done more. Been there . . . more. " She cringes. " I mean, I feel bad about it, obviously . . . I was just so . . . " She glances at you a little sharply, appearing to come back to herself. " I love him, more than I think he knows. I just wish I'd shown it better. "

// OOC: I think it is obvious that I LOOOOOOOVE your characters very much. Slate is such a staple of the Clan to me and I love him and Bobbie's weird beef - not - beef ( Slobbie AU forever in our hearts </3 ). I need to MAKE them interact more, like Barbie dolls who hate each other. And Lionpaw is my son who I love and treasure and wish I could make Bobbie express that except she is weird and won't . . . I am scarexcited to see where he goes.
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"Bobbie was irritating... was being the important part. It's been so long since we last butted heads that I can't remember why we didn't like each other to begin with. Something to do with her name probably, or her impractical attitude when it comes to clan matters, or the fact she was made Lead Warrior when she didn't even consider herself a SkyClanner and was too egotistical to turn it down. Ok... so maybe I do remember why I didn't get along with her, but none of it seems to matter anymore. Since Blazestar's death, she's been a shell of what she once was. I hope something clicks within her and she's able to get on my nerves again, seeing her now as the walking dead worries me."


BOBBIE MY BELOVED!! I know it's been a looooooong time since she and Silver have properly interacted (outside of him trying to give her food :sobs:) but I remember their pettiness fondly. Bobbie's bereavement arc has been super realistic and absolutely heartwrenching because of it, like you know this is a character that's so full of love but can no longer express it because they've lost such a prominent figure in their life to give that love to. I'm excited to see how/if she's able to overcome this challenge and her interactions with her kittens fr fr <3
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