I'm putting Chrysaliswing's sibling, Katydidpaw, up for adoption! Below is all the information you need!

"Chrysaliskit was born alongside his siblings Termitekit and Katydidkit, to young parents Dragonflywing and Earwigtuft. Chrys' life was rather uneventful in his kithood... He played with his siblings and doted on his mother. He loved his father, too, but the other seemed not to echo his sentiments. If he did, young Chrys couldn't see it. He only ever appeared to criticize him and his brood, it seemed..."

Dragonflywing, the litter's father, is an impassionate, avoidant, and aloof man. Earwigtuft, the litter's mother, is a loving but quiet and distant woman. The two were childhood sweethearts who grew up together and eventually fell in love. However, they were quite young when they had their first litter, and not exactly ready to take on the responsibility. Over the couse of Earwigtuft's pregnancy, the two started to argue more and more until they fell out of love. In the kits' childhoods, Dragonflywing tended to avoid them as much as possible. Whenever he did interact with them, he only criticized and berated them. Earwigtuft did not stop him, but she did try to love her kids as best as she could.

Now, the kits have become apprentices. Chrysaliswing and his siblings have somewhat drifted apart, and their relationship is rocky and strained at best. The original adoption thread is HERE!

- As of this post's date, the siblings are 19 months old. They age realistically on the 1st of each month.
- If you need more information on Chrysaliswing, his biography is HERE.
- They are 100% colony / Skyclan blood. They do not have any (immediate) relations to loners or kittypets, as both of their parents are from the colonies.
- Termitehum and Katydid would likely be closer to each other than to Chrysaliswing.

- Katydid is a calico molly (AFAB) with high white and blue eyes. Her reference is HERE (on the right side).
- She is a workaholic she-cat who tends to give off a snooty, tactless first impression. She tends to be quiet, observant, and selective with who she befriends. Despite this, she is empathetic and compassionate.
- She looks most like her mother, whom she doesn't exactly admire.
- She is the lastborn daughter.
- Chrysaliswing doesn't really like his youngest sister. He often bickers with the similarly-stubborn she-cat.
- Her previous roleplayer had the warrior name Katydidcry in mind. Feel free to either keep or change it.

- This is FCFS. Any application form is allowed.
- Please do not change her prefix. I would prefer if you did not alter her appearance or personality, but if you want to make slight modifications, that is fine. You are free to change her gender and any other aspect of her character.
- I would like for her to stay in Skyclan. However, if you have a good plot for her to switch clans, then I don't mind (please tell me beforehand!).
- Activity can be as casual as you like! However, I'd like for you to develop their character beyond being Chrysaliswing's sibling.
- The choosing date will be one week from 12/2 (12/9). This is subject to change depending on interest.
- If you have any more questions, please let me know or contact me on Discord (naruk4mi)!

- Katydid is Generation 1. Both of her parents are NPCs.
- The genetics of Dragonflywing and Earwigtuft are provided below in case you want to know.

Sire: LH black w/ low white
Dam: SH tortoiseshell w/ low white (carrying longhaired)

- Toms can be black or red tabby
- Mollies can be black or tortoiseshell
- Kits can be longhaired or shorthaired
- Lits may have any amount of white or lack thereof
- Kits without white may have any realistic eye color barring blue; kits with white may have any realistic eye color
- Red-based kits will mask black
- Shorthaired kits will carry longhair


CALICO MOLLY WITH BLUE EYES carrying long hair, black based
A cat of short height, slender frame and willowy limbs, the most outstanding trait of Katydidcry is her pair of deep, royal blue eyes that carries with it all meaning behind her words. Her fur is rather short and kept clean at all times; she cannot stand getting the pearly whites dirty for longer than necessary.

  • It's not an easy life when you're born in circumstances lacking love; a haphazard decision, one made without understanding the consequences and responsibility. Katydidcry is essentially the sum total of her parents' mistakes. Of course, everybody stumbles and fails - but Katydidcry could never quite overcome the implications, and in turn, is made a perfectionist by nature. A magic eraser hell-bent on fixing, fixing, fixing- even if that only ever leaves behind stains.

  • Katydidcry has grown out of her quiet self that used to describe her best during her apprenticehood. The world changed- she changed. She found it makes no difference if she bites her tongue and does as she's told; those who want to judge will continue to judge no matter how she behaves herself, and those who don't care either way would not spare her the time of day anyway. She might as well make her own terms and live by them.

    It's not that she's particularly mean-spirited or disobedient. Katydidcry still takes her duties seriously - watching the daylight warriors come and go from a safe and warm place after a hard day, as normalized as it is, has taught her to be glad for where she had been born -, never spending a day lounging about and not making herself useful. She simply learned to not believe everything someone says at face value and to challenge ideas. It makes her mind work quicker and her tongue cut sharper, if need be.

    The one thing she doesn't do is take it too far. Chrysaliswing himself is a good example for her, one that she intends to avoid... a tradition, if you will, when it comes to her family. She sticks to Termitehum, the last bit of familial relation that she not only tolerates but loves to the fullest.

    Above all, Katydidcry just wishes to see SkyClan and her Clanmates thrive. Her fixation on making things perfect and have them go smoothly can be a bit much (and even overwhelming for herself), but it's obvious her heart is in the right place.

  • TOO MUCH LABOUR: Giving your Clan all of you can be a noble thing, but only if it doesn't swallow your entire being. Katydidcry needs yet to learn that there's more to life than stocking the fresh-kill pile and practicing battle moves, preparing her heart for the worst. Losing out on precious time thanks to how exhausted she can get - and yet pushing through - can be just as dangerous as getting too lazy.

    APOLOGIES FROM MY TONGUE: Whether Katydidcry and Chrysaliswing's relationship can be mended or not is not as up to fate as the two might think; there's room to grow, to see each other as they are, to not fight against the other's pull. Three could be stronger than just two and one, separate, yet hanging in their orbit.

    UNDO THIS MISTAKE: The reality of her parents' love getting destroyed as a result of her and her siblings is a harsh one, but Katydidcry hopes it could one day be changed. Bearing kittens, bringing them into this world, raising them as extensions of yourself that will one day get severed... it can be terrifying, but she feels curious nonetheless. There's potential to find someone ready to dance to her rhythm- or someone who will interrupt it and fall face-first.