camp Sky's tears || o. Thunderstorm

[ ༻❄༺ ] Dark clouds rolled overhead, while a sweet smell similar to flowers played on Snowpaw's nose making the molly look up to the visible sky through the camp's walls while a hum came from her. Another rumble before a bright flash of light came striking across the sky followed by a loud booming sound made the fur on her neck rise. Heavy drops of rain began to hit the ground growing faster and faster to the point Snowpaw was quick to take shelter underneath the clanrock while a slight huff came from her maw.

At least this rain would bring out more frogs later on, but for now, she did not enjoy her fur being smacked with heavy droplets of water. Flicking water from her paws she grumbled a bit, snow falling had been better than this, less mud too..but...less food. Once more yellow eyes trained upwards to the sky, listening to the rumbles and roars while the wind began to pick up, rustling her while and grey fur, the earlier flower scent she had picked up was slightly stronger the slight smell making her hum slightly before shaking any droplets of water that had got her when she hadn't been out in the open. "I'm sure the frogs are enjoying this" she said coolly, speaking to none in particular, gaze watching the fat droplets smack onto the marshy ground, some of it bouncing back up slightly. Well, more prey to hunt once this storm passes that was for sure.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 8 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Detached from the fact his pelt had been reduced to a sopping mess that drags upon him, Smogmaw ambles listlessly across the length of camp. Having foregone the chance to find cover before the rain descended in sheets, the deputy is left with no other recourse but to accept his new appearance—one far from dignified or comfortable. Then again, when did he ever fit such a description? His ears, protruding sharply from the tangles in his neck fur, are little more than dripping fixtures in the sodden locks. Likewise, his snout serves as a funnel for the streams continuously flowing onto him, from which water pitifully drips off.

Lightning has taken quickly to crackling across the ill-lit sky, so he can't even bother with trying to count down until the first strike. There's a twinge of displeasure which comes from knowing this. Mind-numbing diversions like that are central to maintaining a sound mind, so he likes to think. Instead, his visual scope scans for the nearest clanmate (this being Snowpaw), to avoid monotony from drenching him far worse than the rain. For all his insistence on despising smalltalk, it remains the lesser sin compared to doing nothing.

He creeps upon the Clanrock just as another growl of thunder splits the atmosphere. It makes an irritatingly overused attempt at disturbing his faculties, but he's become so accustomed to this season's storms, all it rises from him is a twitch to his muzzle. "I hope they are," the tom meows on his approach, "I know I've been enjoying them."

No longer does rain pitter-patter against his skull given the boulder shielding him against it, though it doesn't stop a new wave from dripping off his chin. Lashing his tail in clear disapproval at this, he shakes his body. It does little more than shift around water—and get Snowpaw a little wet, more than she already was. "If there's any drainage in the swamp, it ain't fit to handle the storms we been getting. Our territory'll stay flooded for moons if it doesn't let up."

  • Wow
Reactions: Snowlark.

“Loathsome rain” Haretooth hissed to himself, ears faltering, wanting to pin themselves to his skull but he refused to be that open. Maw opted to twist into a scowl instead as he fought a losing battle against the weather. He had been an unfortunate fool, tempting those clouds by simply existing in an unsheltered space. Trudging through muddied ground towards the shelter of the Clanrock was a soaked tom. His usual gaunt and sharp features that were once hidden by long wispy fur were now salient. Wet fur clung to his frame like a second skin, inwardly he groaned feeling like he was carrying a second feline with him.

He nodded towards the deputy and the apprentice in greeting as he claimed a space under the Clanrock. Shaking his head in a futile attempt to wring the rainwater out. “At least someone is enjoying this tempest.” He meowed, glaring at Smogmaw but with no real malice behind those eyes. In Haretooth's opinion the only boon from ShadowClan suffering the brunt of this temperamental weather was the increase of frogs. Despite how much he abhorred them, this meant stomachs could be filled for another sunrise.

“Wretched little creatures, those frogs. I'd wager that they're trying to drown us all.” he uttered under his breath, blue eyes burning with a furious intensity as he watched the rain. A futile attempt at willing the rain away like he had any actual sway on the outcome, instead he just sat there acting like the weather had slighted him personally.

➼➼ Taking their places beneath the boulder that marks the leader’s perch, ShadowClanners seek shelter from the storm. Each cat beneath the rock looks at least somewhat wet, ranging from drenched to merely splashed, and Stryker himself falls on the more drenched side of that scale. His coat is short and dense, soaking up water as it pours down on him, but the tom doesn’t seek shelter immediately. Sure, the occasional cracks of thunder set his fur on end when they catch him by surprise, but otherwise this isn’t all that bad. Smogmaw shares his concern for the territory flooding, while Snowpaw and Haretooth comment on the frogs’ apparent appreciation for rain. The black and white tom moves at a leisurely pace throughout camp, trotting close to the boulder to take a look at those using it to hide from the storm.

The tom remains standing just outside of the shelter, biding his time by dropping into a stretch. Something in his spine pops, then loosens, and a relieved grunt leaves him as he rolls his shoulders. Since taking up residence here, it seems so many of his problems have melted away—sleeping in a nest, even though he isn’t showed to stay in a den, has done wonders for his back pain. And the rain has done wonders for the lingering stench of carrionplace around him. "Ah, I haven’t had a bath in so long…"

Stryker can’t imagine being back at the junkyard during this downpour—no matter how cleansing it is, it isn’t great being trapped out in the rain. At least here in ShadowClan, they have this massive rock to shield them from the onslaught. Stryker isn’t sure if he’s welcome, but there seems to be plenty of space in the relatively dry shelter, so he claims a bit of it for himself. "Mind if I…" He murmurs as he squeezes himself into the space beside Haretooth. The other tom seems much more upset about the rain (and the frogs) than anyone else—he’s glaring like he wants to kill the sky itself for the crime of raining. Stryker shifts a few whisker-lengths away from him, dark tail wrapping around his paws.

  • ooc:
  • 18648745_COmype1KcH43Y7q.png
    STRYKER ❯❯ he/him, former carrionplace loner
    thin black and white tom with mismatched blue and yellow eyes. calm and nonchalant, difficult to anger.
    currently on a probationary period; shadowing forestshade.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore

[ ༻❄༺ ] It would seem that, Snowpaw had not been the only one to seek shelter underneath the clan rock, her gaze drifting to Smogmaw who decided to shake off the water droplets that stuck to his fur making the apprentice fluff out their fur slightly before looking at the deputy with an offended look. But his comment about the swamp flooding made her blink and shift a bit, that would be quite the concern, especially when they had little ones to worry about. "Lets hope starclan does not allow it to go that far then" she stated softly before another approach.

Haretooth seemed less than impress by the rain, even swearing up and down that the frogs were trying to drown the clan which made a slight pfft noise from fron Snowpaw. "Im sure the frogs are just happy to have this much rain after moons of frost and snow covering the marsh with their bitter paws" she express, finding it odd they had to of been name after the thing that caused so much trouble for Shadowclan during the leaf-bare. Well, that was gone now and they have ample ease with catching fresh-kill so they needn't worry to much.

Next to appear had been Stryker who was...well, something. He was strange and someone Forestshade deemed a good idea to bring within the camp, and when he mentioned not having bathed in a while the apprentice wrinkled her nose a bit. Perhaps they should push him back into the downpour a head so he didn't smell much like the carrion place. Yet another sound of rumble and flash of lightning made that thought go away just as quickly as it had came. "I guess we all need it since we're normally always covered in mud" she sighed a bit. At least... none of her clanmates smelled like the place twolegs like to dump their discarded objects..

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw He/Him, apprentice of Shadowclan, 8 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.