skyward .. rookfang

The tide had receded a concerning amount, especially that morning. As pawsteps approached the muddy bank, the waning currents had exposed a plethora of stones, bits of twoleg rubbish. The glimmer of sea glass and other loose shining stones would have gathered Hazecloud's attention, had she not been overwhelmed with shock by the scene. Her nose turned up as she cringed once the scent of sunbaked fish hit her senses, enough to lose one's appetite.

"I do hope Cicadastar's efforts with the Ripple Colony solve this soon..." She sighed, flipped over some of the stones so see if any of the fish were salvageable. It appeared the summer heat had got to them before they could be saved for the fresh-kill pile, unfortunately. Her maw tugged down into a disappointed frown. She wasn't looking to return to camp with empty jaws, not again.

"Rookfang," Soft green eyes turned to her companion, tail-tip twitching curiously as she addressed him. "I don't suggest we would find much of anything with the river being so dry here. Do you want to throw our chances to hunting in the plains?"

Maybe they would have better luck with the field mice and shrews. While she had more experience in fishing, she would hardly believe even her skills would find much use here. She knew of all her Clanmates, Rookfang would understand her refusal for failure. Hard-working, maybe even too much as said by some of their younger ranks, but an admirable drive to provide still.

"I won't lie, it's not the best use of my skills but... I'd rather bring home even the smallest mouse than rotted fish."

THE HERMIT ─── With the tide deciding to be frugal and keep to itself, no longer lapping at the area where now the soft mud lay, Rookfang knew that there wasn't much success to how hunting would be. This however never troubled him, he had more proficiency when it came to hunting other prey than fish. He preferred birds to fish in his full honesty, his clanmates tended to look perplexed whenever he seemed to enjoy choosing something that most did not have a taste for. Yet, he made sure to not neglect his fishing skills as this was the most favorable choice for their diet. With this, he had decided to join Hazecloud in an attempt to feed their clan but it appeared their attempts were beginning to become futile in this type of environment as he observed silently until the molly turned her attention towards him, her vibrant green eyes causing his own half-lidded stare to flicker down at the mud that caked his front paws, the cooling sensation making up for the annoyance of having to clean himself later but it did mix well with his earthy tones so it wasn't so noticeable.

"We could do would give us better chances than how we are doing now." He replied softly, still not lifting his gaze up to lock onto hers. He wasn't really used to being around someone so long, especially in his own time and space. One could say he was quite the loner, ironic as he was in such a large group of loyal clanmates. Rookfang wasn't sure why he always felt disconnected, he knew some might dislike him due to his lack of clan blood and ties, an orphan who was just another mouth to feed was not a good first impression. He raised a paw to gently flick off some mud that was beginning to irritate his overgrown claws as he decided to raise his eyes finally back onto hers. His deadpan expression wasn't able to hide the slight nervousness that he was clinging onto for dear life, adjusting to interacting with someone especially like Hazecloud was unknown territory to him.

"You tried at least, that's what matters in the end. But let's go now before we end up just being part mud." He shifted towards her direction, stepping to stand beside her and wait until she moved in case she got her paws caught in the mud. He wished he didn't come off so reserved and quiet, that he could do better in conversating but his social skills were as dry as the summer heat. He bit back a sigh of pathetic shame as Rookfang wouldn't be surprised if she didn't wish to spare any more time of hers to interact with him. ​