private SLEEP CYCLE \ vulturemask

Inky paws carried the ivory tom light as a feather despite his size, within grinning jaws another addition for his collection. Only a little bone this time, rib-fragment, but you never knew what you could do with even the tiniest skeletons! He'd find a use for it some day, or maybe it would just be one of the more unimpressive aspects of his collection- but at least it wasn't just rotting away forgotten underground! The meal this had once been a part of was eaten, but why should that mean the other remains should go stashed away? Sadly- well, he'd not managed to salvage much with this one.

Cheery humming, less-than-melodic and hardly any sort of constructed song, buzzed from the domino tom's throat as he skipped into camp, making a beeline for his nest and the pile of prized bones- and a now very withered leaf- that sat pride of place beside it. Bowing his head, atop the snake skull that Duskfire had given him he laid the rib. Grin unmoving, he set his gaze upon the hoard to admire his growing collection.

  • Love

Vulturemask could be found sleeping in his nest, or at least trying to. He had still not gotten used to this change of enviroment to have moved from the apprentice den to the warrior den. For so long he had been clinging to Rosepaw's withered and fallen nest but now he had been forced to let it go and this nest just didn't feel the same. It was a rare sight to even spot him in here since most of the time the dark pelted warrior always was on his legs chasing after something.

Unfortunately it had all been a waste to try to get some sleep because he just couldn't get any sleep at all. In the end he was just pretending to be, laying there in his own silence while everyone else was outside. Peace of mind. It was rare for him to get to enjoy silence like this. Of course that didn't last. Vulturemask had heared Mallowlark from outside with his disturbing way of humming. Ugh. It had always creeped him out hearing their voice. Giving up on his meaningless idea of trying to get some rest the newly made warrior picked himself up to his paws to leave the sheltered den, his form so vinsible in this snow.

He stopt to watch Mallowlark and his bone collection he had seen so many times before. He wondered, what exactly made this one so excited about bones for?. It was impressive that Echolight not actually had disowned her own brother. That whole family seemed to love Mallowlark unconditionally despite the way he was. Not all families would be that accepting. He know for a fact his own mother would most likely have abandoned this one in a ditch to get ride of them. Even if he personally didn't like Mallowlark, Echolight cared about them alot like family, and he too was sorta a part of her family now. So if her brother was so importand to her the last thing he could do was make an attempt to be...nicer from now on. He wanted to understand the power family bonds could have.

" A leaf?." He spoke aloud, suddenly standing...closer to where Mallowlark was so he could take a look on what new he had added to his bone collection. A withered leaf of all things though?. " Why a leaf for?" He didn't understand how a leaf fitted into that collection.


Oh, a voice! A wonder he heard it, really, too busy observing his collections and the connotations of it, thinking of the leaf, the piece of the moon- what it all meant. Owlish eyes flickered toward the source- pitch-black form, recognisable face, unmistakably Vulturemask! What a great name Sootstar had picked for him; and how fun that they both had bird names! Even more stuff to have in common- for they were both close with Echolight, weren't they? A sister and a mentor, shared! Really it was strange they hadn't spoken more, so at the other's approach Mallowlark regarded him with a gigantic fanged grin and a strange wave of a half-tail.

"Oh, hah!" Leaping laughter, a night-dipped paw waved a little. "It was a gift. Looked like a drop of blood, so- I kept it!" That was of course not the entire expanse of the story, but it was enough to hopefully satiate the questions. A precious gift this was, even if the surface-level beauty of it had long since withered. Once it had been red as guts, a piece of the blood-moon sliced and freed. Now it lay dulled, like the lunar light, but was still as precious.

Gladness glittered in his silver gaze, vision unmoving from Vulturemask's face. Not once did he blink, nor flinch away, attentive to any reaction. How nice that he'd asked! No wonder Echolight was so fond of him.

A drop of blood...that was not disturbing at all. How lovely. Now he was starting to question to why he even had walked up to this tom who clearly had a screw loose..Vulturemask forced back a snarky remark to escape from his maw and instead he just...stared back at this unblinking owl staring gaze. " A gift, i see. I guess you cannot throw away stuff like that." he said, thinking back on this feathers he had keept in his nest even after they had withered away...all because Rosepaw had gifted them to him once. So he could understand how prectious gifts was...A blood leaf though?. Vulturemask tore his gaze back to the mostly skull and bones collection. " It's uhm, not that bad...what you have done here.." He cleared his throat, feeling awkward to give out compliments, no matter how poorly made they were. He frowned, feeling quite stupid in that moment. Hopefully nobody else had heard him. It would be embarassing.