camp sleep monster l pumpkin head


good fences, good neighbors
Sep 10, 2022

I've no time for confession
Wolverinefang is picking around near the Thunderpath for goodies launched from the monsters when he spots something strange and orange with sweet smelling aura in the distance. The road still makes his stomach hurt to be around after the events of the fire but if he ever wants any normalcy, he'll just have to suck it up and continue with his old rituals. Nose wiggling, the hefty tom trots along the grass until sliding down into the ditch. A few broken plastic pieces litter the ground around the strange bulb and he slaps it with his paw. It looks like a pumpkin and as he swivels it along the curve of the ground, it reveals a spooky face on the outside. That doesn't deter him from the good smelling items inside. Wolverinefang pops his head right in and with a fat head like his, it makes a snug ring that he immediately regrets because he sees that there's actually nothing it. There used to be but likely other creatures got to it before him.

He huffs and when he lifts his head back up, the candy bucket stays in place and turns him into an upside down pumpkin head. Nevertheless, he can try to salvage this situation, he thinks. Because of a broken hole in the face, Wolve can see out of it well enough to navigate his way back toward camp. It's not exactly easy and he bumps into a lot of branches on the way that make a thunk hard enough to make his ears ring. "Ouch..." Soon enough, he reaches the edge of camp and spotting a clanmate, does the only natural thing to do. Wolverinefang jumps out from a scraggly bush at one of his clanmates, shouting in a muffled voice, "BOO!" He doesn't exactly know what 'boo' means but it sounds pretty darn spooky to him.
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She has been trying to do better, making frequent outtings and preforming her duties. So she is currently taking time for herself, just a break so she can rest. Her eyes are half open as she lounges, lifting her leg to drag her tongue against the limb. The day has been mostly calm and she enjoys the fragile peace that they have managed to grip between their claws. Unfortunately there is something or someone she can guess that will do something and the something happens rather suddenly indeed. When the tom suddenly emerges with his sharp boo and her body reacts. She is on her paws, thick white fur down her spine bristling and standing on end as her wide ember colored orbs start at him. Her muzzle is pulled into a snarl with claws outstretched and it takes her a moment to realize who it is behind the pumpkin head.

With a hiss she suddenly reaches out with her paw, claws now sheathed, to attempt to smack his stupid pumpkin head twice. Her tail is standing straight up and she looks like she has definitely seen a ghost. "Wolverine! What the fuck are you doing!?" She snaps with her heart beating a thousand miles in her own chest.
  • Haha
Reactions: wolverinefang
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Flickerfire is lounging, cleaning her toes furiously of the swamp mud and foliage that had crept up between them and dried. She rarely minds, but when the mud dries, she gets itchy and grouchy. It's like growing a second set of claws, and as cool as that would be, she doesn't want them to be made of the marsh itself.

The thing crashing into camp causes Bonejaw, who is relaxing nearby to bristle and leap to her paws. Her pelt is bristling, her snarl immediate. Flickerfire does not follow suit. She only stares, horrified, at the thing that stumbles towards them. Half-cat, half-gourd, a strange blank face painted on its visage, the thing croaks a "BOO!" from the echoing confines of its skull.

Bonejaw slowly calms herself, and Flickerfire almost faints with relief as she does. Wolverinefang. Wearing some StarClan-forsaken piece of Twoleg garbage.

"I dunno, it's an improvement, if you ask me," she says, ignoring her thudding heart. Had she been about to pass out? Maybe. Is she going to reveal that? Hell no!

- ,,
  • Haha
Reactions: wolverinefang
The tabby lay sprawled on his back in a patch of dried mud along the rim of the camp. Eyes closed, paws held up to his chest, and spine stretched in an arch, he rolled around in the filth and rimed his pelt with a layer of dust. Modicums of muck became caught in the excess fluff on his stomach, and despite his overarching obsession with tidiness and neatness, Smogmaw did not seem to care. For him, this was bathtime. The mud cancelled out the other shit that he had gotten on his fur throughout the day - it's science.

Somebody howls 'Boo!', someone else snarls, and Smogmaw lurches violently, scrambles to his feet, and hisses instinctively all in the span of two seconds.

It took ten more seconds until his fluttering heart would steady to a regular pace. Once he'd regained his composure, his narrowed eyes scanned the camp until they fell upon the culprit.

"Numbskull," he jeered between the teeth, prowling up beside Flickerfire and poor Bonejaw. The latter looked as though she had just undergone a traumatic experience. The warrior could not blame her for it, nor would he blame her if she opted to smack some sense into the trash-wearing tom. "What are you- a kit?" asked Smogmaw in a harsh tone, coming to a halt a safe distance away from the medicine cat. His glare towards Wolverinefang did not contain anger, but disbelief.



She is a titter of delight, pitched falsetto ringing clamorously above the marshland ground as she rolled in hysterics at the entire display. From the moment the tom had clambered into camp with his treasure to the series of short yelps of surprise and yowls of alarm; her sun and moon gaze dipped low and then sparkled wide with amusement as Bonejaw set to battering the fool for his shenanigans which only made her laugh all the more giddily. It was an absolute disaster and every moment was bliss, she so wished it would continue but by the time she had finally finished wheezing the jig was up; identity revealed and the madness dissolved. Her entertainment was short lived but welcomed all the same and Halfshade rose with a fluid stretch and arch of her back to approach the scene more appropriately and wiggles the toes of her paw in a wave under the tom's now battered plastic helmet.
"Oh sir knight, remove they helm-the battles lost, the halls have fallen." She gave a small wiggle in place, tail swishing in lingering mirth, "There is naught left but to surrender." Her gaze dances from Flickerfire's joke to Smogmaw's annoyance; what an absolute little grump of a tom he was-she had half a mind to put this thing on his head next if they could free it from Wolverinefang's that is.

❝ holding it together with one loose string. ❝
there is a brief cacaphony of noises that suddenly erupt from the inside of camp, it was a domino effect of startled hisses melding with peals of laughter. honestly, if it wasn't for those sudden guffaws coming from calico feline geckoscreech had half a mind to believe they were getting attacked by something. the culprit for the commotion was none other than wolverinefang who wore an eyesore of an object upon his head whilst surronded by a few unamused warriors, besides halfshade, who have been shooken up by his sudden 'BOO!'.

forcing her own hackles to lie flat, the lead warrior felt a heavy breath of exasperstion escape from her lungs before stalking over to the gathered bunch to take a closer look. "what are you wearing? it's atrocious." she mews with a slight narrow of her eyes, stars that was such an obnoxious shade of orange. geckoscreech is also mildly surprised that the tom didn't return to camp covered in prickles considering how little sight that thing provided.
If you don't like me, that's your problem
The sudden shout and the accompanying hiss the follows closely behind draws the little laperm's attention. Tornado drops the bone she happened to be gnawing on between her ebony paws in favor of approaching the former madness. Citrine eyes look poor Bonejaw over, a flicker of sympathy swiming in their depths before she turns to look at Smogmaw. Her brow pinches together as she scoffs, muttering in a low tone. "Don't put that behavior on us...not all kittens act like that." Tornado's tail flicks back and forth, her gaze now trailing to glance up at the synthetic pumpkin encasing the tom's head. "Can you even get it off?" She asks genuinely. It baffled her as to why he would wear it to begin with.
When I let it bother me, that's my problem

I've no time for confession
Wolverine's piggish, muffled laughter booms inside the helmet only to end abruptly as he gets just deserts. The pumpkin head goes spinning and Wolve throws his paws up to try to stop it but it's too slippery. Jeeze, she's strong for such a stringy woman. Eventually the spinning stops and he resumes his laugh though his peaking crack is at the back of his head now. "Heh, that was priceless." Stone cold Bonejaw almost flew through the canopy, he saw it.

Luckily for Flicker, he doesn't see how frizzled her fur is as he fumbles his paw ls to try to reorient his treasure. 'An improvement?!' He scoffs and has something really witty to say back of course if he could just get this stupid thing... He swivels his head toward Smogmaw- just a blank pumpkin with the face staring someone else down in the back. "No, I'm a pumpkin, duh."

When Halfshade arrives, he hears her giggly voice and is half thankful to be currently blinded because otherwise he'd be sputtering like a moron like he always does in front of pretty girls. He's only recently come to terms with talking to Bonejaw and at first, Flickerfire too but that's because they're both boneheads together. To go along with her toying, he bows his head down and the plastic pumpkin bonks against the earth. "It would seem I'm out numbered, huh?" he jokes back then sets to trying to tug his headwear away.

Of course it's no easy process and he's more spinning it than anything. Upside down pumpkin face back aligned with his, the monster 'looks' to Gecko with rolling shoulders. "Hell if I know. Something good was in it before but it was gone now. It was beside the Thunderpath." He peaks his yellow eye out the crack then toward Tornado. "Sure hope so! Someone wanna lend a paw?" That or he's just going to be pumpkinhead cat forever.
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