camp Sleepless in Seattle | intro


May 3, 2023
Falconpaw was known to look somewhat solemn at even the best of times; head seemingly always bowed in a gesture of permeant submission but lately it's been more noticeable then ever. There's a gloom that hangs around him, that permeates everything he does and yet as always the young tom still works, he does as he's told if not more to keep his rattling brain from thinking to hard about the dangers always lurking in the shadows. The dogs, Shadowclan, Riverclan, foxes; Starclan above would they ever get a break? Least with so much going on there was never not something to do, when he wasn't out in the hollow with his mentor or patrolling the borders with warriors he was starting to stand shoulder to shoulder with if not taller he was back in camp running around like a Pidgeon with no head to and fro. Always so eager to please - never allowing if he could prevent it for time spent alone; lounging just wasn't something he could do no the son of Flamewhisker and Flycatcher was better then that.

He wants to say cleaning the elders den and retrieving new moss for them was a noble duty but part of him wanted to wretch the moment his nose dangled precariously over the most rank musty smelling nest he's ever had the misfortune of having his maw around. Mud and prey blood soaked it. How Squirrelfang managed to get his nest this dirty so quickly he couldn't scarcely imagine but he says nothing he smiles and dips his head when the tom thanks him. It's all he needs, nothing more nothing less but it didn't make this nest any nastier. He picks it up teeth gritting as he begins to drag it and it must be quite the image to see his poofy tail emerge first before the rest of him. He begins to lift his head to hold the nest as high as he can without dragging it.

He steps high as he walks his strides goofy; it's not intentional he can't see his own paws beneath the mess hanging from his jaws. His eyes look ahead and his muzzle crinkles in the unmistakable look of revulsion and it's a far cry from the normal expressions he tends to have; there's nothing dutiful, polite and joyful about it, and most importantly it's far from solemn.​
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Squeak Squeak

Mothsqueak remebered her times when she had to clean the elders den, which hadn't been something she was much bothered by. The young warrior has always enjoyed listening to the tales the elders woven but...lately she had been too caught up in her new found duties to go visit the elders. The small she-cat noticed Falconpaw akwardly carrying out old moss from the den when she had return from camp, her teal green eyes watching briefly before she awkwardly decided to approach the other.

"W-would you l-like some help?" she softly asked the apprentice, she might not be much taller (perhaps smaller) than Falconpaw but assistance was always helpful, and she had been meaninf to stop by and say hello to the elders in the first place, so she wouldn't mind lending the other a paw of assistance with cleaning out the den. Akwardly she smiled at the apprentice. If he felt he did not need any help, she'll accept it and let him be on his way extra paw could always be helpful.

Cleaning out the elders' den had to the be worst thing in the world. They always stunk up the place and had so many bugs nestled in there! The thought of it cause a shiver to run along a chocolate spine at the mere memory of finding a dead spider in one of the nests. Never again. Though as the figure stood there watch for a moment, before Mothsqueak piped up, to offer to help and the tabby tomcat turned up his nose with a thump of his tail. Suppose a part of him wanted to also help out as that was his job too, but also Falconpaw looked like they could handle it.

Goldenpaw gave a small flick of an ear before sighing through his nose, and then begrudingly got up onto white paws before heading over towards that of Falconpaw. The taller tomcat gave a small snort and gestured with a front paw, "Well put it down, let us take chunks of it," He instructed with an annoyed tone to his voice. Why did Falconpaw decide to do this on their own? They could've very well reruited others' to come along or something.
sleekpaw | 04 months | genderfluid | he/she/they | physically easy | mentally hard | attack in bold mistyrose
Sleekpaw doesn't understand why his denmates have chosen to speak up - his nose wrinkles in disgust even from his place a good few tail-lengths away. She can't imagine how awful it must be for falconpaw, but really if its not her duty why should she help? The thought of getting that filth anywhere near their pristine pelt has them shuddering and leaves a bitter taste in their mouth. "Glad I'm not the one dealing with Squirrelfang today," they say, and though they mean to be genuine it comes across as a bit mean-spirited. He only feels relief though - it's truly one of his most loathed duties. Just look at that mess!


Flycatcher is doing his own duties in camp when he spots Falconpaw backing out of the elder's den, dragging with him a disgusting mess of a nest that can only belong to Squirrelfang. He was one of the more kindly elders Flycatcher had found, but he was also the messiest. If his nests weren't full of dirt and left over bits of prey they were usually on the verge of falling apart when you came to remove them. "Easy there, son," Flycatcher laughed as he approached. "You don't want to trip yourself up."

A few of the apprentices are also present, offering their assistance to Falconpaw which makes Flycatcher smile. He knows his son well enough to know that if he's anything like his parents he'd likely prefer to do the task by himself, but the sight of seeing all the apprentice offering to help when they couldn't always be so motivated warmed his heart. "I'm sure Squirrelfang will feel much better once he has a new nest."
It confused Basilpaw just how tedious and mind-numbing any tasks involving the elders were. Truthfully the pointed tom couldn't find a major quality difference helping the elders were, if anything he felt like it encouraged their barking complaining. It irritated Basilapw how shameless they were tagging down the closest living creature to them just to yap about how their bones ached and how no one had cleaned their nest in days. Basilpaw wished it were acceptable to shove them into caring for themselves like the grown cats they were.

He would hate to be an elder that relied on others for his basic needs. Was it not embarrassing, the messes they left? Basilpaw inwardly cringed as Falconpaw passed him and caught scent of what was left of the nest. No, he would never contribute to the misery caused by their care.
He hadn't meant to attract attention; his gaze widens as Mothsqueak ears perking at her softened tones she was one of the least intimidating cats of Thunderclan and yet his head lowers demurely towards her. They'd shared the apprentices den for a few moons but she'd earned her name and a place in the warriors den, he'd have moons to come before he'd join her - she didn't have to help him at all and he's about to politely decline but sadly for him she isn't the only one who noticed the fluffy apprentice trudging around with a nest in his mouth. He would have no choice but to accept help; Goldenpaw's voice is an order not a request there's still a part of him that wants to refuse and carry on this was his job to do and he's sure neither of them really want to share his burden.

He looks around troubled by the predicament but he relents the mess dropping sloppily to his paws just as Basilpaw's meow reaches his ears, a defense of the elder is already on his tongue he never cared for the banter of his fellow apprentices when another cat's honor was on the line. Regardless if he may agree or not. His dad's voice stops him and he squares his shoulders and puffs out his chest slightly embarrassment warming his cheeks. He'd never recover if he tripped over a elders nest - it was best to just let them help. ❝It's the least I can do for him.❞ he'd say and he means it, the elders had earned their keep and they'd always been nice to him. Uncomfortably he looks to Mothsqueak and Goldenpaw dipping his head ❝Erm... Thank you, I appreciate it really. I'll make it up to you promise he didn't like owing anyone favors, every good deed done towards him needed to be repayed. That's what a model warrior should strive for, one day he wouldn't need the help of others with menial tasks like this but for now he accepts it.

He'd pick up a sizable chunk, it was easy to tear the dampness of it lending to the ease in which he rips. He gestures with his head and then would start to pad hoping they would follow. ​
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