private sleepover party // whitepaw

It's past sundown, and though many cats still mill about, several others find their nests for the night. Cottonpaw tries to ignore the way some cats look oh-so warily towards her and one another (she thinks enough about the plague during menial lessons with Wolfsong) as she seeks out one of her friends. Oddly enough, it is sometimes difficult to parse one albino WindClanner from the next - however she spots Whitepaw not long after her search starts. Her paws quicken and she nearly rams into the others side - instead she stops just short, pressing her shoulder into her friend's.

"Whitepaw...!" she chirps, keeping her voice down as to not annoy any slumbering cats nearby. "A little birdie told me that you gave Adderpaw a gift," she continues. Cottonpaw's smile moreso resembles a devilish smirk, though she only has fun, girlish intentions hiding behind it. "Tell me all about it! Adderpaw wouldn't bother if I asked, so you have to!"