camp slipping and sliding ✶ ice skating


get away from me, you cannot be me! ‧。⋆
Jan 29, 2024
Sheepkit was wondering around camp as usual, long legs taking him in big strides as he hummed to himself wondering on what to do on this chilly day. Snow seems promising for the kitten, maybe he'll play in some snow while his mama is resting. He trots around camp, continuing his humming a tune he made up as he was bored of being cooped up in the nursery. He pauses abruptly, blue eyes widen as he find a new thing he stumbled upon. Long dark tail lashing behind him, he crouches down in the snow in front of the sparkly new thing he found!

The black smoke pokes at the thing with a paw, he rattles his mind at what his mama told him about Leafbare. Ice. That's it! It was ice! He smiles triumphantly. He looks down at the ice covering half of the ground, With no hesitation, he pounced on top of the glassy sheet slipping and sliding as he squealed in joy at the small ride he was having. Sliding forward and spinning around, he giggles his legs splayed out at his sides. Tail laid flat behind him as he came to a stop, crashing into a pile of snow squeaking in surprise. He pops his head out from beneath the snow, his body now covered in snow. "Oooo, Fun!" He smiles, excited that he found something new to play with. He quickly scrabbles to perch on top of the mound of snow he crashed into.

  • // @sunlitpaw silly time :3
  • no ref yet </3
    ✦ cisgender male ; HE / HIM ; kitten of windclan
    ✦ a longhaired black smoke with high white & blue eyes
    action , thoughts , "Speech, f8ede3"
    ✦ smells of early morning dew & windblown heather

    - tags / @ on discord for plots
    - penned by calzone

  • nothing here begone!
It had been... a while, since Sunlitpaw had let themselves relax and have fun. It felt as though they hardly knew kithood, three months in Wolfsong's shadow and only two of which could she really remember. They had been dropped in front of a loyalist shortly after to apprentice, and their kithood wilted and died in Thornrunner's paws. They knew fighting, they knew hunting, they knew running for their life - once upon a time, they had known skating around on ice. They had once known batting around a ball of moss.

Their brooding was interrupted by a bundle of fuzz sliding between their paws, fern eyes blown wide in surprise. Sunlitpaw had been trekking across camp, cutting through an ice patch when a giggling Sheepkit blitzed by. "Woah, hey, careful -" Sunlitpaw's ears fall to their head and they wince back as Sheepkit collides with a snowdrift at the edge of the ice, but the kit pops back up entirely unaffected by his crash landing. Sunlitpaw blinks slowly, raising their head. "Are you - are you alright, Sheepkit?" The sun-dappled apprentice questions gently, padding carefully across the ice to check on the young tom. Their claws click gently against the ice, carefully restrained to let their pawpads give them the best traction. Sheepkit calls it fun and Sunlitpaw takes a small step back away from the kit, a gentle smile turning their lips up. Yeah, it... was pretty fun, what little Sunlitpaw got to do it. Now they had to learn how to balance themselves on ice for hunting and moor-running, they didn't really get fun breaks like this often. "Don't use your claws too much, you won't be able to go forward because they'll just keep scraping," Sunlitpaw advises, lifting a paw and unsheathing their snow-capped claws for display. "Use them to stop. Or... well... if you wanna slide a lot, always have them out." Sunlitpaw's smile grows, stepping to the side of where she was standing in front of Sheepkit on his little perch. "Use your weight, and try turning your head and forepaws the same way - you'll spin," Sunlitpaw would get dizzy quickly, but it had been something they enjoyed doing it the few times they had.
  • *

    they / she, moor-runner apprentice of windclan. mentored by no-one
    a large yet timid chocolate tabby-tortoiseshell with spring green eyes
    sunstride x wolfsong, sibling to rivepaw, bearpaw, singedpaw, & featherpaw
    full length tags
    penned by izanami, contact on discord @nullmoons for plots or threads :)
──ᨒ↟↟ᨒ↟ᨒ↟↟ᨒ── Wolfsong knows this weather is fated to end soon, and he means to enjoy it while it lasts— especially now that they are settling back into camp and ekking out a sense of normalcy once again. It is, in truth, much more easy to enjoy the cold without the unfamiliar scents of the barn and the odd scratching of mice in the piles of straw.

Watching Sunlitpaw and Sheepkit, he is reminded of the antics he and Sunstride found themselves in, both before and after Wolfsong's parents died. They were certainly rougher than his child is with the kit, tumbling and tackling once his eye had healed enough for such playing. There were few places where the snow allowed ice to form unhampered, but they found the occasional patch sheltered by stone. Not quite expansive enough for particularly impressive sliding, but it made wrestling interesting, to say the least.

"Perhaps someone could have a little race..." Wolfsong suggests conspiratorily. Perhaps he should be cautioning them both, but a bit of boldness is good for the spirit.
  • ★★★☆☆ WOUNDS: You're (mostly) in safe paws. You'll know if he's less experienced if he asks for your permission to try a treatment. No wound can scare him away from knowledge.
    ★★★☆☆ INFECTION: He can prevent most infections. If you feel feverish, let him know; he'll hum thoughtfully over herbs and sniff your wound before saying, "With your blessing..."
  • ★☆☆☆☆ ACHES & PAINS: If you complain to him of pain, he'll ask where. If it's a headache, you'll likely feel a bit better. For anything else, "Try this, if you'd like, and tell me how you feel."
    ★☆☆☆☆ BROKEN BONES: At best. he can ask you to remain lying down in the den. He may try to distract you with conversation while he considers what herb to feed you.
  • ★★★★★ TRAVELING HERBS: Going somewhere? No worries; Wolfsong knows just what you need to stay hale and healthy during your journey. The rest is up to you.
    ★★★☆☆ KITTING: Thanks to Starlingheart and his own pregnancy, he's better prepared for the arrival of kits, but any complications will need a little faith and a lot of luck.
  • ★☆☆☆☆ POISONS: It's best if you avoid eating anything unfamiliar to you— it's probably just as unfamiliar to Wolfsong. The best he can do is offer you yarrow and sit with you.
    ★★☆☆☆ ILLNESS: If it's white or greencough, you'll likely recover. Otherwise, prepare for odd concoctions and the usual request that you consent to a little trial-and-error.
Sheepkit looks up who was calling his name, blue eyes locking onto Sunlitpaw. He beams at the apprentice before squeaking out. "I'm okay!" He smiles wide, before crouching down on his snowy perch. He listens to their explanation on sliding on ice. Ohhh! He nods along the tabby apprentice's words, he looks down at his claws. He retracts them back, as he wiggles his way down onto the ice again shivering. Cold! The tiny tom pushes forwards with his front paws, sliding a little bit. He turns his head to look over his shoulder, his whole body turning at the movement.

Sheepkit's eyes go wide in surprise at the movement, mouth going slack at the new fun he was having. "Waaaah! Fun!" He lets out a series of giggles and squeals. He crouched down on the ice, using his claws to push himself forward then letting go. The ice was painful on his underbelly but he didn't mind! He lazily slides around, tongue sticking out as he kinda sorta focused on going forward. He hears a someone else, turning his body around slowly seeing the golden pelt of one Wolfsong. He chirps out a "Hiyaaa Wolfsooong!" As he slowly slides away, slipping and sliding his way with squeaky giggles of delight escaping his mouth.

  • no ref yet </3
    ✦ cisgender male ; HE / HIM ; kitten of windclan
    ✦ a longhaired black smoke with high white & blue eyes
    action , thoughts , "Speech, f8ede3"
    ✦ smells of early morning dew & windblown heather

    - tags / @ on discord for plots
    - penned by calzone

  • nothing here begone!
༄༄ With the making of a new WindClan comes the imminent turning of the seasons, and Scorchstreak feels correct to guess that the cold will loosen its icy grip upon the moorland within the next month. The ice will thaw, and they will see their territory made bright and colorful as the next season rolls its way across the land. The calico is excited to see it come, hopeful that her clan will be able to spend the spring in peace. But for now, winter’s hold remains sure, and sheets of ice coat the ground in patches.

Fiery eyes are not nearly warm enough to melt the snow, but still they shift around the camp set into a glare. She has grown sick of the lifelessness that wintertime brings, both literally and figuratively. Her brows lose their furrow when they settle upon Sheepkit slipping and sliding across a patch of ice on his belly. Sunlitpaw is attempting to give pointers to the younger cat, and it does seem to be helping a bit.

Normally she would feel a touch of scorn toward such activities; she would warn them of the injury that could occur if they were to land wrong. But Wolfsong suggests a race, and if he is not worried, then neither is Scorchstreak. "A race could be interesting," she says, tipping her head to the golden-furred healer. "It could be a good exercise for controlling speed and balance." She speaks idly, already thinking of ways that she can convince her apprentice to set foot upon the ice. Perhaps if Scorchstreak steps into it, she can persuade Pinkpaw to give it a try. She would be putting her reputation with Pinkpaw on the line if she slips and falls, but it seems as though it would be a fair trade.

While Sheepkit and Sunlitpaw certainly seemed to be enjoying their voyages out onto the ice, Rattleheart wore a slight grimace on his face as he approached. The tunneler had never really been a huge fan of ice, only familiar with it in the context of traveling before he and his siblings had been warriors of Windclan. He had always managed to slip and fall flat on his face spectacularly when he tried to go out onto it, prompting laughter or rolled eyes from the cats around him as he had tried to push himself back up onto his paws. The moons since then had made him older and - supposedly - wiser, but they hadn't made him any more steady on the glimmering sheets of frozen water, a fact that he knew Scorchstreak was still well aware of.

Settling beside his sister's slightly more colorful form, he prodded disdainfully at the edge of the ice before shaking his head. "I'm glad that the little ones can enjoy it, at least..." Rattleheart had never considered himself to be particularly old, but he certainly felt like a grumbling old elder at the moment. Especially when the suggestion of a race made him lightly shiver, voice taking on a slightly uneasy edge. "Is a race such a good idea...? I wouldn't want either of them getting hurt." Though, considering Wolfsong was a medicine cat and one of Sunlitpaw's fathers, it certainly seemed as though that wasn't as much of a huge concern as it was in his mind. Not exactly an unusual revelation, even now.

A smile did at least grace his muzzle, though, when he heard Scorchstreak's words from nearby, looking towards her with a bit of a smirk. "Although, if you're encouraging it... surely that means you wouldn't mind participating as well, right?" Even if he had primarily been the one constantly slipping around and falling on ice, he knew his sister wasn't some sort of unparalleled expert either. And even with how much they had all matured over time, that fact remained that they were still siblings, in the end.
Sunlitpaw giggles as they watch Sheepkit spin on the ice, carefully retracting their paws at times when the kitten goes gliding past. Their ears twitch and rotate to follow the soft scraping sound of his kitten claws on the ice. They swivel sharply backwards when another voice joins them, catching Sunlitpaw off guard. With a slight start the thickly furred apprentice turns her head toward the medicine cat, a timid smile on her muzzle as Sheepkit loudly greets him. "Hi, ð - Wolfsong," they greet quietly, correcting their language swiftly. It felt foreign, much less than pleasant to say their parent's name directly at him. But it was the courteous thing to do, the respectful thing to do, and Sunlitpaw had weighed down Wolfsong's shoulders enough. He mentions a race, and Sunlitpaw passes a glance at Sheepkit - were they... supposed to let him win? Would it be bad manners to snatch a victory from a kit? Well, probably, but Sunlitpaw didn't want to be seen as weak or a loser in front of ðir and two lead warriors.

Scorchstreak and Rattleheart follow close behind, a swift and welcomed distraction. Dual-toned ears perk up at Scorchstreak's voice, looking toward the mottled calico before falling down against her head. StarClan, they were really wanting her to race a kitten? Well... well if Sunlitpaw was gonna lose... "You're - you guys are gonna race too, right..?" Sunlitpaw drifts her gaze down to Sheepkit, a silent plea for the young tom to help rope the older cats in with the two of them. Sunlitpaw wasn't much interested in being a display, but... a race sounded fun. More participants meant less eyes on her specifically, too. "One side to the other? Do you want to, Sheepkit?"
  • *

    they / she, moor-runner apprentice of windclan. mentored by no-one
    a large yet timid chocolate tabby-tortoiseshell with spring green eyes
    sunstar x wolfsong, sibling to rivepaw, bearpaw, singedpaw, & featherpaw
    full length tags
    penned by izanami, contact on discord @nullmoons for plots or threads :)