SLIPPING, SLIDING |o, buck is mortified

Jul 8, 2022
the patrol was small, only grabbing a few cats before heading out. it was under the guise of hunting, it was supposed to be hunting. her attention was distracted by a pondering warrior, and she was trying her best to settle her temper and answer their questions as best she could. it seemed that their questions were enough to distract the entire patrol, and no one had any time to inform buck on where she was walking, exposed ice catches her normal footing and causes her to go unsteady. the woman is usually prepared, but with her sudden movements, the tom she was talking with had accidentally bumped into the deputy. in which, causing her footing to grow more unstable, before she eventually topples into a mound of snow.

cold claims her immediately, but she makes no movements. the talk of her patrol is hushed, and buck simply lays still. all they can see is a breaking in the white, something close to her figure but not quite it. she's sure they don't know what to do, and buck is too mortified to get out and show her face. she's supposed to be something respectable, and here she is. fallen. in a snow bank. she thinks about digging herself more in and excuse it for trying to find prey. but nothing with half a brain would remain under a huge hill of snow. maybe buck has lost all of her's, seeing as she still hasn't moved an inch.
Truthfully, Clayfur doesn’t mean to be distracted. He’s just paying lots of attention to the warrior who’s asking questions, and he’s listening to each and every one of Buckgait’s responses with perked ears. He isn’t quite sure what’s happened until after the fact, when the clan’s deputy has practically disappeared into a snowbank.

It goes quiet for a few heartbeats, moments in which the deputy doesn’t stand back up. So the tabby tom picks his way over to where Buckgait has fallen, doing his best not to slip as she had, and pokes at the pile of snow she’s fallen humiliatingly into. "Whoa, are you…" He trails off with a cough, a half-choked laugh. He’s sure she’s alright, there’s no way that sort of fall would hurt her, right? He’s trying to ensure the poor molly is alright, but his chest is already hurting with the effort of containing his surprised bark of a laugh.

Then he spots it—the rise and fall of a brown flank—and nearly collapses into the snow pile beside her, overtaken by a fit of laughter that he tries desperately to contain. "Hah… Buck.. I’m so sorry, aha… you okay?" The last words aren’t much more than a squeak; there are tears in his eyes and he feels so bad for laughing at her but he just can’t stop the noises.
It was just a normal patrol thus far. Unlike Clayfur, Ravenpaw had little interest in the ponders of their patrol-mate, so he blocked them out entirely as he trudged behind in the snow. The ice was stinging his delicate paw pads and he hoped they would go home soon.

Buckgait's slip and fall into the snow mound is sudden and quite unceremonious and knocks Ravenpaw out of his reverie. Ravenpaw's head reared up in shock, wondering if their deputy was okay. She certainly was strong enough. Hushed, Ravenpaw only loosened some of his tension when Clayfur collapses and laughs. It was pretty funny, but he restrains himself by only a tight smile. Being an apprentice and not knowing much about their deputy, the black cat sits back and observes quietly, exchanging a glance with the rest of the patrol.​

Perhaps he should feel grateful to Cicadastar for assigning him to learn under the clans deputy, which he has since learned is a esteemed position within the clan but really all the marbled leader has done is create more work for Stormpaw, and for that he is not grateful. Cats expect more from him, think more of him and that means he had to do more.

He is with his mentor now on a patrol. He follows after her diligently, although occasionally he grumbles complaints under his breath to himself. Stuff about the cold, about how much he misses his nest, about how his mother never would’ve stood for this. He was her baby boy after all.

When Buckgait slips, crashes into a snow bank he stares, incredulous and then he quickly looks away, embarrassed. That was his mentor, the deputy of the clan. Should she really be acting that way? Goofing off on a patrol? He had been told to take these patrols seriously but how could he when his mentor is slipping and sliding everywhere? The tom just rolls his eyes while looking at Ravenpaw. "Can you believe this? And they’re the adults" he murmurs to him conspiratorially