pafp Slipping through my fingers | bird-hunting


Things have been hectic lately. Signs from Starclan, the sun swallowed by the moon, yes; but also the more grounded matters of newleaf struggles, twolegs coming back to their seasonal grounds and dogs roaming the territory.

(‘Lately’ suggests there ever was a time when things were not hectic, which is doubtful, but Snakeblink could swear there was a moon or two at the beginning of things…)

He does what he can to make things easier: he keeps his apprentice busy with training, keeps their freshkill pile high with prey fat with post-hibernation feasting, keeps the nursery well-supplied with fresh moss for the expecting queens. The promise of new life is like the aura of sunrise coloring the horizon at the very break of dawn: the hope of coming light after a long and bleak night. A comfort.

They’ve had too many deaths lately. Too many near-misses as well: he fancies he can still smell blood on the wind as the memory of Valepaw’s encounter with a dog rises at the forefront of his memory. It is unwelcome but not unbidden; he has had the incident on his mind lately, mostly in relation to Rookfang. The disheveled (less so, lately) warrior is very protective of his brother, and it’s clearly weighing on him to have his younger sibling in the medicine cat’s den. No matter how brave Valepaw is being about it. As his… friend? Yes, Snakeblink would call them friends, strange as it makes him feel -- as his friend, he wants to do something or Rookfang, something to get his mind off the situation or at least soothe his bristling nerves somewhat. Something nice.

(It’s Snakeblink’s private opinion that Rookfang is in dear need of nicer things being done to and for him. He hasn’t dared to voice that opinion aloud, to anyone: it seems foolish, somehow, and he wouldn’t know how to argue for it beyond ‘nice things are nice and he deserves it’ anyhow.)

But what to do for Rookfang? Patrols fail to distract him from his concern, and Snakeblink isn’t exactly liable to magically heal Valepaw of all ills. It should be something that shows he cares, and that he pays attention. Staring at the river in deep thought, a brilliant idea dawned on Snakeblink, or rather flew in front of his nose: a vividly-colored little bird diving for silvery fish. Its blue and yellow plumage, reminiscent of the sky at sunset -- the vibrant cerulean sky and dazzling gold sun -- reminded him of Rookfang’s two-colored gaze. So much so, in fact, that once the thought entered his head it would not leave: it seemed obvious that this bird would make a perfect gift.

If only he could catch it.

After multiple fruitless attempts at jumping out of hiding to catch the rapid bird unaware, which all ended with Snakeblink falling into the river in a loud splash and the kingfisher flying away unscathed, he had to come to terms with the fact that he is, put simply, not a very good bird hunter at all.

No, if he ever hopes to catch his elusive prey, he must ask for help from someone who is very, very good at hunting birds… And ideally, who will not ask too many questions. Like all the nice things he would like to do for Rookfang, Snakeblink has neither explanation nor justification for this whole endeavor, and putting it into words would be incredibly embarrassing for all involved.

Dripping wet from his many unwanted dips into the water, Snakeblink drags himself to Lichentail’s side, nodding politely in greeting.

”Ah, Lichentail -- I do not mean to impose upon you, but would you consider lending me your help for a moment?” Since he is not above a little bit of flattery when the situation calls for it, especially not when it’s true, he adds: ”Your skill for bird-hunting is well-known, and I am in dear need of your expertise.”

He gestures with his tail to the jewel-like bird perched over the river, its body barely bending the thin branch it rests on to peer at the river’s surface. ”No matter how I go about it, I cannot seem to find a way to catch it.”

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely
  • @lichentail
    Trying to catch a kingfisher but he's so so bad at it...

  • 2h3Dnip.png

    Snakeblink • he / him. 51 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo



✦ ˚  ✧ ˚ .˚ ✦  ✦
  • In the simple actions of menial kindness does a form of love exist... it is not the kind that plants tender kisses on fevered heads, nor the kind that wraps its tail around another like a banner of devotion. It is a quieter thing than that, unspoken, hidden... carefully and delicately woven into tiny motions, thoughtful displays of intentional choice. The color of a gifted feather, the shape of a sought-after stone, the softness of moss handed off in idle passing.

    Or.... the sly-tongued compliment of one's passions.

    Odd-eared and dappled in misty points, the deputy turns sky-light eyes towards a tom wreathed in dark-branch markings. It's not great secret how much she values the feathered prey that RiverClan seems vehemently against appreciating.. and though she knows his motivation for bending her ear is probably selfish, she won't deny the way the flattery makes her chest swell with pride.

    It is a skill that is wholly and uniquely hers... something that makes her special. "Honey-tongued," she teases in a gravelly response, voice hoarse for its first time since waking up that morning. She lifts a paw to playfully, slowly swat at his face to dismiss further adulations before dragging her sights towards his target.

    It is a vibrant bird, not one she sees often, frankly. It's recognizable enough all the same- myriad of spring-bright colors that threaten to be overwhelming to the eyes after a harsh, monochromic winter. "Hmm..."

    He is soaked, if the damp pools that drivel off of him is any indication and she doesn't really have any intention of joining him in his sopping display of effort. "Having some height," she gestures towards a gnarled, over-watered tree that stopped growing some time ago yet still stubbornly sits beside the shore, "Definitely helps."

    The question remains though, if she's the only good bird-hunter.. are there even any other good tree-climbers that aren't across the border with SkyClan?
  • about
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    penned by tieirlys
  • ˚  ★⋆. ࿐࿔  ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     .
       .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .   ✦   .  .   ˚       ੈ✧˳·˖✶ ✦  ˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ ★⋆. ࿐࿔
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Reactions: Snakeblink

Despite himself, the idea that other cats too struggled with their abilities from time to time felt foreign to Ferngill. For so long he had wallowed at the absolute bottom that everyone else was perfect in comparison... though as he'd aged, he'd been given a bit more of a realistic worldview. Still, to see Snakeblink- a seasoned lead warrior, at this point- asking another for advice surprised him, for just a flicker of a moment.

Catching birds was something Ferngill did not feel as if he'd ever be able to do, which was probably pessimistic, but... it was not in his repertoire, simply. Mudpelt had been a fantastic warrior, but ungifted in land hunting... (and it was a bit silly that birds counted as that, but his father had never taught him to catch them, so they were in the same category)... Ferngill's own ability in any food-fetching other than fishing had come from the journey, where he'd been forced to learn. And even then, it wasn't always successful. Therefore, when Lichentail's advice rode the breeze toward him, Ferngill couldn't help but swivel his ears and listen in.

A verdant eye trailed to the tree, and then a flicker of uncertainty flashed within it. Snakeblink really wanted that kingfisher... Ferngill's immediate thought was that its feathers might make a beautiful gift. But if climbing was involved... well, he was sure Sablemist would prefer he didn't break a leg. "Oh, good luck," Ferngill commented. The time he and Steepsnout had utterly failed in attempting to race up a tree scattered some droplets through his mind. "It's harder than it looks.'
penned by pin

It’s nice to be teased back rather than snapped at for well-meant words. Snakeblink tilts his head to avoid her playful swat, grinning unabashedly at her. ”It’s not flattery if it’s the truth,” he demures, tapping his tail against her side.

He waits patiently while they consider the situation, content to watch clever eyes assess his self-appointed task. He half hopes she will offer to lend him a paw, but the coolness of the wind on his dripping pelt makes him think that is unlikely. The weather today may be mild, but Newleaf is not yet warm enough to splash about for the sake of it.

A suggestion and a gesture draw his attention to a new avenue of action. ”From above, hm?” He hums, eyes already narrowing in equal consideration. He remembers the pine cats gallivanting through foliage while they stayed in their camp, hauling themselves through the branches with the ease of squirrels. He would be a fool to think it’s as easy as they made it look; he is already steadier in water than on land and nothing indicates that going high would reverse that particular trend.

Then again, was Clayfur not known for climbing trees, despite being a river cat through and through…? And Snakeblink did get pointers from Skyclan warriors while sharing their camp…

”Reassuring, considering it already looks quite difficult,” he replies wryly to Ferngill’s light-hearted encouragement. But he trusts Lichentail’s expertise, and has no better idea anyway: shaking excess water out of his pelt, he makes his slithering way towards the gnarled tree leaning over the part of the river that his target chose as its fishing spot.

He doesn’t rush into the climb, instead assessing his path up as best as he can with untrained eyes. The kingfisher is not diving from very high up: one of the tree’s lowest branches will suffice to get above its perch. Then he will only have to crawl along the branch and drop straight down on the unsuspecting bird–

Or straight into the river, but he’s been doing that quite a lot today anyway.

Nodding once to himself, Snakeblink crouches at the base of the tree, tilts his head up, and launches his body up like an arrow. He throws his paws up, claws out, and feels the weathered bark scrape against his pawpads before his claws sink into its rough and imperfect surface, bringing him to a sudden halt some distance off the ground. He stays there for a moment, tail lashing, before the tug of gravity gives him a jolt that pushes him upward. Every time he lifts a paw to reach for a new hold, he feels like he’ll peel off the tree altogether and come crashing down, but it never happens. His skinny limbs hide strong swimming muscle, and he has little trouble pulling his weight onto the first sturdy branch he finds.

”Why do they do this,” he mutters to himself, feeling the ache of muscles used in ways they are not used to building in his shoulders from the short climb. Skyclanners are a strange sort indeed.

But now that he’s up, the hard part is done. He hopes. Quiet as he can be, Snakeblink inches towards the jewel-blue blur of the kingfisher diving into the river and flying back to its perch until he’s right above it. If he aims this just right, he can grab the bird and land on the very same branch it uses as a perch…

Just as that thought crosses his mind, the bird alights back onto the branch, a thin silver fish in its beak. Hunting instincts take over: Snakeblink pounces for it before it can fly away again. His paws extend forward, all claws out–

And hit the tender wood of the perch rather than the tender flesh of his prey. His lower body swings beneath, hind legs flailing in an effort to cling to the branch that bounces under his sudden weight. The kingfisher startles into flight, jumping off in a flurry of dazzling feathers. Snakeblink opens his mouth and snaps his teeth blindly as the wood he clings to cracks ominously then breaks off entirely, sending the whole circus into the water with a great splash.

There is a moment of incongruous calm following this brief chaos. Then he breaks the surface again, holding his triangular head gingerly up above the water. In his mouth, he holds the struggling body of the kingfisher by one tiny leg: the small bird is stunned but still trying to peck at his face and neck in desperation, and each movement he makes paddling towards the shore or trying to avoid its assault makes him fear he’ll drop it and it'll fly away. Snakeblink pulls himself out of the river and hisses through clenched teeth: ”’elp–”

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • 2h3Dnip.png

    Snakeblink • he / him. 51 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

  • Haha
Reactions: tieirlys