oneshot slowly falling down like raindrops || a farewell

Jun 8, 2022

// Jackdawflight is a brave soul who deserves a proper final fight! He's been the only long-term character I've played from a kit to adult and what an absolute joy that has been! I know I would have loved to continue his story, but with my dwindling time for roleplay, it would be... in the latter half of 2025 (can't wait to hand in that thesis).

So here's a short, but sweet, wrap up of his time on TT. It is assumed to happen after the meeting where Howlingstar warns the clan of the wolves. If anyone wishes for their character to be the unnamed warrior(s) feel free to shoot me a message on discord.

Edit: it became a bit longer than I meant for it to be...


Despite the freshness in the air and his long dark pelt, a chill had set into the warrior's bones. His steps were confident as he made his way through the undergrowth, each soft brush of branches and evergreens a comfort to the small feline. He knew the place like the back of his ears but the recent discovery of the wolves and his mother's warnings made him overly cautious – if there was anything he trusted, it was the wise words of Howlingstar. Thus, he was not alone – he could hear the soft breathing of his fellow clanmates not far behind him as they went along on their hunting patrol. They were out early and Jackdawflight was certain that the mice and voles weren't expecting them – what a feast they would bring back to the freshkill pile!

He'd just buried the rodent that had the misfortune of running into his claws, when the feeling of something being wrong pulled at his senses. Suddenly extremely alert, Jackdawflight raised his head stiffly, ears laying against his skull as the stink of predators hit his nose. Worry wormed in his stomach and the smell of his most recent catch made him feel queasy. The others were close by, further back - ? Yes, they had not gotten as far as he had. Not yet.

A flicker of shadows alerted him to the presence of not one, but two dark figures looming behind the trees. It seemed that barely five fox lengths separated him from the intruders, yet how had he not noticed them? However, perhaps luck was on his side, for if he hadn't known they were there, then maybe... they hadn't realised the black-furred warrior crouched between fallen branches? Barely breathing, he stayed as still as he could, waiting for them to leave – go! – and it seemed his willing worked as the two dark shapes turned away, not having noticed the cats.


The sound came from behind him. "Mousedung!" An almost soundless curse escaped from his lips as the figures stopped moving. The lowest growl he'd ever heard echoed through the trees and in his head – one of his fellow warriors had finally caught up with him. Thousands of thoughts flashed through his mind as he stiffly jerked a warning with his tail – raised up high, a violent flick, a silent stop! – and it worked. They stood still, as did the growling shadows, and suddenly they did not stand still, for the predators had returned, and Jackdawflight felt the strangest sensation of not being in control of his limbs for he stood up, a look of being at peace crossing his features as he whispered at the other – "Keep the apprentices safe – go!" before he was off with a blood curdling yowl! Up, he leapt, catching the attention of the snapping jaws, for he would rather have his clanmates return home than all of them facing death. Thrashing with abandon, the glint of claws catching grey fur, he screeched to bring all attention to him, him, and not towards his young clanmates. Everything he had been taught, all the moves, the mock fights, the playful battering between brothers; he threw himself against the large creatures before tearing off into the forest with them hot on his heels. Perhaps, he could outrun them. Perhaps they would all be returning home...

But it was not to be like that. As a bright path led him towards Silverpelt, he could only pray to StarClan that his family would be alright.


// Thank you.