private SMELLS LIKE A FREAKSHOW // thundergleam


Stormywing still can’t believe she got twisted up in this mess. Training the new clan weirdo? That is not what she considers fun nor a decent way to spend her time. But an order’s an order, and now, just like Fallowpaw, Thundergleam will be a reflection of her own skills as a warrior. She needs to make sure she shapes up to be a formidable cat worthy of bearing the title ‘ThunderClan warrior.’

She is sitting near the edge of camp with the ivory she-cat, a bored yet determined look in golden eyes. It’s time to get to work. “Okay, newbie, the first thing you gotta know about the clans is you can’t just go off and do whatever you want, ‘kay? We follow our superiors’ orders, we follow StarClan’s guidance, and we follow the Warrior Code. First, we gotta get you familiar with the Code. Even kits memorize it before they leave the nursery, and no charge of mine is gonna know less than a kit.”

She clears her throat, tips her chin up, and begins to mew, “The first law of the Warrior Code is-“ The sound of the other’s voice causes her to bite her tongue and look at her in confusion, ears pricking.

To say Stormywing was a little less enthusiastic than Thundergleam would be a vast understatement. At the suggestion that they might train, the alabaster she-cat was paid with great diligence, her smile silken. Golden eyes seemed a little distant, but pink met them with great glee... clearly, this Stormywing was a trusted and important cat! Though she was no apprentice, Thundergleam knew it was very important in Clan culture to show respect to one's mentor... they were vastly wiser than you, appointed by the leader for a reason. To disrespect one's mentor was to doubt the word of the leader, doubt their judgement. And she was no blasphemer! Howlingstar had spoken into being what she thought was best.

Ivory paws kneaded the earth as Thundergleam paid close attention to Stormywing's words. Obeying superiors orders- obeying StarClan, of course, and... the Warrior Code. Immediately, Thundergleam's red-pupilled attention seemed tenfold captured. Immediately enraptured by the concept, thrill glimmered bright from her like a full moon. Getting you familiar with the code, she said, and immediately a huge rush of thrill flooded through Thundergleam's entire body, her eyes rounding.

She could not help herself. Oh, she was indeed more knowledgable than a kit! She bore a warrior name for a reason... "Oh, I know this one! Defend your Clan with your life- you may have friendships in other Clans, but your loyalty must remain to your Clan, as one day you may meet them in battle." Reverie-glazed eyes searched Stormywing's face for approval for a few moments- until a realisation began to blossom through her, like a dream inking itself across her mind. "Excuse me- first law? Is there not only one?"
penned by pin ☾
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Stormywing stares back at the she-cat incredulously, jaws agape. Her expression is one of shock with a very palpable hint of…disturbed? Weirded out? Ultimately put off? Something like that. She recited it perfectly, which only serves to make this cat even weirder in the warrior’s mind. “How…did you know that?” She asks, muzzle scrunching as if in disgust. She hadn’t realized she’d even picked up a paw to bring closer to her chest, like she’s putting even more space between them by doing so.

“Uh…yeah…first law. We have six,” She slowly explains, still utterly flabbergasted by the earlier exchange. She gives her head a quick shake as if to reset herself, “The second is ‘do not hunt or trespass on another clan’s territory.’ If you do, they’ll have every right to attack you, so watch your step. I’ll teach you the borders later so be sure to commit them to memory, got it?” She urges sternly, quirking a judgmental brow at Thundergleam. With how odd she is, Stormywing wouldn’t put it past her to walk right over a boundary line to say hello to a WindClanner and tell them the stars sent her to pick them flowers or something stupid.

Stormywing did not bear the expression that Thundergleam had hoped to revoke. There was something strange and put-off in sunny yellow eyes, a glimmer that made the albino's face fall, and her heart lurch a little. Shame flooded through her, a wave of embarrassment at getting worked up- she was supposed to slot in perfectly, but every time she tried to demonstrate that she was made to be a Thunderclanner, all she appeared to gain were looks of abject confusion, or the wrinkle of disturbance on a muzzle. "My education... but it is inaccurate, again," she said, gaze suddenly falling to the ground. One out of six codes was not the perfect, ready-made Clan cat she was supposed to be... Father, yet again, had mislead her! "I apologise." she murmured, dipping her head.

She made sure to keep herself fastened to hear the next rule; one that seemed very much like common sense. Still, a glimmer of acceptance cometed across Thundergleam's eyes, committing it to memory. The borders, too, would have to be etched in permanence upon her mind... but that should not be too difficult to remember. ThunderClan owned the oak forest, did they not? "I shall. What... manner of shenanigan occured for that to have been declared a Code?" Interest gleamed bright in Thundergleam's voice- to her mentor (of sorts), she looked for guidance as she would Silverpelt. "I would have thought it common sense that the point of a border is not to cross them."
penned by pin ☾