pafp SMELLS LIKE TEEN SPIRIT — fox encounter

❪ TAGS ❫ — // cw for violence and mentions of blood/injuries

Sedgepaw wouldn't have been the first cat that he would have picked to help collect moss with, but then again, it wasn't like Snakepaw ever had a say in matters like these. He got put on patrols with Sparkpaw all the time despite their obvious tension towards one another (albeit it was one-sided). Sedgepaw was a nuisance to him at best, but at least he hadn't abandoned him in the heat of battle like a certain someone had. As long as they both focused on the task at hand and worked quickly, they could get this over with.

However, the universe had other plans for the pair of apprentices.

A red-hued form had appeared seemingly out of nowhere, lunging from the grass and snapping its jaws in an attempt to snag a bite. Compared to Snakepaw's shorter moor cat stature, the fox seemed beastly. He knew what happened to cats who got tangled up in those teeth — his life flashes before his very eyes. "R-RUN FOR IT!" Snakepaw screamed and booked it in a random direction, not even bothering to see if Sedgepaw would follow or not.

His long limbs carried him swiftly, if only for several moments, before a dip in the ground caused the apprentice to trip and tumble onto the ground. Before Snakepaw could scramble back to his paws, the fox was there looming over him and eyeing him like he was its next meal. "Get away from me!" He hissed fearfully, swiping a paw outward in an attempt to deter the vulpine. In seconds, the fox had launched forward and snatched Snakepaw's limb in its teeth. "Oh- AHH! OW!" The black-furred apprentice yowled, jaw clenching and heart pounding as crimson began to seep from the punctures. He thrashed his arm, desperate for release, but the fox wouldn't unhinge its jaws.

Shooting pains shot up through his entire body, blood dripping onto the soil below. "IT'S RIPPING MY ARM OFF! IT'S GONNA KILL ME!" Snakepaw wailed at the top of his lungs, utterly at a loss for what to do. Would this be his end? Was this how he would be remembered? Panicked tears began to well up in the corners of his eyes, his chest heaving rapidly as he stared death in the face.

There's little amusement out in the territory like this—especially with the biggest spoilsport in all of WindClan. He at least tries to do his job, still under heat for trying to sneak away from prey-sorting with Cottonpaw, but the New Leaf sun is particularly harrowing and the lack of conversation is kind of torturous. Sedgepaw, almost immediately, is bored.

They've cut off a branch of Rabbit's Run, approaching the river but wary of venturing anywhere near the RiverClan border. It's not necessarily ideal—this far inland, the earth is still sandy and dried out by the sun. Snakepaw doesn't even say anything when he starts to gather moss. Just stalks over to an old log and starts scraping the side of it like it personally offended his mother. Sedgepaw rolls his eyes once his back is turned but, ever dutiful, noses through the moor grass in search of any moss he can grab himself.

He doesn't really get Snakepaw. The guy turns his nose up at everyone, struts around like his name means something, and doesn't have the gall to take any flack in return. He's rude. Which is not to say that Sedge is particularly nice, either—in fact, he's about to be a whole lot less nice. The moss gathering is...dumb, and boring, and when he finds a gritty patch of it growing on the side of a stone, his gets the bright idea to do something more worthwhile with his time.

Scooping up a pawful of moss, Sedge turns to lob it at the back of Snakepaw's head, and—


An explosion of chaos bursts from nowhere; a frenzy of copper-tinged fur and the red, rotten stench of death and burrows. His heart drops from his chest. Sedgepaw freezes, pinned like a butterfly on a corkboard, but Snakepaw runs. And the wild, snarling hunter chases that movement.

"No!" The sound rips from him haltingly, but Sedgepaw doesn't know what he's protesting. Doesn't know anything, now—everything's a blur, like his brain has taken a backseat and he's watching the world from a perch high up in the sky. Like he's already dead, staring down at the world from the stars.

He's running. The fox is fast—faster, maybe, than a couple of gangly apprentices, but Sedge's not being chased so he quickly gains some distance. And there's screaming, now. It's—awful. Terrible. A guttural shriek that has his head whipping around, catching the blood that flies to the moorland, burning itself into his memory already.


Sedgepaw runs on autopilot. The fox is doing its best to tear Snakepaw's arm from his body, so all it takes is a few bounds until he's up close enough to see blood smeared across its ugly maw, grab a pawful of loose sandy soil, and fling it into the thing's eyes.

It recoils. It's a miracle. Its rotten teeth loosen from Snakepaw's leg just enough that Sedgepaw can drag him out of snapping distance, trying desperately to yank him to his feet as he shakily chants: "C'mon, c'mon, c'mon." Autopilot.

But some dirt to the face isn't going to keep a fox down forever. It shakes its head, turning to glare at the two of them with eyes like fire, and Sedgepaw thinks—

Well. He doesn't actually think of much of anything at all.

He just lunges at it.​
(=〃ﻌ〃=)ノ Ivory fangs snipped at the entanglement of roots like a bird pruning feathers, well versed in the chore. For as often as upkeep is done with these tunnels, they seemed to love making work for the felines that had to travel within them. Twigwhisper was nearing the entry hole of the dirty made cave when he heard the screaming of cats. His amber eyes flared wide as he made haste to pop his head out of the hole. He witnessed a flash of black being whipped up by a russet-furred beast... "A fox?!" The tabby would draw in a sharp breath. The apprentice wasn't alone though, he caught sight of a brave brownish-gray tabby making an attempt at rescue. He could recall the damage that had been done to his brother by a fox, these apprentices were not going to survive this on their own. As much as the tom was not a conflict seeker, much less a fighter he managed to convince himself enough to emerge from the tunnel hole.

"Over here!" He'd yell just a fur length of a second too late as the tunneler beheld the sight of Sedgepaw lunging for the fox. Panic was immediately pushing the chocolate tabby's blood. He didn't want to go towards the danger. He didn't want to fight. Twigwhisper was like a fish struggling to learn to breathe air instead of water, going against the voice screaming in his head he raced towards the scene. "Snakepaw! Can you walk?" He'd hurriedly ask the primarily black tom, anxiety clear in his amber eyes as they darted to the apprentice then to the other apprentice, and then the fox. If Sedgepaw was willing to buy time... — tags
She was taught as an apprentice that just because the moors were vast and open she wouldn't always be able to see every threat that hid in the tall grass, she was never to fully let her guard down it's a lesson she'd recently tried to pass down to her own apprentice and it'd pay off today. She'd been fortunate that she'd never fought a fox however, she's smelled their stench has seen the wounds they've left but her claws have never met their flesh. There's an acrid scent in the air as she and @HARRIERPAW patrol close to rabbits run (after a session racing across it to work on the young toms stamina); it's musty and grows more poignant the closer they get to it and it sets alarm bells off in her head. She doesn't recognize it at first but it smells of danger; but it isn't her and Harrierpaw who stumble across it no a yowl splits into the air. Snakepaw's scream thrums into her ears and she bursts into a run, she's on the scene fast only momentarily hesitating skidding to a hault to take in the hulking form of a red beast a fox has invaded their territory and it already spills blood onto the greenery disrupting the peace in the most brutal way. It's Snakepaw's blood and the beast may have let go of him but it's eyes are ravenous it's bloodlust wouldn't be quenched easily.

Her heart races in her chest the claws of fear desperately try to get ahold of her but she stares at the blood stares at the fox - more would be sprayed if this wasn't handled there was no way Snakepaw could run away no way it wouldn't just return to tear another cat apart the moment it got a chance. Was there even a way to chase it out? Did they have a chance? Could they even kill it? ❝Harrierpaw avoid it's mouth run quick and strike fast, we're buying Snakepaw time!❞ Whatever the case if they didn't act Sedgepaw would die alone before Snakepaw was even close to being dragged to safety she casts one more look to the apprentice and to Twigwhisper who hovered pathetically near him before a wary cry pierces the air.

She rushes forward fleetfooted and fearlessly to Sedgepaw's aid she trusts Harrierpaw follows. She goes for it's face lunging up as she gets closer claws lashing out to hold onto anything she can - and if her aim strikes through one claws would lash out into it's eye.​
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It was working out nicely for Badgermoon, or so he'd thought. Snakepaw and Sedgepaw were off to do some menial apprentice work, and he got a rare sliver of time to himself for one of his beloved solo hunting patrols. It all went wrong, though, rather terribly wrong, as there was, all of a sudden, screams of pain and the scent of blood and the rank sting of fox in his nostrils. Abandoning his pursuit of a field mouse, the deputy whirled around and pelted towards the commotion, the unwelcome scene materializing as he crested the top of a small hill. His apprentice, just prised from the jaws of a fox; Sedgepaw, throwing himself at the beast, Twigwhisper calling out, and Firefang and her apprentice sailing forward to defend their Clanmate. Badgermoon felt outrage rise in his throat, entirely overtaking concern, and he let out a full-throated yowl as he flung himself at the fox, attempting to crash into its hindquarters with his claws unsheathed. "GET AWAY FROM MY APPRENTICES!"
The sound of screaming sends the young warrior running, nearly tripping over his own paws in his haste to reach whichever clanmate is shrieking. They are a black and white blur against the prairie as they sprint until the source of noise comes into view. A fox stands over their clanmates—they are reminded of Periwinklepaw’s admission, and they can’t help but wonder if this is an act of revenge. A retaliation by a mother whose kit was ripped away from her. Something in their chest constricts, panic squeezing their lungs tight, and Gravelsnap finds themself frozen for a few precious heartbeats.

They’re snapped from their thoughts by a shout from the deputy, and they look around at the other cats before them. Snakepaw is injured, and they may despise the pitch-black apprentice, but they don’t wish to see him dead anymore. Firefang is their friend, and they won’t let anything bad happen to her, can’t let anything bad happen to her. Much like the time they had come across an adder out on the moor, Gravelsnap leaps to help as soon as they realize the danger of the situation. They say nothing, but the warrior lunges forth, charging at the fox without a second thought. He aims a claw at its forelegs, narrowly avoiding the catch of dangerous teeth upon his back.
❪ TAGS ❫ — Snakepaw was not exactly thrilled at the idea of his clanmates seeing him in such a weakened and vulnerable state; he was the best apprentice! How pathetic would he look right now, bleeding and unable to walk while Sedgepaw claimed his own glory while trying to take on an entire fox? Why did he have to trip and fall?

He was sure to complain and mope about the situation later, but for now, all Snakepaw could focus on was how much the newly-formed bite in his arm radiated with waves of pain. Twigwhisper had arrived swiftly, coming to his aid rather than Sedgepaw's, who had now torn the red creature away from him. "M-My arm... look at what it's done to my arm!" The dark-furred tom stammered, panic bubbling up his throat and nearly preventing him from speaking coherently.

More cats valiantly throw themselves at the fox; Gravelsnap and Firefang included. That was just swell, wasn't it? They wouldn't let him live this one down, Snakepaw figures, but... he can't help but feel a sense of relief wash over him now that the fox was being actively subdued. He watched with rounded eyes as Badgermoon launched himself at the fox as well. "Stars, it hurts so-" Teeth gnashed against one another as his jaw tightened. The apprentice, after attempting to put weight on his leg, only stumbled to the ground. A hot, overwhelming storm of pain overwhelms him and makes his head feel light. "I can't... I can't..." Snakepaw trembled, ears pinned back and nearly to the point of tears. That dung-faced fox had ruined him!

The cries of battle drew Houndthistle from his hunting, amber eyes wild as he charged through the moor, listening to screams and screeches, hoping, praying it was a bunch of sorry cats he could sink his teeth into, rend motionless to finally take out his charged anger and aggression but when he crested that ridge and spotted russet fur of a beloathed familiarity, he froze. Long, vicious face, bushy tail, and a scent that reeked worse than carrion, Houndthistle watched many of his clanmates throw themselves at a fox, his own sworn, despised enemy. His claws sank into the ground, breaths heaving as his eyes wildly flicked between cats, trying to piece together what was happening when he spotted Snakepaw, crying out and collapsing from his leg.

Without much more word, Houndthistle raced down, large paws thundering as he approached at a pace even he was shocked at until he finally reached the apprentice's side. He reached for Snakepaw's scruff, aiming to rip the apprentice off the ground like a kit and get him as far away from the chaos without caring if he hurt Snakepaw anymore. "Yer gonna get kilt!" He snarled, voice deep and ripping through his throat like a wild animal as his amber eyes darted fearfully to the vicious vulpine that battled his clanmates, heart hammering in his chest as he bared his teeth. He couldn't let that thing take another cat from him, and he was forever grateful he'd told Mirepaw to help clean up camp, to keep the poor apprentice as far away from this creature as he possibly could. It was like, for once, the damned stars looked kindly upon all his struggles.
✦ ★ ✦
=^._.^= ∫ The tom would wince at the display of Snakepaw, watching as the young tuxedo attempted then cried about the pain. Twigwhisper was moreso worried that with each attempt and wal that it would draw the sights of the russet-furred beast. Brown ears would pin themselves against the tunneler's skull as he was flash a glance back to the cats currently fighting the fox. He could see the charred black stocking of the creature stamping to gain ground over the ever-growing number of attackers. Those wild eyes matched the hue of its russet fur, just looking at them unnerved him. The pupils were so shrunken..

Twigwhisper snapped back to the present by the booming voice of Houndthistle, his amber gaze flashing back to the sight of the large tom attempting to move the apprentice. "Th-The.." Words became stuck to the tom's mouth like burrs in a cat's fur. This wasn't the time. He could hear the screeching of his clanmates, he could hear the snapping of the fangs belonging to the deadly creature. "Tunnels!" He'd shout. "I-I know you wo-won't fit but Snakepaw is still small- I can take the apprentices back through the tunnels." As soon as he got that first word out the rest came tumbling out, some words even jumbling on top of another. "Th-The entry." He'd jut his nose from whence he came, the small mound of dirt encompassing it just barely noticeable from where they stood now. He cast a quick glance between the two before pausing for a breath, then hurriedly making his way towards the said tunnel. He'd serve as a marker to it entry then a guide to those running back.

TLDR: Twig suggested taking Snake and apprentices through the tunnel to get back— tags
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