smells like trouble ★ intro




White striped tail held high and steps heavy, one of the clan's newest little members clambered his way out the nursery to go plodding along into the middle of camp where his eyes widened and he looked around in curious delight. Today was a day of exploration, he did not often get to go wander and even being told to do something as horribly boring as behaving had not swayed his desires. If anything the authority and rules placed upon him filled him with a greater urge to do whatever he wanted and consequences be damned. The kitten's single visible snaggle tooth flashed white as he lifted his head, spearmint gaze to the greying sky and widening in eagerness as the soft snow continued its silent filter downwards. The camp was kept walked and the snow did not build up so heavily here that he could be buried but it had made a thick enough layer his paws vanished into it with every step and he had to lift them high to shake the cold from his toes. Skunk-kit paused midstep as he noticed prints on the ground near him, turning in a full circle to stare down before lowering himself to sniff hesitantly at the imprint of a small foot. Another kitten was nearby!
Ears flicking upward in excitement he dropped to a near belly crawl to stalk after the other, excited for a playmate that was new unlike the consistency of his siblings; the result was the black and white kit crawling along through the snow in a circle as he continued to track his own pawsteps from his earlier roaming.

In every situation you give me peace
A poised and prim "Thank you." is purred in the direction of Bonejaw as she steps from her mother's protective paws. Sleek ebony and ivory fur practically shimmering from the grooming she received from the queen. Periwinkle eyes briefly catch the sight of her brother making a lap past the entrance of the den only to return and make another, and then another, and another. A small frown pulls at the corners of the girl's lips as she makes her way forward, watching Skunk-kit walk in circles. Sablekit's ears swivel backwards in mild bewilderment, her head lifting a bit as she steps out into the fluffy snow now trampled by her sibling. "Skunk-kit, what are you doing?" She asks whilst intercepting his path, ivory striped tail giving a flick. Her tone was soft as always, but certainly portrayed confusion.
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead
oddkit | 02 months | agender | they/them/it/its | physically easy | mentally medium | attack in bold #ffdb58
"Sniffing, whiffing, spinning!" Oddkit's nonsensical cheer is the only warning the other children get as the creature arrives on the scene, marching over in it's usual manner - steps to big and legs much to stiff. Tail carried high in the air today, they're quite the sight. Head tips to the side, staring unabashedly at the two siblings. Sablekit has already asked the question bouncing around their brain, so there's really nothing more to say while they wait. Is it some sort of new game they've never heard of? It seems fun enough.