smile like you mean it - blazestar

It seemed for a change the morning snow had been forgiving and light. Only complicating their limited senses a bit compared to the usual blizzards that blasted him in the mug. Despite the difficult terrain it felt as though their spotted paws had forever walked the usual paths. Easily he wound through the white canvas that buried the usual markers and visual indicators. A hidden movement beneath a frozen leaf caught his attention, triggering instincts honed by countless hunts. Dropping low the Skyclanner sucked in their gut and waited a heartbeat longer before moving again.

Another round of soft pitter patter confirmed his suspicions and with practiced ease. Inching closer to the two-leg fence as their object of interest twitched at its base. Taking extra care to not place more weight in each step than necessary. Their patience was rewarded as a blur of pale brown rushed by waiting paws. Bright eyes danced in the recesses of his head as the phantom recalling of his mother steadied their breath.

Jutting forward with claws flexed wide he scooped the scurrying creature. 'That's my boy!' With swift movements, Dogbite scooped up the critter, a fleeting image conjuring memories of a pebble he had once caught for his mother as a kit. Flinging it up high and eliciting a thrill up their back. Memories of warm winds and a deeper chuckle wrapped him safely in recent nostalgia. The pride of making a real first catch and the joy of being apart of something bigger than himself. With a muted thud the mouse hit the earth and laid stunned. A tangible reminder of his first real prey, lay helpless before him. Not one to dally they made quick work of nipping its spine. The inviting scent was enough to cause a ruckus in the warriors gut. Once the small creature. When it fell limp he knew work was finished and chow time was just around the bend.

Trailing back they made one last stop just up ahead. Circling the and unburying his earlier catch of the morning. Nudging it along he maneuvered the bodies into his mouth one by one. Securing their placement Dogbite hastily galloped home. With happy thoughts always came the trailing whispers of grief. The cold tended to double said pains as his scars ached. Reminding him the anniversary of his mother's passing was coming up. Flickers of fat flies and rattling coughing fits slowed their pace. A sore reminder why he disliked hunting alone and the desire to be near friends and family beckoned him onward.


Trotting through the entry-way of camp his cinnamon and white pelt flashed starkly against the dens. Idly they cast warm blinks and head shakes of greeting to nearby clanmates. Jaw holding his freshly caught shrew and mouse with joy. Spotting the meager pile he plopped the pair down and began nosing through the morsels. Their usual routine came to a screeching halt as his gaze fell upon a familiar ragdoll across the way. Lounged near the the medicine den with eyes seemingly closed. Dogbite had never seen the giant of a tom so distant and frail. He'd witnessed the pale feline die in the past but the aftermath this go around seemed far more serious. A numbing ache crawled its way up their back and he could only cast his fretful look at pile.

Steeling his resolve the splotched warrior snagged the shrew back and set course towards a familiar mound of bright fur. The older tom appeared to be resting but he could only see the wreathe of herbs painting Blazestar's neck. Heavy stress lines and faded scars that mirrored his own intricate history of battles won and lost. Their brow furrowed with empathy and his paw steps were delicately placed as to not rudely disturb the other. Placing the shrew beside the other he froze once he locked eyes with the ragdoll. Heavy and aged beyond their true moons it felt as though the tabby saw a ghost.

Nerves coiled deep within their gut at the ghastly notion and Dogbite shoved it out viciously. Sitting back with an awkward cough they brushed their tail over the catch. A silent gesture of 'eat' as he meowed. "Sorry to bother you but I thought you could use a good meal." Dogbite allowed a wobbly smile to paint their patch-work muzzle. His good eye glinting with sincerity as he nodded encouragingly. "I've already eaten so this one is all yours." They knew Blazestar was fully capable of handling themselves but a small part of him wanted to spare the other an inkling of kindness.

To give back a smidge of the happiness the other had endlessly gifted him in kind. Even without knowing the full context they could sense something was scarily amiss and it hurt to see it. Whether the feelings came from the fox attack or the eerie quiet surrounding his friend - they needed to find something to anchor the mood. Not taking no for an answer he bent into a 'u' and stretched out their aching joints. Pads spreading as he leaned forward as an 'n' shape. Sated he unceremoniously flopped next to the mountain of a leader. They seldom exhibited playful mannerisms but if any cat had earned their faith - it was Blazestar. Lolling onto their side and peering over at the other with an expectant blink.

  • A @BLAZESTAR and Dog moment <3

    quick TLDR ;
    Dog goes hunting and reminisces about his mother and Blazestar. Finding a kinship to them both but also feeling sad since Blaze is hurt. Spots him resting and tries to drop off some food but realizes too late the other is still awake.
  • ———✧———​
    ✧ LH cinnamon tabby w/high white one blue eye
    ✧ child of npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan warrior ; ex-loner ; mentor to littlepaw
    ✧ 31 moons old ; birthday 07/01 ; ages realistically
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
Last edited:
Blazestar is mid-wash when a shadow darkens the mouth of his den. Painfully, the Ragdoll’s attempts to twist himself around and wash the area below his tail prove fruitless. Too much movement strains the wound at his throat, and bits of the marigold poultice Dawnglare had so carefully applied begin to fleck away if he’s too rigorous with his movements. Frustrated, the cream-colored tom slumps back into place, his blue gaze meeting Dogbite’s single cerulean eye.

A shrew is dangling from the other warrior’s mouth—his waters in response, and he smiles in what he hopes is a more welcoming way than tired or strained. “You’re no bother at all,” he mews, though he can barely contain his surprise when the other pads into the den and flops beside him. The meetings in his den just lately have been done out of duty, some cats looking upon him with pity shining in their eyes as they discuss recent patrol findings; Dogbite’s warmth and familiarity is almost a stunning—if welcome—difference.

You’ve become such a good hunter since you joined the Clan. I remember watching you catch your first mouse in the forest,” the Ragdoll purrs, stretching and then wincing when he goes too far. “Say—you wouldn’t happen to want to share tongues, would you? I’m afraid Bobbie’s been busy, and this spot here—” He gestures toward his back with a paw, “—needs a decent wash.” He blinks kindly and semi-hopefully at his friend.

, ”
Happy to hear a lack of refusal, the warrior settled on the ground with a wiggle, scratching his own back against the earth and extending his legs upward. Their eye brightened from the compliment, and for a change, he let pride swell in his tufted chest. Twisting his head, he looked over with a charmed expression. Blazestar had been a constant staple of his time within Skyclan, and knowing the Leader appreciated him even in the smallest of ways was enough for his ears to burn pleasantly. Rolling back onto their stomach, he leveled with the much larger tom as a smile continued to glimmer softly on his scruffy maw. Humor peeked within every word while the tabby spoke in a low rumble. "I've had excellent teachers - can't take all the credit. You saw how miserable my pounce was back then." The grin turned crooked as he huffed with light laughter. "Thank you for never spilling my lousy hunting techniques to the others. I'm sure the kits would've had a field day over it." Being in attendance at several meetings and personally interacting with a pawful of the other clans' leaders, it had been easy to see Dogbite lucked out with Blazestar. Some were cruel, others intolerable, and the latter far stricter with clanborn-only ideology.

They had never seen even a hint of distaste in his companions kind gaze, only care. In the tabbies mind, Skyclan was the perfect balance of acceptance and policy, often giving rather than taking. A quality he never would've never found had it not been for the day Orangeblossom took a chance on his sorry pelt. Blinking slow and welcoming, he nods in agreement at the request. Bemusement returning full force while sitting back onto cinnamon haunches. "No worries, I've got some rough spots on my left side I struggle with - scratch my back, I'll scratch yours." Being blind had obvious disadvantages, and tending to his pelt often being the hardest. Thankfully, his comrades were rarely shy to help, and this was no different. Scooting closer, he examined the larger cats lengthy golden pelt. A few spots seemed tangled and squashed between his shoulders and just above his hindquarters. Unable to resist looking at his friend's injuries, they winced as the healing wound was now in blooming detail. Ruddy marks and patchwork herbs carefully wrapped the tom's throat, and for a moment, Dogbite's heart broke. Knowing leaders repeatedly died for their clans seemed like an advantage to most, but the former loner found it awfully sad.

To repeatedly suffer each time, to die more than once, seemed like a cruel kind of torture. They had found solace in Starclan's ideologies of meeting loved ones again, but the powers of the stars far evaded him. He was rarely one to doubt, but seeing the age in their blue pools made his stomach constrict. Absently, they groomed the other's back in a gentle and reverent way, akin to a family member caring for the sickly, and as his eyes closed, he prayed. Let him heal swiftly and painlessly. Keep him comfortable. It still felt strange to speak within the hollows of his mind to something he'd never personally seen, but it was oddly comforting. Having only called to the clan's ancestors once during a group prayer session, Dogbite felt unpracticed but at peace. A quiet serenity soon fell within the den, and after he brushed out the last of the knots, they were glad to see the missed patches now uniform with the other cream locks. Pleased with their work, he meowed aloud with a finite hum. "Alright, you should be all finished up over here. My turn!" Forcing down the emotions welling within, he put on a friendly act, stepping around as to keep Blazestar from having to move more than necessary. Plopping in front of the ragdoll, they offered their left side, waiting patiently for the grooming to start, torn ears held high in attention.

  • ———✧———​
    ✧ LH cinnamon tabby w/high white one blue eye
    ✧ child of npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan warrior ; ex-loner ; mentor to littlepaw
    ✧ 31 moons old ; birthday 07/01 ; ages realistically
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric