Snaily's Heartchart

Dec 30, 2022
Haven't properly met yet
Fearful of
Suspicious of
Jealous of
Distrustful of
Annoyed by
Weirded out by
Confused / Unsure of
Complicated Feelings
Wishes to know better
Shy towards
Comfortable with
Finds Entertaining
Friends with
Close friends with
Safe around
Like family
Protective of
Platonic Love
Crushing on
Head-over-heels for
Romantic Love

Reply with your character(s) to see how Snailpaw feels about them! If they don't really know each other feel free to poke me on discord for a thread or some backwritten stuff! <3

Firepaw's super silly, but in a good way! I like the way that they pretend to hate everyone in the Clan when I know for a fact that she'd die for a lot of them! Especially Icepaw, you know the meaner someone is to you, the more they like you! It probably doesn't apply to me though, Iiiiiii get the feeling she doesn't like me very much, I probably wouldn't expect her to rescue me from a burning den, but I mean, I'd rescue her! She's really hardworking, and a 'good asset to WindClan' as Sootstar would probably say.

Oh, Icey's sister? I like her, I like her a lot! She seems a little serious to me, not as serious as Icepaw but still a little... sensible? But I dunno if that's because of all the illness and death surrounding WindClan, it's taken a toll on a lot of us. Still, when she's not stuck in the tunnels, I like her company and I wish I could spend more time with her! Maybe one day I could convince her to go down to the gorge and catch some fish like those RiverClanners do, I bet that'd cheer her up!

Aww Bunnywhisker, she's still new to the whole Moor Running stuff but she works hard and I'm happy to help someone like her whenever she needs it! We kinda have our own little system: she wakes me up, I help her become a better hunter, and it's worked wonders so far for the both of us! I trust her a lot, I haven't vented to her yet but I bet if I had a problem she'd listen with those good ol' ears of hers! I kinda feel bad about mistaking her for a rabbit, but if she was actually a rabbit, and I was starving, I still wouldn't eat her, she's that cool!

Mallow could be super inspiring if he wanted to be! A cat unashamed to be themselves and confident in it? That's amazing! But... why did he have to be so interested in all the things I hate? All that stuff they mentioned in the snail race was... ew. But, I still like him! I don't think he's mean in his interests, just different, like me! Maybe one day I can talk to him about my own interests and we can become friends, maybe he can help me get over my fear of blood and I can help him... learn how to skip morning patrols? Would he like that? I don't know, I'll ask next time I see him!

Oh, my first real friend! Badgermoon's amazing, he's super chilled out for a WindClan warrior and I feel like I could trust him with like, the biggest secret in the whole world! I kinda want to be like him more. Respected, well-liked, but still able to do my job well, it sounds like a dream come true! He's like, the perfect cat, again, he's just the best! I haven't spoken to him as much since he became Deputy and since the raid, I hope he's doing ok. He's one of my favourite grown-up clanmates and I don't want him to struggle with anything that's going on.

Ay, Icey! Hero of the raid... or something! I don't know I didn't really follow it was pretty scary but I think she's like, the most important member of the clan this moon anyways! I like her almost as much as I like her sister! She's a little more serious, I think, or maybe she's just shy? I don't know, it's quite hard to get anything out of her, doubly so after everything that happened recently... I hope she's doing ok. I know a few places in the territory that would turn that frown upside down!
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