
probably listening to old people music
Nov 26, 2022
windclan warrior x former windclan warrior — original thread linked here

  • Snakehiss and Berrysnap's relationship was not one of true love. Born out of a seething bitterness toward his ex "interest", Cottonpaw, Snakehiss quickly shacked up with Berrysnap who was perhaps just looking for a tom to manipulate — and who better than the newly-named deputy under Sootstar? To their surprise, they discovered that they were expecting a litter.

    Their "relationship" was short-lived, as Sootstar's loyalists and Sunstar (then Sunstride)'s rebels fought a bloody battle and ended with the rebels coming out on top. Snakehiss had switched loyalties at the last moment, ultimately turning against the loyalists ( including Berrysnap ). She was driven out, joining with the other exiles to create DuskClan. There, she gave birth and immediately dropped off all of her newborns at WindClan's border... all except for one.

    Now, Snakehiss is not only adjusting to life under Sunstar's rule but he is also adjusting to being a parent. He is far from Dad Of The Year, often coming off as emotionally distant and stern toward his children so as not to coddle them. Whether he eventually chooses to become more involved in their lives is yet to be seen...
  • — The original slot's name was Waspkit but you are welcome to choose another name from the naming list!
    — The kittens are currently 4 moons old and age realistically on every 17th of the month!
    — The application is FFA and is expected to provide basic information (name, personality, appearance)
    — This is not FCFS and will tentatively be chosen on April 3rd ( deadline is subject to change ).
    — All activity levels are welcome for this litter as long as the character is active enough to remain on WindClan's census. Slot may be rehomed after a month of inactivity ( unless you have given an inactivity notice ). Please communicate with either Beatles or Halimede if you are going to be inactive or if you are no longer interested in your slot.
    — Any disabilities and birth defects must be played realistically and respectfully.
    — Kits are expected to stay in WindClan unless a plot calls for otherwise. Please do not kill them off without warning and prior discussion.
  • Sire: SH black w/ low white, vitiligo (carrying longhair)
    Dam: SH tortoiseshell w/ low white, polydactyl

    — toms can be black or red tabby
    — she-cats can be black or tortoiseshell
    — kits will be shorthaired
    — kits can have no white, low white, or high white
    — kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
    — red-based kits will mask black
    — kits may or may not carry longhair
    — kits may or may not have polydactyl
    — kits may or may not have vitiligo that will develop into adulthood

    — cousins (1x removed) to whitedawn
  • Feel free to DM Beatles if you have a name idea that is not on the list, although we would prefer a list name overall!

    SNAKEHISS' NAMING LIST: — In honor of: Snake, Venom, Viper ( his grandfather/himself ), Shade, Dark ( his father ), Rose, Puddle, Flower, Bloom, Blossom ( his mother )
    — After the moors: Plover, Gale, Zephyr, Mist, Misty, Dew, Osprey, Hare, Gorse, Fleet, Swift, Running, Furze, Grouse
    — Appearance-based: Black, Night, Crow, Raven, Patch, Russet, Ginger, Rowan, Dapple, Dappled, Long, Tall, Sorrel
    — Misc: Dawn, Evening, Wasp, Hornet, Rook, Valerian, Wisteria, Ivy, Sharp, Lily
    — No-nos: any prefixes already in use in WindClan, Soot, Badger, connotations relating to other clans ( with the exception of Shade, Dark )
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BIG track.. love the name of waspkit and honestly so in love with @/popkorn's OG character idea. I've made my own changes to it, but my Wasp tooks lots of inspo from @/popkorn's

  • GENERAL I talk in my sleep

    ↪ Wasp - for the oddly spikey end of her tail and a soft humming sound she'd make a kit instead of 'mewing'.
    ✦ female, (She/Her)
    ↪ heterosexual - too young for romance
    ✦ created TBA, at 3 months ageing rate every month on the 1st
    ✦ current age, unborn
    ✦ Wind Clan kitten
  • APPEARANCEWhen the night is listening

    ✦ Pure black molly with a short tail that ends in a point and amber eyes
    ↪ An almost comically small kitten covered in more fluff then fur, Wasp's larger then life personality seems to be an attempt to make up for her lack in height. Adding to any laughs, her paws are larger then most, and lead to her arrival being heralded by... well herself. This is something she hopes she'll grow into, but for now it makes catching moss balls easy, and running a little hard. Her eyes are bright amber, and almost always seem to be streched as big as they can get almost like she's trying to drink in everything around her.
    ✦ smells like - moss
    ✦ sounds like - Daphne Kluger - Ocean's 8
    ✦ Inspired by - Azula - Avater
    ✦ any physical illnesses - no
    ✦ Will develop vitiligo later in life
  • PERSONALITYIn a language you don't speak

    In short, Wasp is a kind cat who simply wanted to find her place in wind clan but never allowed herself to. She amplified all of the negative aspects of herself to be accepted, and might lose herself in the process.
    ✩ Perfectionist || Personable Wasp is very naive and trusting - or at least she appears that way.
    ↪ Wasp, the meek daughter of Snakehiss and that one cat. Wasp, the little kit whose name is to big and mean for her personality. Wasp, who, try as she might, wins at moss ball but fails at everything else. Wasp, who is friendly and kind and someone who goes out of their way to make others smile. Wasp, who at some point, started to act that way in order to keep sympathy. Maybe it started because she felt left out, maybe it started because she wanted to be accepted, whatever the reason Wasp has created a persona that she uses to navigate the social battlefield. It helps that she genuinely not an apt fighter and not as cordinated as her peers; however most of everything else has been, at least, a little exegerated. Prioritizing strategy and conversation as her main skills, Wasp makes use of her persona to 'strike' cats emotionally with the aim of gathering secrets and friendships she can use later on.
    ↪ As the daughter of a well known once-was tratior and a full-blown tratior, both of which held important positions, Wasp is keenly aware of the eyes on her. Those that aren't to sure of where her loyalities lie simply because of her blood. They aren't wrong to question her, mind you, she just hates the reason they do. She knows she is to behave a certain way. Breathe at a certain pace, express joy here, empathize there. She feels emotion, but knows it is best to hide everything that is messy. She feels as though her family cannot afford a slip up. No questions to her loyality, even as a kit. Just like how others keep an ear out for prey, Wasp keeps an ear out for gossip. Which apprentices would be best to befriend? Which is okay to push around? What would gain her advantage? And most importantly - how does the clan perceive her and her family? She does all she can to preserve her innocent and kind persona, and keeps a tight lid on her real opions of other cats. Quick to judge others for any behavior she deems 'brute', 'boarish', or otherwise 'un-acceptable' she will go out of her way to use that cat's actions as a guideline of what not to do, and might even go so far as to 'accidentally' mess the other cat up.
    ✩ Protective || Manipulative
    ✩ Vain || Hardworking
    Positive Traits:
    - generous - snarky - sarcastic - stubborn - critical thinker
    Negative Traits:
    - vengeful - tit for tat - can't say no - hopeless romantic - vain

    ↪ As a kit, Wasp will try her darndest to better her skills to be like her siblings. She just wants to be liked by the clan and her father. I think this would be the time where she really is more genuine and on the meeker side, though with small hints of the cat she is to become. During this time, she'll be looking more for approval then anything and overly aware of the circumstances of her birth. Towards the end of kithood/beginning of apprenticehood she'll come to realization that it's easier to use the cards she was dealt and play into the meekness.
    ↪ As an apprentice, I can see her starting some fights with apprentices that 'deserve it' by being mean to her or her family, but never overtly starting fights. She'd put rocks in their nests or getting them in trouble for things they didn't do instead of hashing things out with words. During this time there'd be more and more of a disconnect between who she is and who it is appearent she needs to be in order to be 'accepted' by the clan.
    ↪ This disconnect will firmly establish itself in warriorhood.
    ↪ Wasp is vain, but also a romatic so I think sometime around her late apprenticehood/early warriorhood i'd like to have her in a few romantic plots. I see all of them ending in pain for her, as it's going to be hard to sort out who she actually is after years of pretending. I can see her either entering a realtionship similar to her parents (one where it's simply just for looks and what's expected of her) or a realtionship with a cat outside Wind Clan, as she feels like she doesn't need to lie to this cat. That could start a whole new plot line for her as well. 👀
    ↪ TBH i usually play very anxious and calmer characters, so Wasp would be a bit of a detour. I'm real excited to strech my writing muscles lol
    ↪ ---
  • RELATIONSHIPSWith words we choose not to hear
    Snakehiss x Berrysnap)
    ✦ mates with??? (too young)
    ↪ any offspring??? (too young)
    ✦ mentored by TBA
    ↪ currently mentoring no one

    ↪ mentored no one
  • INTERACTIONI talk in my sleep

    ✦ touching? can powerplay peaceful or nonviolent actions
    ✦ fights? will start fights / will fight honorably / will show mercy
    ↪ STRENGTH: ★☆☆☆☆☆

    ↪ DEXTERITY: ★★★★☆☆

    ↪ SPEED: ★★☆☆☆☆

    ↪ STEALTH: ★★★★☆☆

    ↪ SWIMMING: ☆☆☆☆☆☆

    ↪ HUNTING: ★★★★☆☆
    ✦ what are they like mentally when interacting? She starts kind, naive and generous and becomes confident, condesending, and persumtous
    ✦ a conversationalist? a grump? easy to talk to or not? very easy to engage and converse with, but never really willing to open up or talk about anything close to her chest.
    ↪ STRATEGY: ★★★★★☆

    ↪ PERCEPTION: ★★★★☆☆

    ↪ MEMORY: ★★★★★☆

    ↪ HEALING: ★☆☆☆☆☆

    ↪ WISDOM: ★★★☆☆☆

    ↪ MOTIVATION: ★★★★★☆
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𝓝IGHTKIT. ˗ˏˋˎˊ˗

  • the prodigal fool.
    ✴︎ 𝓝ightkit, nightpaw , nighthiss.
    ⤷ 𝓝amed for her deep midnight coat, speckled with white like starlight. eventually, her bodice will be overtaken by her alabaster white vitiligo, as well as her face that houses her peircing, deep blue eyes. she will receive the suffix –hiss as an homage to her father, and for her prickly personality.
    ✴︎ 𝓢he/her pronouns. afab.
    ✴︎ 04 moons. ages on the 17th of each month.
    ✴︎ 𝓓aughter of snakehiss and berrysnap. sister to three. removed cousin of whitedawn.
    ✴︎ 𝓦indclan kitten.
    ✴︎ 𝓢hort-haired jet black feline with low white and eventual vitiligo.

  • SIX_F513E6E0-CC8C-4EFE-9863-710A81E96A43.png
    a star in the dark of night.
    ✴︎ 𝓝ightkit has inherited her father's deep, midnight black coating as her primary color, with flecks of what appears to be snow, but is just vitilgo in its beginning stages, across her face and pelt. she uncannily matches her father, although as she ages she will begin to appear as a stranger; white invading her stature constantly. the tips of her paws are a stark white, contrasting amongst the night that is her pelt. she camouflages best in the nighttime or darker environments such as within shadows of various landmarks or on a rainy day. she can easily be mistaken for a shadowclan cat, especially in tandem with her owlish, sneering look. as for the texture of her fur, it's incredibly sleek and soft, with a feathery texture. nightkit is always seen with shining, clean fur as she is mentally incapable of seeing it go awry. she sometimes uses cleaning herself as a coping mechanism for anxiety or nervousness.

    ✴︎ 𝓐s for her stature, nightkit is born a bit taller than the rest of her siblings with small, sure paws that give her the skill of dexterity. naturally, she is lean and gaunt-looking in size, but makes up for her thin build with her long legs that are built for sprinting on the moors. most of her features are thin, with a narrow face and slanted, perceptive ocean blue eyes. nightkit will grow to be a taller warrior than average, about eleven and a half inches tall, though she will appear much skinnier than the rest. another unique feature to add to nightkit's menagerie, is her large, round ears, which she will eventually grow into with age.

  • a force to be reckoned with.
    𝓢wimming ♥︎ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
    𝓢trength ♥︎ ♥︎ ♡ ♡ ♡
    𝓢peed ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎
    𝓢tealth ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♡ ♡
    𝓓exterity ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎
    𝓐gility ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♡ ♡
    𝓗unting ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎
    𝓢ocial ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♡ ♡

    𝓢trategy ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎
    𝓟erception ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎
    𝓜emory ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♡ ♡
    𝓗ealing ♥︎ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
    𝓦isdom ♥︎ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
    𝓜otivation ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎

    ✴︎ 𝓢tatistics based on warriorhood experience, are subject to change IC.

  • i am no mother, i am no bride, i am king.
    ⟡ ݁ . ⊹ 𝓟ositive traits ➳ tenacious, driven, intelligent, determined, perceptive, bold.

    ⟡ ݁ . ⊹ 𝓝eutral traits ➳ competitive, prodigal, ambitious, experimental, indifferent, moody, blunt.

    ⟡ ݁ . ⊹ 𝓝egative traits ➳ brash, temperamental, childish, arrogant, easily angered, explosive, judgmental, impulsive.

    ⟡ ݁ . ⊹ 𝓣ouching? can powerplay peaceful and nonviolent actions. open to violent actions in the future.

    ⟡ ݁ . ⊹ 𝓕ights? will start fights, will fight dishonorably, will show no mercy.

    ⟡ ݁ . ⊹ 𝓘nteractions? quite pompous at first, can hold conversations with others of her choosing. can be incredibly rude and presumptuous.

    ⟡ ݁ . ⊹ 𝓒onversing? nightkit is not easy to talk to as she can come off condescending and smug. to those she likes, she is charismatic although blunt.

  • you should have known i was a fire.
    ⟡ ݁ . ⊹ 𝓙𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓛𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓨𝓸𝓾 . . . a product of her upbringing, nightkit is a feline that follows her heart, which is typically cloudy and complex. her disposition is one which is moody, even easily irritable, and she naturally takes after her father in her constant arrogance and disdain for others whom she sees as beneath her. from a young age, she displays competence in many skills that would lead to her becoming a fine young warrior. she is fast, perceptive, and a prodigal learner. her arrogance can be her downfall, leading her to undermine and underestimate her opponents. as snakehiss was raised to revere his bloodline, nightkit too finds herself prideful of her pure-blooded moor cat heritage, and easily deems herself better than others. due to their shared similarities, nightkit and her father are hopefully very close and she is very proud of him and his accomplishments. she can be routinely seen following him around camp or begging him to take her outside, much to her father's annoyance.

    ⟡ ݁ . ⊹ 𝓖𝓸 𝓕𝓸𝓻 𝓖𝓵𝓸𝓻𝔂 . . . despite her harsh personality, nightkit is actually quite smooth at making friendships—though whether out of fear or genuine likeness, she is unsure. she excels in all games, and finds it very fun to be a team leader and lead her group to kitten greatness! she can be quite good-natured and silly around those she does like, typically because she deems them similar to her, fit to be her friend. this tendency to judge others at first glance does not lead her to be in favor with the majority, it actually leads to a lot of secret disdain for her from her peers. she's the first to volunteer for anything, and can be seen as someone who attempts to steal all attention for herself. but despite what others think, at the end of the day, she does everything to make her family proud, and to prove herself better than the rest. greatness isn't something she just simply works towards, it is laced within every fiber of her being.

    ⟡ ݁ . ⊹ 𝓛𝓮𝓯𝓽 𝓑𝓮𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓭 . . . anger management is something that nightkit will struggle with her entire life. the root of her intense emotions lies within the fact that she was abandoned as a kitten, left to the forces of nature if no one was to ever find she and her siblings. knowing that she could have died has made her incredibly bitter towards her mother, having the knowledge that the one person who was supposed to love and protect her, as well as her siblings, put her in harm's way. she has internalized this and harbors secret insecurities and guilt of being unlovable, not being enough to have kept her mother closer, and being the reason for her mother's abandonment because of her similarity to snakehiss. despite her hatred for her mother, she does often wonder what she's like, as well as the sibling she kept closer than the rest.

    ⟡ ݁ . ⊹ 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓐𝓶𝓫𝓲𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓾𝓼 𝓕𝓮𝔀 . . . one thing no one can deny about nightkit is her tenacity. she is furious in her endeavor to become the best warrior windclan has ever seen, and is not so easily dispelled by the feelings and opinions of others. as she grows older, of course she will realize she isn't everyone's favorite, but she will never internalize how others feel about her. night truly doesn't care what others think and is possessed by her own ambitions for greatness, power, and respect. she will continue to push herself past her limits, break herself even, she doesn't care as long as she achieves her goals the way she's envisioned. this is a key feature to her character, and as an apprentice she is seen as selfish and isolated, solely focusing her efforts on training and the pursuit of knowledge.

  • all the grief i've swallowed, it shaped me, filled me with colors.
    ✴︎ 𝓐lthough nightkit isn't known to be self-sacrificial, she is however, incredibly impulsive and capable of putting herself
    in harm's way. i see night as very arrogant as a young apprentice, and i could easily see her injuring herself running blindly into battle with another clan cat or a large animal. i could see her earning a scar, or even a lifelong injury, but being entirely chastised for her actions and for how recklessly she ran into danger. or, maybe she is seen as brave and courageous, earning the respect of her father. i think any route this plot device can go down is equally intriguing depending on the roleplayers involved!

    ✴︎ 𝓘 could see nightkit being assigned a gentle, easy-going mentor who is capable, yet soft. at first, this irritates her beyond belief, not knowing much of what a caring and invested parental figure looks like. despite this irritation and distance between nightpaw and her mentor, i see her going to great lengths to please her mentor, overworking her body and failing to take care of herself. it would be interesting to see how her mentor would react to the growing realization of nightpaw's negligence towards herself. overall, it would be nice to see her grow close to her mentor and look to them for guidance in times of trouble.

    ✴︎ 𝓘f night were to ever meet her sibling on the borders of windclan and duskclan territory, i am sure she would be incredibly curious as to who they are. i imagine her to be quite reserved when speaking to them, harboring some form of resentment, she might wonder what was so great about them that their mother chose to keep them? i could see her being somewhat hostile at first, but depending on how their personalities clash i could also see her wanting to continue to see them more. nightkit can be somewhat secretive and it wouldn't surprise me to see her keep this fact from her father and siblings in windclan.

    ✴︎ 𝓘f night were to fall in love, i think there's an 80% chance it would be enemies to lovers. i couldn't see her being able to just fall in love, as she has severe trust issues due to being abandoned by her mother. if the one person who was supposed to love and take care of her left her, how would she stop anyone else from doing the same? if she found herself feeling things for someone, i could see her pushing it down in fear, and lashing out in hopes of convincing herself she doesn't care for them. i could see whoever she falls for having a drastic effect on how she treats others, and hopefully leads her towards a kinder path. i have never roleplayed enemies to lovers and i think this would be such a fun plot device!!

    ✴︎ despite her entire personality being seen as ambitious, prideful, and rude, i do want to see night eventually loosen her grip on her anger and selfishness. i don't see her 100% changing her ways and becoming sweet and kind, but i do see her acting with a lot more honor as she becomes a seasoned warrior. i see her friends and family helping her find herself and her footing in life, teaching her how to treat others with respect. whether this change comes from a family member, friend, or tragic event is yet to be determined, but i see something happening that greatly impacts her and leads her to realize how she's treated people, and eventually she is seen as more reserved and stoic than angry and temperamental.

    ✴︎ 𝓞ther warrior names i enjoy are nightrain, for her spotted pelt, and nightrunner, for her long legs and her fast pace. i am definitely open to others though!

    ✴︎ 𝓞ther name options i like are ravenkit, darkkit, ivykit, or eveningkit in no particular order!

  • the truth is hiding in your eyes, and it's hanging on your tongue.
    𝓘t happened in an instant, the flash of white fangs, the clash of loyalties, the dance of wolves. but when lavenderhaze returned herself to that state of mind, to those fractured moments of divinity and destruction, time moved slow.

    𝓣he way her body collided effortlessly with bloomfable, her claws satisfyingly ripping through her dirty fur that reminded lavenderhaze of mud and waste. the way she enjoyed it, enjoyed the slow - burn of her calculated reaping of suffering.

    𝓞h, lavenderhaze was so young. had she known better, maybe she would have taken countermeasures. sadly, bloomfable was the least tormented of her victims, to the silvered soldier's dismay.

    ✴︎ 𝓣his was an excerpt written for a roleplay group on instagram that is much more open world in regards to speech, knowledge, and the clans!

  • eyes like the ocean, so trapped in emotion.
    ✴︎ 𝓚atsuki bakugou, my hero academia.
    ✴︎ 𝓐zula, avatar: the last airbender.
    ✴︎ 𝓛eia organa, star wars.
    ✴︎ 𝓐esthetics: bruised knuckles and bloody noses, the hottest day of summer, wilted roses, breaking the rules, the sound of laughter after dark.
    ✴︎ 𝓐lignments: chaotic neutral, entj, dark/fighting typing.

    ⋆⭒˚.⋆ 𝓐LL of this is subject to change. these are just my ideas that of course can deviate IC and i am aware her development will be affected by her family and their roleplayers. thank you to both beatles and halimede for giving the opportunity to tryout for this litter! i plan to be incredibly active with her if i am to receive the role!! good luck to everyone!
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@lavhaze You're all good!! Please let me know if you have any questions (((: If you use discord, there is a server for the family as well!
yes i do!! its mimakirig0e !! any questions i have i’ll probably send there <3 i will work on getting my acc up today!!!
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