snakeskin boots [silversmoke]


When Johnny had been told he'd be accompanying Silversmoke to the Rockpile that afternoon, it had caught the bobtail a little off guard. He hadn't really spent much time with the other tom since joining, but he was given the distinct feeling that was because he was hardly a blip on the others radar.

Silversmoke was another of the Lead Warriors, a cat that, rank-wise at least, was considered every bit as capable and trusted as Thistleback. That alone offered a sort of intruige when it came to the pale tabby, and he was eager to finally get them alone so he could get his own idea of the guy.

As instructed, he was at the camps entrance for noon. They'd been instructed to clear the Rockpile of any snakes so that the apprentice were clear to go train there later, and now, in the heat of the early afternoon, would be the best time to catch them warming up to go hunting. The tom rocked on the balls of his feet as he waited, brimming with his usual energy of 'ready to go' and wearing an easy smile as molten gold eyes scanned the area for figure of his patrolmate.

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It didn't take long for the silver tabby to appear, his breaths slightly huffy as he was delegated patrol duty with Johnny. It wasn't difficult to spot the tailless tom amidst the crowd, though SkyClan was drowning in tortoiseshells and calicos, it seemed that no two patterns were alike. Assessing Johnny with a pointed stare, Silversmoke gave a formal greeting nod, the tip of his tail curling upwards. "Good, you're on time." He'd been somewhat worried that the kittypet would've wandered off and feigned ignorance when Silversmoke was fuming later. The Lead Warrior didn't know what his peer saw in the chimera, but his very existence was a hex. He'd never found it particularly fair when cats could join based on their relationships with others, one's merit should've never lied in who they chose to befriend and who they were lucky to be related to. Perhaps it was jealousy, he'd been alone when he'd joined SkyClan, forced to navigate the formation of the clan whilst recovering from serious injury. But, even if he had been a luckier tom, he didn't know if he would feel proud about his status as a warrior if he'd had a council member vouch for him.

He felt the smile bearing into him like claws pricking at his pelt, his attention focused on the camp entrance to try and alleviate such an uncomfortable feeling. Silversmoke needed to be able to focus. Snakes were a new thing to him, stories of venomous fangs and coiled slimy bodies sounded like things out of a kitten's horror story, but there'd been no humour to his superiors' requests. Wordlessly, the Lead Warrior stepped out of camp, whiskers twitching once or twice before he turned himself in an eastwards direction. The rays of the afternoon sun crept atop Silversmoke's spine, hues of tabby blue drowned in the light. The thought of those adders brushing up against him with their scaly skin left his legs feeling rigid as he pushed forwards, eventually finding the social confidence to jostle his attention back onto Johnny. "I admit, I am surprised they put you up to this." An untrained kittypet being sent off to fight the second-deadliest force to cats? Had his clan been crueler, he'd think it a test or a coup de grace. Instead, he felt it was himself that was untrained, the very thought filling his heart with shame.

"I never knew twoleg nests to have snakes in them. Dogs and birds maybe, but never snakes. Why you?" It was a harshly worded question, but not one spoken with intent to offend. Silversmoke wanted to know what he was getting into, and if there was some hidden meaning behind Johnny's involvement that a reluctance to befriend the chimera had prevented him from understanding.



"Good, you're on time."

Johnny immediately straightened as the other arrived, but it wasn't a trigger of apprehension so much as it was a natural instinct. Silversmoke was his superior, a cat that had worked his tail off to earn his rank in the clan and the patchwork tom wouldn't disrespect that by slouching around in their presence when they were on work hours.

"Aye sir. The early bird catches the worm." he replied, a half-smile tugging the corner of his lips upward.

Johnny was an optimist, sure, but he wasn't a fool. He could sense the tension in the air between them easily enough and knew that it was most likely attributed to the fact that he wasn't exactly a part of the inner-circle that was the full-time warriors, and he knew he'd had a lot to prove to Silversmoke before he could ever hope to gain the toms trust or respect. It was a challenge that Johnny would welcome with open arms.

He followed the other out of camp wordlessly, flanking the larger tom as they made their way out into the forest and then turned eastward. Johnny had been to the Rockpile once with Auburnflame, but it had only been to relax in the sun and talk. It was nice, but there was something about having an actual purpose for going there that had an eager bounce in the tomcats step as he went along.

"I admit, I am surprised they put you up to this."

Liquid gold gaze shifted to land on ilversmoke, ears pricking toward them as they spoke and only finding himself half surprised by the bluntly worded question he was given. Sure, it definitely left a prickle of frustration in him at the insinuation that he wasn't as good as the other warriors, but he also knew Silversmoke was right. There was a lot to be being a warrior that he was still learning to understand and adapt to, and the lead warrior wasn't wrong for questioning if Johnny was actually up to this. So he let whatever frustration he felt snuff itself out before it could catch fire, taking the words for what they were instead; a genuine question.

"You'd be surprised to learn what kind of critters will find their way into a twoleg garden." Johnny replied, recalling just how much more there was than just cats and dogs and birds to deal with. "Skunks, opossums, raccoons, rats, snakes. We even had these doggish bastards called 'coyotes' that would come in right over the fences ad snatch cats and smaller dogs right out the yards. I've had to clear them all out before, and some of them don't go as easy as others."

Raccoons could be as clever as foxes and coyotes had a penchent for luring and ambushing their prey. He'd even ended up needed surgery on a rat bite once after dealing with a colony that had moved in under their neighbors back porch.

"I won't lie to you though- the snakes I've dealt with in the past never had any venom in them that I knew of, though I wasn't exactly running tests to see which bites made me sick and which didn't. I usually just tried to avoid that part altogether."


"Just Silversmoke if fine. Or Silver, if you're in a rush." Silversmoke mewed, though not unkindly. He made his intentions clear, no 'sirs'. Twolegs had infested their home enough, he did not feel comfortable with their idiosyncrasies to find further footing within SkyClan's vocabulary. The Lead Warrior swore he could hear the ground beneath him quake with each eclectic bounce of the chimera's heels, his expression neutral even as he deduced the other's excitement was down to an exploration (no, he wasn't sure quite how erroneous that was). 'StarClan... am I going to die?' Silversmoke breathed in the fresh forest air, picking up the scent of pine needles past SkyClan presence. No, he had to trust his clan's judgment on this one. He did not look at Johnny as he spoke, but his tufted ears twitched after every pause in a sentence, absorbing each comment like moss. He'd never expected a Twoleg garden to sound so... vibrant. Memories of his own were dim and dark, hard stone lining the floors and twisted statues curling up to the very fence posts. Any flowers there lacked smell, and there was no life past the scuttle of ants who were pleased to feast on the remnants of twoleg food often tossed onto the ground.

A tension prickled within his limbs as the conversation continued, though his monotonous words quickly revealed why. "It is insulting to think that I don't know what a coyote is." He remarked flatly, suppressing an eye roll for the sake of keeping the peace. Daylight warriors left, right and centre seemed to think that he wanted to pick fights, Silversmoke didn't think it could be helped when the majority of them possessed a dangerous naivety that they thought simple charity would amend. With an apprentice named Coyotepaw, it was difficult not to enquire about the nature of the very creature such a traitor had been named after. The calico before him spun a different tale, of fighting all sorts of beasties in his backyard. Again, Johnny would be the one teaching him, a fact that left him quietly reeling. "But it's still an interesting tale. Let's hope you are not just trying to impress us." A final warning, should Johnny's words be full of exaggeration: he could still turn around and claim cluelessness before jumping into a literal snake's pit. It'd be miles easier if Silversmoke was the experienced snake wrangler instead, if he was, any inconsistencies could be snuffed out quickly. Alas, he was putting his faith in the clan on this one.

Steadily, he mewed, "I suppose it would be hard to know which ones will kill you without getting bitten first. Best be careful then. If SkyClan's dealt with these things before then I wouldn't know." Not due to an absence from the group, just because gossip had escaped the spotted feline until now. So much of it seemed inconsequential, it was difficult to care about who was dating who or what two-leg items had or hadn't been seen, but the Lead Warrior cursed missing out on the tidbits of relevant news between their words. His lower jaw pressed into the mane of fur around his neck as he looked over his shoulder to assess Johnny, his expression partially covered by the silver strands. "I would like to know what I am supposed to do before we meet a snake, if you wouldn't mind." He slowed his pace, preparing to stop if Johnny wished to for his presentation. As much as he advocated for kinesthetic learning, as his clanmate had mentioned, trial-and-error wasn't exactly possible with serpents - you ever did well, or you died. "It'll save both of us a lot of trouble."