snap crackle pop l bonejaw


good fences, good neighbors
Sep 10, 2022

I've no time for confession
"Hey Bonejaw, you in there?"

Wolverinefang eeks his way through the tunnel of brambles as best he can though he can't see himself fitting with other cats anytime soon. He grunts, scowling though he tries not to let his frustration reach his voice as the throns prick at him. He'd heard that Bonejaw had remade her nest in this warriors den and that's not a good sign. He can't keep ignoring all this like it's not happening. Hes not Pitch or Briar but someone has to try to talk some sense into her. That and well, she'd just recently gotten the mess kicked out of her so he's a little worried. Of course, he wouldn't say that because that would imply he actually cares. Now, he doesn't want anyone jumping to any conclusions here. Even though, when he heard about it he felt his chest constrict with so much anger that he couldn't go with the patrols or else he might have started a war. That... surely can't be normal. He's not used to feeling emotions like that. Especially when it comes to a woman that probably regularly forgets he exists. Not to mention, it conflicts with the image he's tried to cultivate for himself. Cool, calm, uncaring, and not serious. Everything he felt the opposite over, as of late, though he's good at hiding it he believes.

Finally, the thick cat manages to squeeze beneath the rock just enough and sure enough, he practically comes nose to nose with the shecat. "Hey there." Flashing a grin, he pulls his head back and clears his throat as he drops the smile. This is serious and he'll try to remain calm about this at first as clearly jumping on her doesn't seem to work. "Listen, I'm just going to come out and say it. I know you've been through a lot lately but does that mean you need to punish the clan too? Yeah Starclan might be full of it but that doesn't change the fact that you can heal remember?" He sounds like he's dismissing it but he doesn't mean to. He's just very bad at being sensitive. His tone is pleasant enough but he's angled his large form to block her from leaving the conversation. "I mean look at this baby! Brand spanking new." He draws his paw out and flexes it but he has a feeling his usual humor won't get him through this.

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