SNIFF THAT! // skunk

// @Rowanblaze

There had been rumour that the dawn patrol had spotted something peculiar not far from the SkyClan border, and it hadn't been a cat or a badger. Unfortunately they had lost track of it, which meant that the duty of investigating fell onto the shoulders of a pair of warriors instead. Sunnyday wasn't the most thrilled about taking on the duty but he supposed it was better than moping around the camp in another one of his depressive ruts. It wasn't a hard sell either when he proposed that his apprentices stayed behind. So that left it at just Rowanblaze and himself. He supposed it would be quicker with just the two of them anyway.

The long legged tom exited the camp and headed out into the forest at a brisk pace, keen to reach the last reported location of the strange creature in hopes of finding it swiftly. The unknown certainly had his hackles bristling and he was unsure as to what exactly they would find, if anything at all. "I can't believe that they couldn't give us more information about the creature. What do you think it could be?" He wanted to ask whether it would be dangerous but there was no point. It had to be treated as being a threat until proven otherwise.