camp SNOW MONSTER // prompt, ambush

//Prompt: Pure white, feel free to be the one he ambushes.

That night the snow had come down particularly heavy and had left a deep layer of powdery flakes across the camp. It was deep enough to even hinder the tallest and largest ThunderClanners that day, as Shiningsun came to find as he struggled out of the warriors den, across the camp, and over to where the freshkill pile was buried. After a quick glance through the remaining offerings he then picked out a skinny mouse for his morning meal. Knowing that food remained scarce he made the decision to eat only half with the intention of sharing the rest with another cat. Though as he bounced back through the drifts of snow a devious plan came to mind.

The tom set the remains of the mouse down in the heart of a trampled path through the snow before he threw himself into a deep, untouched patch of snow. With a quick wriggle he was soon buried entirely within the drift. The wait wasn't long and soon the shadow of a victim fell across him, and in a flash the large tom exploded forth from the snow and aimed to land upon the other feline. "I'M A SNOW MONSTER! RWAR!"

Exhausted from his constant hunting patrols, Tybalt had been limping slightly since even before the absolute flood of snowfall had come drifting down from the sky. Wincing as he ambled across the camp, he paid little attention to the large snowdrifts that surrounded him.

But as Shiningsun burst through the snow and attempted to pin him to the ground, the wavy-furred warrior let out a nasty hiss, whirling around and rearing up on his hind legs, aiming to shove his attacker backwards and pin him to the ground.

Sides heaving as he struggled to catch his breath, Tybalt stumbled backwards as he realized that his attacker had been a clanmate playing a prank. He let out an exhausted sigh as he let the prickling fur on his pelt lie flat again. Ordinarily he might’ve snapped at the other warrior, but he felt too tired to even try. So instead, he just flopped to the ground, gazing at Shiningsun for a few moments before managing a tired sounding, “Shiningsun…

What should have been a spot of quick fun instead left Shiningsun seeing a spinning world as he was sent flying backwards into the snow with a warrior upon him. Surprise flashed across his features alongside the feeling of panic, but he managed to drag back a smile as he peered up at Stagstrike. As the warrior flopped down next to him and asked why the bright furred tom couldn't help but chuckle in amusement. "It seemed like fun, that's why. Never too old to have fun, right?"

Though he's not the victim of Shiningsun's — or, rather the snow monster's — attack, Toadhop is close enough to the scene to be startled by the warrior's sudden burst from the snow drift his paws draw near to, blue gaze growing wide at the golden blur that leaps into view.

Snow-dusted paws hop backward with a shout as Stagstrike's move forward to take down the invader in the shared fright, cutting the attack short. A prank — for fun, Shiningsun explains. " Was it fun? " Toadhop finds himself asking as he tries to calm his racing heart. The newer warrior agrees, one's never too old for fun, but this — this didn't feel fun right now. ​
  • 75352427_5zJK0BNBCWuj2E9.png
    ── Warrior of ThunderClan

    ── Cinderfrost x Grime
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A brown tabby and white tom with blue eyes.
    ── Mentored by Stonepool
    ── "Speech"; Attack