pafp SNOWBALL EFFECT - snow fight


Nov 19, 2023
Despite his insistence that he absolutely does not like Cal at all, he is the cat he spends the most time with outside of Duskpool. It's just because he's known him longer than everyone else, and he'd rather observe than chat with most others - and it's not because he's not sure how to approach them either. Cal is just easier to approach because Shiori knows him and enjoys annoying him and making him mad.

And today, he's feeling a bit playful. He's come back from a hunt with hardly anything to show for it, and he really needs a good way to destress. What better way than to make use of the white blanket of snow that has now covered the ground?

"Hey, Cally, look at this," He starts, leaning down to see if he can get the other to do the same. "Do you see it?"

When his guard is down, Shiori uses his paw to fling some snow off of the ground and up into Cal's face. He snorts, barely being able to hold back his laughter as he looks at the stunned tabby. "Hahaha! You fell for it! I got you, didn't I? If this moment were to decide your warrior name, you'd be Snowface, wouldn't you?" he jokes, knowing fully well that Cal probably would retaliate in some way or another. But that was fine - even in the cold, harsh leafbare, there needed to be at least a little entertainment. And if others joined in, good for them!

// please wait for @CAL


this is who i am . nobody said you had to like it .
Honestly, Cal couldn’t tell anyone why he stuck with Shiori, maybe out of some weird—No. He stopped that train of thought right then and there, muzzle crinkling in anger, not at anything, but himself. Moron. He quipped at himself, peeling his gaze away from the frozen ground to Shiori with a raised brow. “I told you to stop calling me that.” He muttered, annoyed. How hard was it? His name wasn’t even that long, for heaven's sake! Why add the extra—Oh, never mind. He’d never understand the other, and it was pointless to try when he’d only get a massive headache.

At the inquiry, Cal glanced down at the snow with a raised brow, maw parted just to ask what he was showing him, only met with a face full of powdery coldness sending shivers down his body. He stood there, stunned, maw gaping like the fool that he was for even believing Shiori when the other’s loud laughter broke him out of his stupor to growl, rubbing his face. “What the hell? Shiori!” He barked.

“You think that’s funny, huh?” He muttered, gaze narrowing as he gathered a paw-full of snow, movements subtle enough not to draw attention. “Snowface. Right. Hilarious.” He grumbled, flinging the paw-full of snow in Shiori’s direction with a loud cackle, chest vibrating with the sound, grinning triumphantly. Of course, he was mad, but hearing the other laugh was … an interesting experience to say the least, not that he’d ever admit that out loud. He didn’t have a death wish, alright? He wasn’t that stupid.
thought speech