camp SNOWED IN \ no appetite?

An indulgent cat, especially when it came to meals, Berryheart felt odd as he took a single bite of his squirrel- a luxury, in months like this- and felt completely stuffed. In fact, it had been quite an effort to build himself up to even taking one bite out of it. It was illogical- these were the hungry months, and Berryheart had a larger appetite than most cats his size in greenleaf. Stumped by the persuasions of his own body, the power the mind could hold over the stomach- for he knew, factually, that his stomach was empty- Berryheart simply stared at the half-eaten meal for a few moments, brows deeply furrowed.

No matter. Logic would win out eventually- he would eat. He would have to. For now, however... he sought the first face that wandered close.

"Take it," he murmured, pushing the squirrel away. His favourite meal had no appeal to him, and it was clear from the stoic tightness of his fact that Berryheart was frustrated by that fact. "Do anything but waste it."

ROEFLAME — I fell in love with the fire long ago.

Returning to camp empty-pawed had become a dull routine, and each time the tabby slipped through the entrance with snowflakes caught in her whiskers, it was difficult to hide the disheartening expression her heart desperately wanted her features to wear.
Roeflame allows it for a moment, with her head bowed as she emerges from the frosted bramble, though as quickly as the frown bloomed it wilts.
Amongst the cats that linger around camp, Berryheart is the first the lead warrior sees, instinctively nearing the healer with a casual greeting on her tongue.
"Hey! Oh- uh…" similar to the sullen expression, her words are cut short as a squirrel is pushed towards her.
Do anything but waste it.
Concern furrows at round features, but the warrior pulls the squirrel away from her friend anyhow with plans to take it to the nursery instead.
Despite the others unbroken stoicism, it is clear that giving away his meal had not been on his own volition.
"Is everything okay?" The question is lowly spoken, though Roeflame does not move closer to ask. While the older tom was someone she held dear, the tabby knew him well enough to know not to step into his space. Should Berryheart look in her direction however, her tilted head would give away the slight concern she felt as this strange situation.


With leafbare in full swing, prey was becoming harder to find. Much like Roeflame, Flamewhisker had gone out to hunt this morning and returned empty pawed. She had been hoping to find something for Stormfeather, but so far luck hadn't blessed her. The lead warrior hadn't been too far away from Berryheart and Roeflame, when she overheard the Medicine Cat give his meal to their councilmate. The gesture was enough for her to stop, and pad over to join them. Berryheart was not one to not complete his meal, especially something like a squirrel in the middle of leaf bare. Right now any of their clanmates would eagerly wolf the meal down.

Roeflame had already asked if everything was alright, but it had been quiet enough that she hadn't heard. Green eyes rest upon her speckled friend, and her gaze darkens in concern. "Would you like me to find you something else? There's a nice looking vole on the pile that would hit the spot." she offered, hoping he would take it. Berryheart was very important to the clan, they couldn't have their healer skipping meals unnecessarily.
  • IMG_1727.png
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Lead Warrior of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring Acornpaw
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormfeather & Falconheart
    — 28 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — link to toyhouse


He was glad of course to be giving a meal to a friend, if he must give a meal away- though, Berryheart could not have everything he wanted. The conflict in Fawny's eyes disturbed him- what gauze over the wound was he now, to spark that sort of look? She worried, fretted, when there was little reason to- and yet, it very much felt as if a claw had hooked onto his heart, and was submerging it into guilt.

"I'm alright," he said, softly- he never spoke, of course, unless he was certain. In the profession of a medicine cat he'd come to live with a little bit of doubt, but as far as he was concerned, whatever ailed him was a brief, simple illness. If he treated himself accordingly, there would be no issues.

Sunset, kind as ever- he could look at her now, after many moons last leafbare of being unable to, wracked with guilt. Her offer was graciously received, a slow blink masking dull green eyes- but then, just as graciously refused. A soft shake of the head. "If squirrel does not appeal to me, I doubt much else will." His tone was flat as ever, embedded with apology.

Of all the cats that Burnstorm worries for the most, his kin is second only to his mate. Berryheart was his uncle, the clans healer. But just because he was older than him, just because he knew more about how to mend, did not mean that Burnstorm wasn’t looking out for him. The black-furred tom comes to stand next to his mate, dark fur brushing against light as their pelts brush. He takes in the scene before him, eyes flickering to the picked at piece of prey before they look back at the familiar speckled face, his own features creased with sorry.

Other cats try to offer solutions, but his uncle turns them down and his worry only deepens. Usually, cats only refused prey when they were sick. But Berryheart did not reek of illness. That was a good sign right? "If you change your mind, let me know. I’ll have something for you faster than you can say ‘mouse’" he would catch him something himself, if he had to.

make peace with your broken pieces .
A peculiar exchange between clanmates and medicine cat, Whitelion hummed thoughtfully, plumed tail sweeping in great arcs behind him from where he sat beside his sleeping mate, paw skimming across the ghostly feline’s flank, the milky-white tom pulled himself onto his paws.

His body gravitated toward the medicine cat, with no appetite, he doubted the other would want something later on, giving the patched feline a fleeting stare. “Instead of prey, may I fetch some water for you?” He inquired, tone like rumbling thunder beneath a gentle rainfall. “It will be no trouble.” He added, dark lips curled in a light-hearted smile, lonely hue crinkling.
thought speech