camp SO BE IT, SO BE IT | migraine

Nov 17, 2022
The first step out that morning made Ravenpaw feel dizzy. He shrugged it off as a symptom of his restless insomnia that often kept him up at odd hours of the night. A cat needed sleep, and he simply was not getting any. It was not uncommon for Ravenpaw to come back empty-pawed, but he knew immediately that should he go out on any patrol today, he would not succeed at all. The dizziness grew into a pounding ache just behind his eye socket, seeming to blur his vision.

From time to time, Ravenpaw had gotten migraines, but they had never been this bad.

Eventually, he wobbled out of the makeshift apprentice den, looking as if he were a cat risen from the dead. He did not get far before he made a soft sound and slumped to the ground, pressing his forehead against the earth and squeezing his eyes shut. The pain in his head even prevented him from gathering his own thoughts so that he could not even plead mentally for relief. He managed to grab some semblance of mind and slowly began to inch his way toward some brush, following a primordial instinct to hide during pain. His rump was sticking out quite clearly however, and his feathery tail was lashing back and forth.


(=^・ェ・^=))ノ彡♡ Darterwing had been assigned to last minute replace a cat in a morning hunting patrol. This was no bother to her as getting out of camp was a welcomed opportunity. Poking her nose into the makeshift apprentice’s den to fetch her apprentice she notes he’s not there. Not particularly unusual… though when she turns her head to see the Tom pressing his forehead into the earth. Eyes widen with alarm as he tumbles to hide in a nearby bush, ”Ravenpaw… darlin’?” The warrior meows softly, slowly approaching the shrub. ”…Would you like for me to get Beesong?”— tags

returning to camp with a leaf rolled up with medium sized minnows from pawing at the shallows, the warrior drops it near the nursery for the mums and their kits. With slivers of fresh claw marks down his maw from Windclan paw, his favorite activity was robbed from him. So- a sentence to the minnow pools it was.

A black tail lashes from a hidden edge of camp, Darterwing is hovering over it and asking if they should get Beesong. The blonde blinks and halts, cocking his chin to the side like a puppy hearing something sharp and foreign.

" is he okay? … " Dogteeth whispers, peering around to see the dark coated apprentice doubled over in obvious pain. " I could get a reed leaf with some cold river stones " he offers, eyeing Darterwing- hoping he wasn’t intruding on anything while offering a hesitant paw in offer.

  • — Dogteeth PINTEREST
    — twenty-eight moons
    2023 VOICE & ACCENT
    — warrior of Riverclan
    — gay | crushing on n/a
    — small curly-furred blonde and tan tom with blue eyes.
    — very gentle voice and laugh
    — deals a nasty bite
    BIOGRAPHY——— ✧
  • ix6h0aj.jpg


Whether or not Dovepaw had seen such a thing happen before, he knew enough about Ravenpaw to get the idea that he would not want him to tell everyone what was going on (or to make a scene of it, if he were ignorant). Maybe that was projection, something internalized within Dovepaw that he had pinned on his friend as his idea, so to speak. It was probably especially easy to do when you only really had that person as a friend to speak to and confide in.

Observing Ravenpaw's suffering from afar, Dovepaw remained a silent and hidden audience member. If it were anyone else, he would be checking in on them, asking what was wrong. But at least for now, he would not dare. He had gained something of an ally with Ravenpaw, and his fear won out. He did not want to ruin everything. Embarrass him. It was all he could do.

Tail swishing, Dovepaw did not move from his far-away position of watching.


Ravenpaw was starting to become a friendly constant in Fernpaw's life- a face he was excited to see around when they crossed paths. The night-painted apprentice was a kind one, even though Fernpaw had always thought him a little reserved. Really, until recently he'd hardly paid the other much thought, but- after that incident with the reeds, he felt like they'd been spending a little more time together, and he was glad for it! Much of his life had been focused on training- and promptly failing at it. The whole- social interaction part of apprenticeship had slipped his mind until recently.

Empty-pawed from a fishing trip, Fernpaw's vision quickly scanned the makeshift camp- and it was then that he noticed his friend sat crumpled in on himself, tail lashing in an odd way. Perplexed, the small tom made his way over, concern storming in his pond-water gaze- but Dogteeth and Darterwing had already made their comments, expressing their worry out loud. Fernpaw didn't want to crowd Ravenpaw- if he was feeling sick, the last thing he wanted to do was risk making it worse by prodding him more. Electing to simply stand aside, he stuck close to the warriors, making his presence known so he'd be ready to help Ravenpaw if he needed it.
penned by pin
With his back turned, Ravenpaw could only identify those near him by scent. His ears pricked to attention, recognizing the timbre of his mentor's voice. Her words swirled and slurred like thick honey in his brain. He was unable to parse her words and the fact that he was so helpless in comprehension was almost more painful than the hurt inside of his brain.

Ravenpaw could only groan in response, kicking out one hind-leg weakly as his feathery tail continued to lash against the ground. He slammed his forehead into the dirt, feeling the brush scratch and tug at the sensitive fur lining his ears. If a cat dared to touch his body, they would find his muscles incredibly tense and stiff underneath a thick dark coat. He was warm, too warm.

Ravenpaw made another muffled cry as he suddenly grabbed at the top of his head, claws half-unsheathed, as he tried to battle the invisible enemy feeding on his mind. More scents entered his frayed senses and Ravenpaw's heart-rate increased to a frantic pitter-patter. He tried to pull himself out of his hiding place. He needed a new one.

  • Crying
Reactions: DogTeeth

(=^・ェ・^=))ノ彡♡Ravenpaw was unresponsive. Though not verbal it was clear through body language he was in a great deal of suffering, her heart drops to her stomach in realization this must be bad. ”…Yes… Please- river stones.” She pleads gratefully to Dogteeth, she has not the faintest idea if it will help but they had to try everything. Fernpaw’s presence doesn’t go unnoticed, she glances to the orange scrap of fur and flicks her tail in the direction of the medicine cats den, ”Beesong, please.”

Darterwing would stay with her apprentice from afar. Now that he was wondering to hide elsewhere someone had to make sure they knew where he was.
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Concern furrowed his brow, creased lines across his muzzle as he wandered over to the small gathering of cats with hushed voices and uncertain words. It wasn't hard to spot Ravenpaw hunkered down in a corner, tucked into himself and whimpering miserably and Smokethroat flicked a tail in an anxious gesture. He didn't smell blood, something else plagued the young tom and he cast a single orange eye to Darterwing's murmuring of Beesong with a nod before glancing down to Fernpaw, "C'mon, let's go fetch him." He'd accompany if only because he was useless otherwise. Smokethroat was no healer, nor was he exactly the most comforting cat when it came to pains and heartaches so anything akin to that ilk was outside his expertise, besides the less cats cluttered around the apprentice the better; surely he felt crowded already even with so few if he had chosen to curl himself away so directly.

Without waiting to see if the orange tom would amble along after him like a wayward duckling he turned to stride through the still disheveled temporary camp towards where the cinnamon tom had set up shop, curiously lifting his head to try and spot his vibrant candle lit pelt at a distance, "Beesong? Ravenpaw's in a poor spot."

- Calling @BEESONG
Brows quirk together in question as Beesong's name is repeated, calling out for the cinnamon healer. She moves out towards the gathering crowd, her shoulder gently brushing by Darterwing's flank as she comes to stand next to her. Ravenpaw flinches and grasps onto his head, tail whipping out behind him. The young tom was clearly in pain, making muffled cries and grunts as he hides his body half way in the brush. "Ravenpaw, child, is it your head?" She mews low, her rasped voice soft and unnatural to her usual fierce one. She felt a bit helpless here, knowledge unknown to her and unable to offer him any comfort. The only one who had any inclination of what was to be done would be Beesong. She just hoped the shadowed apprentice would not suffer for long and thay whatever pain he was in, would soon alleviate with whatever herbs were needed.
She then turns to Dogteeth as Smokethroat goes to fetch the medicine cat, "I'll come with you. Maybe the chill will help." She muses, a shaded tail flicking as she moves to stand beside the curly coated tom in order to follow him out to the shoreline.

Ravenpaw didn't say anything- didn't eve look at them, and the worry in Fernpaw's gut bubbled to the surface. Stirred with anxiety, he'd barely registered that Darterwing had been talking to him until Smokethroat's lone eye loomed down at him and encouraged him to go fetch him. Snapped out of his stupor by the instruction, Fernpaw's head bobbled in a spacey nod as he trotted beside the lead warrior, eyes stormy with concern.

The scowl stayed stock upon his face even as he craned his neck to try and spot Beesong in the temporary camp, voice wobbling as he tacked on to the end of Smokethroat's words, "I think he's really hurt." Stupid, wasn't it, to tremble? But- he couldn't help the eking worry, for... so many bad things had happened lately, so many good souls getting scarred.
penned by pin
beesong is pulled from the shadows of his makeshift den by smokethroat's voice, calling for the medic's attention. ravenpaw's in a poor spot. it could hardly be called an explanation; he has no clue what herbs to grab on his way out of the den, and fernpaw's wobbling voice kindles a fresh onset of worry in the cinnamon tabby's stomach. really hurt is never something that he wants to hear. he bites the inside of his cheek, mulling over whether he should've retreated to grab cobwebs and marigold before following smokethroat and fernpaw... but when he lays his eyes on ravenpaw, there is no sign of blood on the dark tom's pelt.

even without any visible injuries, beesong can immediately tell that the apprentice is in pain. he hides himself away in a bush, his head pressed against the ground and his paws digging into his cranium. a feathery tail lashes across the dirt. the cinnamon tabby furrows their brow, releasing the inside of their cheek to hum in sympathetic thought. at the very least, ravenpaw isn't bleeding out as they'd initially feared. their conclusion is the same as cindershade's; it appears that it's his head that's bothering ravenpaw, if the way he's clawing at it is any indication. but cindershade has already asked the question, so beesong remains silent aside from the habitual humming, waiting for ravenpaw's answer before they gather herbs. even if they have a good guess on what it is, they'd prefer to be absolutely certain of what's needed prior to running off.

"it wouldn't hurt," beesong comments to dogteeth, his curled ear flicking towards the blond warrior while his gaze remains trained on ravenpaw. he only draws his attention away from ravenpaw momentarily to regard the young tom's mentor, darterwing. "best to keep him off any patrols or training sessions today so he can rest." as he speaks, he glances towards smokethroat, who he knows is one of the cats responsible for organizing patrols since buckgait's demotion.

Darterwing seemed desperate for the help, Dogteeth blinks softly and nods with affirmation. A slight tilt to his chin as his sympathy and worry blossoms. With Beesong's approval, and Cindershade's support- he's off.

" poor little " Dogteeth whispers towards the dark pelted molly, " must feel like a thousand bee stings to the brain to make him-… stuck to the ground like that " he muses, carefully padding towards the soft gurgle of the river. Webbing his toes through the rattle-like clattering of stone.

" I’ll rip some reeds " he mutters, doing so- teeth like pearly scissors he shreds at the stalk to making carrying a much easier task. Also, a good way to keep them cold. " you don’t suppose a headache is… could… be strong enough to-…" he doesn’t want to say it, the lead warrior surely gets what he’s implying. Was it possible to die from a head pain?

  • — Dogteeth PINTEREST
    — twenty-eight moons
    2023 VOICE & ACCENT
    — warrior of Riverclan
    — gay | crushing on n/a
    — small curly-furred blonde and tan tom with blue eyes.
    — very gentle voice and laugh
    — deals a nasty bite
    BIOGRAPHY——— ✧
  • ix6h0aj.jpg