pafp so burn ༗ monster-watching

pipitclaw !!

in the rain, do light and darkness fade!
Dec 13, 2023

Reliable idiocy runs rampant in the bloodline... he's not keen to forget it, as he sits with a pelt bristling with withheld frustrations. It isn't her fault... most bad happening ever were but it did not change the way his blood boiled with every hour spent wondering. Wondering who'd done it... wondering why... wondering about the if's that spelled her departure from living and breathing and... wondering where she'd go if not here. Pipitclaw hadn't dared to part his lips for fear of the molten words that might come out, dismally aware of himself and made more conscience of it by the loss of the one cat who'd dared enough to call him out on it.

Chilledstar knew. And he'd told them with gritted teeth he would manage just fine. So far, he is uncertain if that's true.

The stink of the Thunderpath is nothing so nefarious as the rot of Carrionplace... but it is equally acrid and not to be assigned as 'enjoyable' either. His tail lashes amongst scattered leaves and dry dirt, skipping over the occasional stone and casting it a small tumble away... For all his efforts to keep control, the seams seem close to bursting. The soft sound of her breath is as much a relief as it is torturous- baiting a hundred words to be summoned but not brave enough to see them cast into the air.

A monster roars by, sending a howling wind through their pelts... and in the silence that follows, he finds his voice. "Where do you think they go," he asks. It isn't what he wanted to go with, but seemed the least likely to set them both ablaze with bitter tongues. "Do they even eat?" Splotches of dark and light fur remind him sorely of an absence that has stretched out for moons, sweepingly replaced by his aunt's own child (who he'd dare not claim as cousin, given the sting of betrayal that her birth represented). He missed Magpie, where-ever that wobbly thorn-mouth had gone off to (he hoped, desperately, that the creature that had swallowed him up into a monster had not chosen to eat him)... at least his jokes about shoving pinecones in his mouth to shut him up seemed like a joke made with him rather than at him.

"Have... you eaten?"

[ surprise... pipit return ]​
  • Love
Reactions: willie

//tw details of a car crash, nonfatal!

This isn't how she expected to be spending her time as sunhigh, yet here she was. With Shadepaw and Sycamorepaw sharing the space on one side, Pipitclaw on the other, Lilacfur was squeezed in between the safety of numbers. She wondered, in her aimless one-eyed stare at the roaring monsters that passed, if Pipitclaw would ever allow her to do so much as leave the warriors den without another at her side.

The Thunderpath held more history than Pipitclaw would ever know, would ever feel even if he knew the stories. She could still remember the feeling of hot cement beneath her pads, small and toddling across the pavement at an immeasurable cost.

"Hmm?" Stirred from her thoughts, Lilacfur pulled back as a particularly rowdy monster whirred through, kicking up dust and leaves in its wake. "I suppose, if it has a twoleg, maybe they're kittypet monsters going home." Whenever they stilled, there was always a twoleg nearby, and she knew they often slept outside twoleg nests. Maybe all of them were?

"I can't imagine what could feed something that big. Maybe they eat plants, though." One could hope.

Lilacfur scoffed, lighthearted and shook her head. "That can wait. Sycamorepaw hasn't seen the rest of- woah, LOOK OUT!" Lilacfur swung toward her apprentices to push them back further into the brush and ferns. Monsters screeched an unholy sound that scraped against the Thunderpath, followed with a burst of clashing metal and crackling plastic.

Then at once the noise stopped, and Lilacfur turned her head to see the monsters had become silent and malformed. "Did they... fight?" Did the monsters die?

maggotfur 20 moons female she/her shadowclan warrior
The thunderpath has always been an object of fascination for Maggotfur - her favorite place, and her most hated. Home to rotting carrion and sunbleached bones, and all manner of fascinating trinkets to carry home and add to her trash-pile of a nest... and also, the place where she'd lost her best friend. It shakes her more then it should - the sound of screeching sending hair on end as she trembles. Even if only for a moment, she is terrified - that the monsters will leap towards them, that she will be taken ext. And then it's over as fast as it starts, and the molly is quick to readjust - flattening her fur with a few swift, nervous licks and then frowning as Lilacfur speaks - " Looks like it, doesn't it? "

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
A N D - I F - Y O U ' R E - B L I N D - T O - T H A T , I ' M - F I N E - W I T H - T H A T

What in the- what?

No prelude or preamble leading up to it; a bone-rattling racket hits him with a thunderous impact. The noise steals away his breath, stuns him for a moment, leaves Smogstar dumb with shock and petrified into stillness. Every nerve is ablaze, every strand on end, yet his muscles seize like stone. Like a prey-animal in the presence a hawk. Nothing follows the terrifying cacophony, but he remains poised for an invisible, unseen assault. He's never heard quite anything like it- no birdcall or stormfront or monster noise.

It'd come from the thunderpath—that he realises when it's clear he isn't about to die. Breathing resumes in brisk pants, and after a shiver down his entire form, he makes off for the origin point. Heavy footfalls drive him through the haunch-high underbrush until the ground levels out at the territory's outer reaches. There, he sees Pipitclaw, Maggotfur, and Lilacfur hunched together in a loose cluster. They all stare ahead with muscles wound in petrified anticipation, toward a scene Smogstar can't parse yet.

No one is hurt, he determines by sniff and sight. So his vision shifts forward ahead of them, onto the mess strewn across the thunderpath. Squinting now, his breath hitches upon noting that the dishevelled metallic heaps were in fact monsters. "That's incredible!" Smogstar meows sharply, before he pads up to join the three warriors. "Did any of you know they could do that?"


[ ༻ 𐃉 ༺ ] Sycamorepaw wasn't happy about the first few weeks of his training being handled by another, but it was something that Lilacfur couldn't of helped, she had gotten herself hurt, but... shes back now and thats all he cared about, his fluffy tail swayed as he shuffled closer to Lilacfur, eyes on the thunderpath remembering crossing it when he was a kit, the words spoken between Siltcloud and Lilacfur had all been unheard on his and his sister's ears and yet that had been moons ago by now and now just a memory, memory of hardships and starvation, of bitter cold air nipping at them, and their time in the two-leg place, all felt like a fever dream. Green eyes glanced up to his mother and then to Pipitclaw, another one of his many cousins even if the other hardly gives them a form of greetings.

Of course, today was ordinary, they were all just watching monsters pass by when all of a sudden he and Shadepaw are pushed into the bushes, his fur raising on his back before poking his head out to see what beheld the others eyes. "Thats... crazy" he stated calmly, and from the looks on the others faces, this was perchance their first time seeing such a thing. "Of course it's dead, unless it has nine lives" he grumbled, but he doubted that, it was a monster so why would it be deserving of more lives than one?

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Sycamorepaw 𐃉 He,She, They, Shadowclan apprentice, 6 moons.
    LH Rosetted Cinnamon Tabby with low white and green eyes, has an extra set of toes
    Lilacfur x Siltcloud
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Lilacfur shifted to look over Sycamorepaw as he spoke again, looking over him and Shadepaw in a brief assessment to ensure there were no sudden changes to their health. Monsters bits had strewn across the pavement, but thankfully none had flown too close to where they had all been sitting.

The rosette saved a few frantic licks over her sons face before pulling away to see the others that gathered, looking to Pipitclaw with a laugh of disbelief.

"I've never seen something like it before...! We were just giving a lesson to Sycamorepaw and Shadepaw about the Thunderpath." She watched as twolegs emerged from the monsters and gasped. "Impossibly strange... I'm left with more questions than answers it seems."

˚₊‧ ⛧ Ashenfall was not fond of the Thunderpath… But who was? There was nothing to be found but stink and decay, prey that fell victim to it too poisoned or rotted to ever be eaten. The beasts that raced along the path as aloof as they were savage, seemingly never turning their fiery eyes off the path ahead of them. The explosion of sound—metal and glass and the screech of rubber—makes his heart drop, but he scurries forward anyway to ensure there weren’t any casualties… But perhaps such a thing should not be materialized by thought. So he scurries over to…. check on the integrity of their border.

What he finds are the carcasses of two monsters, steam drifting into the air from their muzzles as if it was the middle of leafbare. He bristles at the sight of twolegs exiting their skeletal frames, half-wanting to wretch at the disgusting imagery of it all. ”You’ve never…? Ashenfall fluffed up more, off-kilter hearing the older warrior admit that this was entirely new to her as well. Quite suddenly, the twolegs raise their voices to yowl at each other, gesticulating with their raised limbs and causing a commotion, ”What’re they doing?! Are they going to fight each other too?.”

  • OOC:
  • 29y3n1.png
  • ashenkit . ashenpaw . ashenfall
    — he/him. 16mo warrior of shadowclan. formerly mentored by smogmaw
    — smogmaw x halfshade. littermate to applejaw, swansong & garlicheart. older brother of thornpaw, halfpaw, and laurelpaw
    — a stout, longhaired blue torbie w/ pale blue and amber eyes
    — sarcastic, sharp-eyed, sulky, nostalgic, faithful, impulsive, candid, provocative, remorseful
    — "speech", thoughts
    — penned by eezy