pafp so caught up in drama // spar

maggotfur 20 moons female she/her shadowclan warrior
Despite recent conversations, Maggotfur finds little has changed - life in shadowclan remains the same, no matter what. The loss of a leader, the rise of another. The sun still rises and sets, and life moves on. And so too dose maggotfur, falling smoothly back into the routines that once ruled her life prior to her best friends dissapearance.

Today is like any other - mentors and apprentices gathered within the sandy hollow of the burnt sycamore, practicing and learning. Maggotfur sets her eyes upon one in particular, muscles rolling and stretching as she pads over. " Onyxpaw - will you spar with me? Show Leechpaw what a real fight is, " She expects to win of course - surely her skills aren't so rusty She's always been confident in her ability to fight, ot kill. A spar is nothing.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
A N D - I F - Y O U ' R E - B L I N D - T O - T H A T , I ' M - F I N E - W I T H - T H A T
// please wait for @ONYXPAW to post first. optional apprentice ping @leechpaw
Recent events had left Onyxpaw in a bit of a daze. As much as she truly believed Smogstar would be a leader that would make them all proud, the amount of doubt throughout certain Shadowclan warriors in camp had left the taste of ash in her mouth. She didn't enjoy the feeling of disagreeing with cats like Forestshade, remembering the way the other had just brushed her off - and the resulting rush of anger in her chest from it. A foreign and wholly unacceptable feeling, one she never wanted to feel about a lead warrior.

The relative familiarity of the Sandy Hollow was of great comfort to her during such a trying time, back arched in a stretch when Maggotfur came padding over. "Oh, you... a spar? Of course." Despite the way she stumbled over her own words, the chimera actually felt a rush of excitement run through her at the prospect of sparring with someone - even a grown warrior like Maggotfur. It had been far too long, and she yearned to show off the area where she actually excelled, even if it resulted in a loss.

Her colorfully spotted tail was twitching expectantly behind her as she put a short distance between herself and Maggotfur, that way they would be on even ground. "Don't... don't go easy on me, alright?" It was probably the most challenging Onyxpaw had ever managed to sound, body hunching against the ground before she went running forward. Her paws flew forward in an attempt to shove full-force at Maggotfur's shoulder, trying to send her bowling over onto her side or back.

  • 75034637_eiCvVhxv9vQNT6l.png
    an apprentice of shadowclan, onyxpaw is inching towards warriorhood at ten moons. she is being mentored by scorchfrost, and is on track to graduate fairly soon. shy towards most other cats, she is nonetheless loyal to her home and a skilled combatant, although she struggles in the hunting department. 
maggotfur 21 moons female she/her shadowclan queen
The apprentice seems to take her offer easily enough - a spark in her eyes that the young warrior doesn't miss. it sets her blood alight, and tail swishes excitedly - allowing Onyxpaw to make the first move, only watching and observing as she is charged. It might not be what Onyxpaw is aiming for exactly, but the shock of the impact is enough to jolt Maggotfur - sending her stumbling as she loses her footing, even if only a few pawsteps. Eyes narrow in concentration, head turning in an attempt to lunge and headbutt onxypaw and push her back, ignoring the fact that if successful she too would have to suffer through the bout of dizziness.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
M O N S T E R , - H O W - S H O U L D - I - F E E L - ?

Forestshade pads into the hollow, the familiar scents of her clanmates and the sounds of sparring filling her senses. In her maw she carries two frogs - returning from a successful hunt, by the looks of it. Her belly is full, as she had secretly nabbed a meal while out, and now her mind is clear as she approaches the area. The sounds of apprentices and mentors engaged in the spar brings a subtle, satisfied purr from her, although she does miss having her own apprentice to train with.

Her ears flick as she overhears the exchange between Maggotfur and Onyxpaw. She pauses, taking a moment to listen to the match unfolding. Maggotfur's confident challenge and Onyxpaw's eager response promises a good spar, so Forestshade finds a spot where she can listen without intruding, her blind eyes settling on the ground.

As Maggotfur stumbles, the lead warrior’s whiskers twitch with anticipation. The clash between the two is a display of energy that she admires begrudgingly - she’d never been a skilled fighter thanks to her lack of sight. Her ears twitch, tracking their movements as best as she can but obviously unable to know exactly what’s going on. “Yeah! Show ‘em!” She cheers, humorously making it unclear who exactly she’s rooting for.

// since this was made prior to the meeting she doesn’t yet have an apprentice!