camp so i don't have to lie } birth

Jan 7, 2024
I'VE LEARNED LOVE IS LIKE A BRICK — The last week or so of her pregnancy had been a blur, to say the least of it. Though the dizziness and nausea that had been taunting her throughout had finally begun to fade, she had instead been gripped with a bone-deep sense of exhaustion that was eager to take their place. It had grown easy for her to spend most of her time in the nursery, drifting in and out of consciousness in an effort to soothe her clearly fatigued form. Often she only woke up long enough to feed herself and her kits, or to hear flashes of the latest bits of news that she was missing. Though clearly she had to be imagining some of it, since she could've sworn she had heard mention of Windclan during the last frantic rush of an apprentice into camp. Swiftfire hadn't been able to dwell on it for long though, barely awake enough to properly take notice of the rotating guard that now existed outside of the nursery.

It was only when pain spiked throughout her entire body that she finally awoke properly, a startled cry ripping free from her throat and drawing the attention of queens and kits alike around her. Her claws scrabbled lightly against the ground as she tried to push herself up, as though getting to her paws might save her from the alternating dull and sharp ache that thrummed throughout her body. The movement only managed to achieve the opposite though, causing her to let out a pained wheeze as she fell back into her nest. "Someone... somebody get Moonpaw. Please. I think they're coming." The brief phrases were all she could manage to grit out through the pain, watching as her clanmates scampered off to fulfill her request. In the back of her mind - a part rendered mute to her thanks to anguish - she thanked Starclan for all of the experience that the medicine cat apprentice already had with kitting.

Though an even tinier part of her couldn't help but wander to Lilybloom, wondering if she might be the next one to succumb to an eternal exhaustion rather than a temporary one.

There was no time for her to dwell, as the world once again faded into a colorful blur of pain and exhaustion, combined with the soothing voices of others and the crunch of a stick that splintered and cracked between her fangs. Each push thrust her further in the direction of just laying her head down and giving up, though the thought of looking down at her beautiful children won out in the end. The thought of one day guiding them to meet their father, someday in the future. That was enough to keep her going until each of them had been brought into Riverclan, three tiny, colorful ovals that caused her heart to clench as she tugged them closer to her by the scruff. Against the warmth of her belly, and away from any threats that could even think of approaching them. "Thank you." Her voice was soft and weighed down with tiredness, and she was unsure whether she was thanking Moonpaw for her help, or her kits for their very existence.

Her soothing grooming first landed upon a thick coat of reds and oranges, a miniature striped tail tucked close against the kit's body with just the barest plume of fur sticking out from the end of it. When he was curled up into such a tight little orb, his bright coat could only remind her of one thing. "Roekit." The name was beautiful to her, even as it croaked out from her with no low amount of effort. Her attention then turned towards his brother, another ruddy bundle that squirmed insistently against her side. Though he bore interesting white speckles on his face, ones that reminded her of the strange markings she had seen on twoleg kits before. As she gazed down at him, her mind traveled back to hidden away conversations between herself and Hush. Ones spoken in low and loving tones, pondering what their children would look like, and what they might name them. Swiftfire could still remember one of his suggestions in her current state, even as her face burned as she thought of how he had said it reminded him of her. "And you will be... Dreamkit." Was she really such a dream, when she was having their kits so far from his side? Truthfully, she wasn't sure.

Still, she couldn't allow herself to rest just yet. Not when there was still one last kit to be named, his cream pelt making him stick out from the middle of his two similar brothers. The realization that she had had a trio of boys caused her to chuckle a bit, touching her nose to his fur and licking down the bits of white that covered him. He and Dreamkit were still so miniature that she hadn't even taken notice of the extra set of ears sticking out from their heads, a unique quirk that their father had evidently passed down to the both of them. "And you're... you're Amberkit." A strong name, and one that suited the golden tones of his pelt. Swiftfire only hoped that Hush would like all of their names, once she finally got the chance to go and see him next... whenever that would be. For now though, she was tired. So fatigued that it was difficult to keep her head up, chin falling down to rest against the edge of her nest as she kept a silent and watchful eye on her little ones. She knew the rest of the clan would likely want to come and meet them, but she hoped a silent introduction was enough.

  • // @Dreamkit @Roekit @AMBERKIT and also @Moonpaw for helping with the birth !! no need to wait for any of them
  • 76635829_9N4qhCxavM25hPX.png
    shorthaired blue and red tabby chimera molly with green eyes
    41 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    bisexual; secretly mated to hush
    daughter of lilou and germaine
    formerly of the ripple colony; loyal to riverclan
    easy to befriend; desperate to improve the former colonists' reputation
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

Within her moss and feather lined nest does the young queen rest, the exhaustion that comes with pregnancy beginning to weigh on her like it had weighed on Swiftfire. Sleep does not envelop mottled frame quite yet, her half-lidded eyes and slightly perked ears taking in the sights and sounds of the nursery. Someone has just left after leaving a fish with a queen and her kits. Someone is whining over not wanting to nap. Someone is humming a soothing tune as they groom tangles from downy fur. It is a cacophony that has become commonplace; what once overstimulating was now the norm...

Except for a sudden yelp of pain.

Citrine eyes flash wide and Robinheart's head jerks up and away from where it had rested upon multicolored paws. Swiftfire is trying to scramble to her paws, though falters from the pain. It contorts her face and dyes her words as she requests someone fetch Moonpaw. "I'll get her," Robinheart quickly volunteers, heaving herself from her nest and hurrying out of the nursery. She figures better her than one of the queens with kits accomplish what Swiftfire had requested - she didn't have to worry about getting her children calm and instructing them to stay put while going to grab the medicine cat apprentice.

"Moonpaw!" Robinheart speaks the ivory molly's name with urgency, half stepping into the medicine den and searching for familiar ghostly pelt. "Swiftfire's kits are coming. Do you need help carrying anything o-or grabbing anything? She sounded like she was in a lot of pain," the tortie asks, kneading the ground anxiously as she glances behind her towards the nursery. Robinheart couldn't help but worry for the chimera. The last kitting to occur had ended with a life lost. Surely this one would go better but... that fear was sure to be in the back of many minds.

When they've returned to the nursery, Robinheart returns to her nest quietly, citrine eyes owlish as she watches mother and medic work to bring new life into the world. That'll be me soon, she thinks to herself, plush tail curling tight around swollen middle. The anxiety grows as each kit is born, then dissipates almost entirely as Swiftfire utters names and rests with a watchful eye over her kits. She does not seem to be in distress, not injured or dying. Thank StarClan... and thank Moonpaw. "They are lovely, Swiftfire. Congratulations." She won't bother the exhausted queen further, instead offering a final warm smile before curling up in her nest to rest and mentally prepare for when she kits in the coming weeks.
( penned by kerms )

By now, Moonpaw had figured out many things when it came to kitting. She knew now how to tell if kits were healthy before they were born - at least for the most part - as well as had figured out the different stages of kitting, the signs that the queens showed when it could be realized they were pregnant, when they should go into the nursery, and now she knew the most important sign - when the kits were due. She couldn't tell exactly when it was, she was sure there were very few (if any) that could tell the exact date, but she had gotten good at guessing within a few days of when the kits would be born, and so had began making sure she was prepared for when they came into the world for it seemed as though there were very few litters that decided to come while she was directly next to the nursery and usually while she was doing something like trying to sleep.

This was not one of the exceptions.

A nap was being taken, something she'd gotten used to doing when there was time in between patients, when the call from Robinheart reached her ears. Head moved up as the queen entered into the nursery and quietly the apprentice moved from nest to the entrance where herbs were ready in bundles. Paws wrapped with cobwebs before she registered fully what Robinheart had asked and she shook her head but offered the other a reassuring smile. She had a rhythm going, and the ivory apprentice was afraid that if she paused her pattern she'd gotten so used to to have another grab something for her that she'd forget something else, besides there wasn't much herbs when it came to kitting - at least herbs that weren't within RiverClan.

Once moved into the nursery she'd offer Swiftfire chervil and the stick before she got to work, ears pricked as she listened and eyes wide as she watched with focus to make sure that there was nothing going wrong, and when it was all said and done she did her duty and checked upon the trio to make sure all was well. She paused for a moment when she reached the second and third kits, eyes widening slightly before she worked once more. Four ears was new, something she hadn't seen within kits before, and though she knew that it wasn't possible for a cat to grow four ears there was only one other within the clan she could think of that had them and she'd never thought to ask the elder if she'd been born with them or not. Seeing the two now it seemed like a dumb question to ask. "Congratulations Swiftfire." She'd speak to the other, offering her a smile quickly before heading out to grab the queen a moss ball soaked with water.

She wouldn't mention the ears when she got back, sure they meant no harm to health - she would have been warned to watch out for this otherwise.

  • --
  • 76563872_jZr368yA5Er3eOs.png
    ꕥꕥꕥ ILLNESS
    ꕥꕥ KITTING
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥ POISONS
  • 76807578_J7HAFb99CicY51c.png
    SH white masking cinnamon torbie w/orange eyes & small ears
    speaks softly & often found humming
    12 moons old; ages the 17th every month
    homosexual homoromantic ; interested in beepaw & redacted
    currently being mentored by ravensong
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat unless in water, focuses on defensive tactics
    peaceful powerplay allowed

As the second-born came into the world, his instincts took over, nuzzling close to his mother's belly to try and combat the cold that struck him. Dreamkit would not know of his odd speckles on his face for some time, nor of the strange number of ears he adorned on his head. For now, warmth and food was all he wanted, and its all he would get. That, and plenty of sleep.

  • ooc ))

  • OVWvtai.png
    - DREAMKIT . tags
    - AMAB (he/him) . 3 moons
    - gen 2 . Swiftfire x Hush . sib to Roekit & Amberkit
    - speech . thoughts
    penned by doc

✧ . It is in golden light and startled mews that he arrives into the world, a final son to cap off the flame-touched trio. The child has yet to learn of a sphere brand new, let alone his own appearance — the oddity atop his head he shares with another, and another. Standing out from his brothers, from his clan, with flaxen fur and four ears unrecognized as the wriggling form moves toward his only priorities in his first moments alive. Warmth, food, sleep.

He mewls in frustration when he can’t find what he searches for, and it’s a song quelled when mother’s tongue rasps over frosted-honey fur, when a name is bestowed upon him. Amberkit. Curled up at her side and between two more, he finds a sense of calm, content in all that life is. ​
  • AMBERKIT AMAB. He / Him. Kit of RiverClan.
    ✧ . A cream tabby and white tom with duplicated pinnae.
    ✧ . Swiftfire x Hush
    ✧ . Mentor to be determined.
    ✧ . Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted!
    ✧ . Penned by Abri@_abri_ on discord, feel free to dm for plots!
    ✧ . " Speech " ; Attack